Enrollment Management Policy for First-Year Engineering Students (FYE) Transitioning to Professional Engineering Schools/Programs

Applicable to West Lafayette

Selecting a professional engineering school is a critical step in the career development of every FYE student. Students will make this selection with careful and thoughtful career exploration. This policy is intended to facilitate this selection and to provide every student who completes the FYE requirements with a home in a Professional School or Program in the College of Engineering. This enrollment management policy is in effect since Spring 2018:

Category Admission into Professional School or Major
Guaranteed First Choice Acceptance*
(available May only)
1) Admission Requirement – Eligible students must be directly admitted into FYE, PABE, or Exploratory Studies at PWL as first-time, full-time students in the Fall semester and must enroll in ENGR 13100, ENGR 13300, or ENGR 16100 in the first semester on campus.
2) Course Load Requirement – Eligible students must take 2 consecutive semesters as fulltime students (defined as at least 12 credits), and must complete a total of at least 20 credits of graded Purdue-West Lafayette coursework from the College of Engineering, the College of Science, or CGT 16300 or 16400.
3) Completion Requirement – Eligible students must complete the FYE Program in May (after two consecutive semesters), with no repeated courses in the FYE Curriculum. Taking a course at PWL for which the student already has AP (or other exam) credit is acceptable and will not exclude the student from the guarantee.
4) Grade Requirement – Eligible students must earn at least a 3.20 EAI and a 3.20 Cumulative GPA
Competitive First Choice Acceptance
(available May, December, and August)
All FYE students who successfully complete FYE requirements are guaranteed entrance into their professional degree program of choice as long as space is available. If demand exceeds capacity, students will be individually and holistically reviewed and admitted up to the capacity of the professional School/Major. Factors that may be used for evaluation may include GPA, EAI, performance in select classes (like MA and PHYS), diversity factors, credit load, grade trends, performance in any advanced courses completed, and course repeat history.

* Students who meet the following requirements will be guaranteed admission into the Engineering professional degree program of their choice regardless of space availability.

Policy approved on 11/09/2016
Updated 03/05/2021