Industrial Engineering
The following curriculum maps are for your general use in exploring majors. You should refer to the specific department webpages and advisors for detailed information and course planning.
- Course prerequisite chain
- Immediate prerequisite(s) (or concurrent registration allowed if listed in the same semester)
- Concurrent registration required
- Postrequisite course sequence
Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | ||||
Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring |
CHM 11500 (4)
General Chemistry Credit Hours: 4.00. Stoichiometry; atomic structure; periodic properties; ionic and covalent bonding; molecular geometry; gases, liquids, and solids; crystal structure; thermochemistry; descriptive chemistry of metals and non-metals. Required of students majoring in science and students in engineering who are not in CHM 12300. One year of high school chemistry or one semester of college chemistry required. CTL:IPS 1721 General Chemistry I w/lab ENGR 13100 (2)
Transforming Ideas To Innovation I Credit Hours: 2.00. A partnership between Schools and Programs within the College of Engineering, introduces students to the engineering professions using multidisciplinary, societally relevant content. Developing engineering approaches to systems, generating and exploring creative ideas, and use of quantitative methods to support design decisions. Explicit model-development activities (engineering eliciting activities, EEAs) engage students in innovative thinking across the engineering disciplines at Purdue. Experiencing the process of design and analysis in engineering including how to work effectively in teams. Developing skills in project management, engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, and modern engineering tools (e.g., Excel and MATLAB). MA 16100/16500 (4-5)
Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus I Credit Hours: 5.00. Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications. Some schools or departments may allow only 4 credit hours toward graduation for this course. Designed for students who have not had at least a one-semester calculus course in high school, with a grade of COMM/WRIT (3-4)
Written Communication Selective |
ENGR 13200 (2)
Transforming Ideas To Innovation II Credit Hours: 2.00. A partnership between Schools and Programs within the College of Engineering continues building on the foundation developed in ENGR 13100. Students take a more in depth and holistic approach to integrating multiple disciplines perspectives while constructing innovative engineering solutions to open-ended problems. Extending skills in project management engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, team work, and modern engineering tools (e.g., Excel and MATLAB). PHYS 17200 (4)
Modern Mechanics Credit Hours: 4.00. Introductory calculus-based physics course using fundamental interactions between atoms to describe Newtonian mechanics, conservation laws, energy quantization, entropy, the kinetic theory of gases, and related topics in mechanics and thermodynamics. Emphasis is on using only a few fundamental principles to describe physical phenomena extending from nuclei to galaxies. 3-D graphical simulations and numerical problem solving by computer are employed by the student from the very beginning. CTL:IPS 1753 Calculus-based Physics I MA 16200/16600 (4-5)
Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus II Credit Hours: 5.00. Continuation of MA 16100. Vectors in two and three dimensions, techniques of integration, infinite series, conic sections, polar coordinates, surfaces in three dimensions. Some schools or departments may allow only 4 credit hours toward graduation for this course. COMM/ORAL (3)
Oral Communication Selective Science/Elective (3)
Science Selective |
MA 26100 (4)
Multivariate Calculus Credit Hours: 4.00. Planes, lines, and curves in three dimensions. Differential calculus of several variables; multiple integrals. Introduction to vector calculus. Not open to students with credit in MA 27100. ME 27000 (3)
Basic Mechanics I Credit Hours: 3.00. Vector operations, forces and couples, free body diagrams, equilibrium of a particle and of rigid bodies. Friction. Distributed forces. Centers of gravity and centroids. Applications from structural and machine elements, such as bars, trusses, and friction devices. Kinematics and equations of motion of a particle for rectilinear and curvilinear motion. IE 20000 (0)
Industrial Engineering Seminar Credit Hours: 0.00. An orientation course to inform students of the major options in the industrial engineering program, assistance in selection of appropriate electives to meet career objectives, introduction to the faculty, and selection of an academic advisor. IE 23000 (3)
Probability And Statistics In Engineering I Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to probability and statistics. Probability and probability distributions. Mathematical expectation. Functions of random variables. Estimation. Applications oriented to engineering problems. IE 34300 (3)
Engineering Economics Credit Hours: 3.00. Cost measurement and control in engineering studies. Basic accounting concepts, income measurement, and valuation problems. Manufacturing cost control and standard cost systems. Capital investment, engineering alternatives, and equipment replacement studies. Not open to students with credit in C E 394. GE (3)
General Elective |
