Fall 2024 Engineering Dean's List and Semester Honors for Undergraduate Students

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Academic Honors for the College of Engineering

The Dean’s List and Semester Honor recognizes students that have achieved high scholastic standing cumulatively and/or for the semester. 

Dean's List *

At the conclusion of each semester, the registrar shall indicate which undergraduate students are scholastically eligible to be included on the Dean's List. You will receive Dean's List recognition at the end of a semester if you:

  • Have at least 12 hours included in the cumulative GPA.
  • Have at least 6 hours included in the semester GPA.
  • Attain at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
  • Have at least a 3.0 current semester GPA.

Semester Honors +

At the conclusion of each semester, the registrar shall indicate which undergraduate students are scholastically eligible for Semester Honors. You will receive Semester Honors recognition at the end of a semester if you:

  • Have at least 6 credit hours included in the semester GPA.
  • Attain at least a 3.5 semester GPA.
  • Have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Students are listed in alphabetical order. Students with an * are on the Dean's List, a + is for Semester Honors, and students with * + are eligible for both.

Downloadable/printable certificates of your academic honors are available by selecting your name in the list. A new page will open with a certificate signed by the Dean.

Search for a student

A   Back to top

B   Back to top

Ethan Bar * +
Liam Buys * +

C   Back to top

Alvin Cai * +
Kerem Can * +
Yen Chang * +
Adam Chen * +
Bo Chen * +
Mo Chen * +
Zhuo Chen * +
Alan Chi * +
Minsu Cho * +
Yuha Choi * +

D   Back to top

David Dai * +
Uyen Do * +
Sanya Dod * +
Evan Du * +
Tianyu Du * +
Even Duan * +

E   Back to top

F   Back to top

Alan Fu * +
Qiwen Fu * +
Cody Fuh * +

G   Back to top

Amr Ghiba * +
Jayee Goh * +
Bobby Gu * +
Avi Gupta * +

H   Back to top

Darwin Ho * +
Sophia Ho * +
Jaydon Hu * +
Rongbo Hu * +

J   Back to top

Kuhu Jain * +
Sidh Jain * +
Euan Ji * +
Neha Jiju * +

K   Back to top

Daeun Kim * +
David Kim * +
Yerin Kim * +
Yusun Kim * +
Aaron Koh * +
Yian Koh * +

L   Back to top

Andy Lam * +
Gavin Lee * +
Hao Lee * +
Ju Na Lee * +
John Leja * +
Chunge Li * +
Kyra Li * +
Ray Li * +
Simeng Li * +
Steven Li * +
Yi Li * +
Zelin Li * +
Roy Liu * +
Amber Lu * +
Celine Lu * +
Kevin Lu * +
YuKuan Lu * +

M   Back to top

Wigner Ma * +

N   Back to top

O   Back to top

P   Back to top

Zian Pan * +
Jin Park * +
Eyal Pery * +

R   Back to top

Noah Rado * +
Rudra Raj * +
Kaley Roe * +

S   Back to top

Alan Saji * +
Alan Shao * +
Ella Shen * +
Dana Shi * +
Eddie So * +
Aaron Su * +
Yitao Sun * +

T   Back to top

Ata Tamer * +
Kyle Tang * +
Titus Tse * +

V   Back to top

W   Back to top

Alan Wang * +
Kara Wang * +
Rui Wang * +
Larry Wei * +
Junki Won * +
Alice Wu * +
Boyang Wu * +
Devin Wu * +
Shiang Wu * +

Y   Back to top

Eric Yang * +
Helen Yi * +
Jason Yi * +
Yue Yin * +
Xuli You * +
Kevin Yu * +
Lin Yuan * +

Z   Back to top

Xun Zhang * +
Ye Zhang * +
Jiayu Zhu * +
Zi Zhu * +


If you are a student in the College of Engineering and qualify for one of these honors and your name is not listed here, please contact Nate Engelberth. If your name is misspelled, please contact ecoweb@ecn.purdue.edu