Space Loving Individuals Negotiating Gravity

Space Loving Individuals Negotiating Gravity or SLING is a technical research club focused on design and development of momentum exchange tethers to simplify the motion of spacecraft in the cislunar space. The club primarily consists of AAE undergraduate students, but people from other disciplines including graduate students are welcome. The team has various subdivisions, focused on one of the following verticals: Controls, Astrodynamics, Structures, Propulsion and Systems Our projects reflect our members’ diverse interests. These include on-campus events, community outreach activities, and technical sessions with guest speakers from industry and academia.

Preferred Abbreviation: SLING

Fall 2023 Organization President: Andrew Binder

Description: Space Loving Individuals Negotiating Gravity or SLING is a technical research club focused on design and development of momentum exchange tethers to simplify the motion of spacecraft in the cislunar space.

The club primarily consists of AAE undergraduate students, but people from other disciplines including graduate students are welcome. The team has various subdivisions, focused on one of the following verticals: Controls, Astrodynamics, Structures, Propulsion and Systems

Our projects reflect our members’ diverse interests. These include on-campus events, community outreach activities, and technical sessions with guest speakers from industry and academia.

Requirements for Joining: Junior and above. Fill out the application and go through the interview process. Application form are generally out in start of Fall and Spring every year.

Approximate weekly time commitment: 2 hours/week

Type of organization: Technical Student Org

Disciplines involved: AAE