IE 33000 (3)
Probability And Statistics In Engineering II Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to statistical inference and experimental design. Correlation, regression, single and multi-factor ANOVA, non-parametric methods. Applications to statistical quality control. MA 26500 (3)
Linear Algebra Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to linear algebra. Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of matrices, applications. Not open to students with credit in MA 26200, 27200, 35000 or 35100. ME 20000 (3)
Thermodynamics I Credit Hours: 3.00. First and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Application to engineering problems. NUCL 27300 (3)
Mechanics Of Materials Credit Hours: 3.00. Analysis of stress and strain; equations of equilibrium and compatibility; stress-strain laws; extension, torsion, and bending of bars; membrane theory of pressure vessels; combined loading conditions; transformation of stresses and principal stresses; elastic stability, elected topics. PHYS 24100 (3)
GE (3)
General Elective |
IE 33200 (3)
Computing In Industrial Engineering Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to computing in industrial engineering. Reinforcement of scientific programming skills on typical IE tasks, together with introduction to simulation and related computer tools. IE 33500 (3)
Operations Research - Optimization Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to deterministic optimization modeling and algorithms in operations research. Emphasis on formulation and solution of linear programs, networks flows, and integer programs. IE 33600 (3)
Operations Research - Stochastic Models Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to probabilistic models in operations research. Emphasis on Markov chains, Poisson processes, and their application to queuing systems. MA 26600 (3)
Ordinary Differential Equations Credit Hours: 3.00. First order equations, second and n'th order linear equations, series solutions, solution by Laplace transform, systems of linear equations. It is preferable but not required to take MA 26500 either first or concurrently. Not open to students with credit in MA 26200, 27200, 36000, 36100, or 36600. GE (3)
General Elective |
ECE 20001 (3)
IE 37000 (3)
Manufacturing Processes I Credit Hours: 3.00. Principal manufacturing processes; metal cutting, grinding and metal forming operations, machine tools, and tools and tooling. Nontraditional machining and welding. Introduction to computer-aided manufacturing and computer-aided graphics and design, N/C programming, robots, and flexible manufacturing systems. Classroom and laboratory demonstrations included. Not open to students with credit in ME 36300. IE 38300 (3)
Integrated Production Systems I Credit Hours: 3.00. Basic concepts in the design and operational control of integrated production systems. Includes topics on facility layout and material handling, material flow and information flow, resource and capacity planning, and shop floor control and scheduling. IE 38600 (3)
Work Analysis And Design I Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamentals of work methods and measurement. Applications of engineering, psychological, and physiological principles to the analysis and design of human work systems. GE (3)
General Elective |
IE 47400 (3)
Industrial Control Systems Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to automatic controls with reference to automation of industrial machines and processes, including linear dynamic systems, feedback control, and elements of systems analysis. Introduction to digital control. IE 48600 (3)
Work Analysis And Design II Credit Hours: 3.00. Continuation of IE 38600. Applications of engineering, computer sciences, information sciences, and psychological principles and methods to the analysis and design of human work systems. TE (3)
Technical Elective TE (3)
Technical Elective GE (3)
General Elective |
IE 43100 (3)
Industrial Engineering Design Credit Hours: 3.00. Capstone design experience for industrial engineering students involving analysis and synthesis of unstructured problems in practical settings. Students work in teams to formulate issues, propose solutions, and communicate results in formal written and oral presentations. Prerequisite: all 30000-level industrial engineering courses required for the BS IE degree. TE (3)
Technical Elective GE (3)
General Elective IE 47000/IE 48400 (3)
Manufacturing Processes II / Integrated Production Systems II Credit Hours: 3.00. The interrelations of materials, processes, and design with various aspects of manufacturing. Credit Hours: 3.00. Extensions of topics on the design and operational control of integrated production systems. Includes production databases, facility layout, material handling, advanced control and scheduling, and physical distribution. Case studies, lab assignments, and projects. |
13-15 credits | 16-17 credits | 16 credits | 18 credits | 15 credits | 15 credits | 15 credits | 12 credits |
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Curriculum and General Course Information
Every attempt is made to ensure these pages are accurate. However, the information herein is not official.
Curriculum Requirements
Curriculum requirements are based on the students' catalog term. A student can identify their catalog term either through myPurdue or myPurduePlan.
Purdue has online catalogs for current curricula information.