Biological Engineering
The following curriculum maps are for your general use in exploring majors. You should refer to the specific department webpages and advisors for detailed information and course planning.
- Course prerequisite chain
- Immediate prerequisite(s) (or concurrent registration allowed if listed in the same semester)
- Concurrent registration required
- Postrequisite course sequence
Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | ||||
Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring |
Intro-1 (2-4)
Intro to Engineering Calculus-1 (4-5)
Calculus I Chemistry (4)
Chemistry Communication-1 (3-4)
Written Communication |
Intro-2 (2-4)
Intro to Engineering II Calculus-2 (4-5)
Calculus II Physics (4)
Physics ENGR/Selective (3-4)
Engineering Selective Communication-2 (3-4)
Oral Communication |
ABE 20100 (4)
Thermo In Bio Sys I Credit Hours: 4.00. Thermodynamic principles associated with biological systems and processing of biological materials. Emphasis on the first law of thermodynamics. Fundamentals of steady-state mass and energy balances for reacting and non-reacting processes including multiple unit operations emphasizing living systems and bioprocessing. Applications of the first law conservation of energy to biological systems, energy conversion systems, and the environmental impacts of energy production. Development of engineering problem solving skills via MathCad and MatLab software. Laboratory emphasizes combining technical engineering skills with professional skill development through computer and laboratory exercises including two extensive projects that result in a biological product design. ABE 22600 (2)
Biotechnology Laboratory I Credit Hours: 2.00. Focuses on nucleic acid manipulation. Modules include, making a eukaryotic library, identifying clones, sub-cloning into a bacterial expression vector and verification of the clone’s identity by restriction analysis and DNA sequencing. Basic laboratory techniques (solution making, buffer preparation, good safety techniques), sterile technique and compliance procedures. ABE 29000 (1)
Sophomore Seminar Credit Hours: 1.00. Current agricultural and biological engineering issues will be discussed by students, staff, and guest speakers. Career planning, employment opportunities, professionalism, ethics, and improvement of communication skills will be emphasized. BIOL 23000 (3)
Biology of the Living Cell Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to modern cell biology for students who may not have taken a previous college course in biology. All students with the appropriate prerequisites are welcome, and this course will be of special interest to students from engineering, chemistry, physics and computer science. This course will provide a solid foundation in modern cell biology concepts for engineers and students from other disciplines. MA 26100 (4)
Multivariate Calculus Credit Hours: 4.00. Planes, lines, and curves in three dimensions. Differential calculus of several variables; multiple integrals. Introduction to vector calculus. Not open to students with credit in MA 27100. CHM 25700 (4)
Organic Chemistry Credit Hours: 4.00. Introductory organic chemistry. Emphasis is on structure, nomenclature, reactions, and theory as applied to simple organic compounds. This course is designed for students who require a one semester overview in preparation for biochemistry. Not recommended for majors in the College of Science. Both CHM 25700 + 25701 = CTL:IPS 1723 Organic And Biochemistry w/lab. |
ABE 20200 (3)
Thrmodyn In Bio Sys II Credit Hours: 3.00. Thermodynamic principles and their applications to biochemical and biological systems with emphasis on the second law of thermodynamics and use of molecular interpretations of energies and entropies. Concept of entropy balances and process efficiency. Free energy and chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium between phases, colligative properties, binding of ligands and formation of biological membranes. Molecular motion and transport properties and their application in biochemical analytical methods. Development of physical chemical problem solving skills using MathCad and MatLab software. BIOL 22100 (4)
Introduction to Microbiology Credit Hours: 4.00. The isolation, growth, structure, function, heredity, identification, classification, and ecology of microorganisms; their role in nature; and significance to man. Not available for credit toward graduation for majors in the Department of Biological Sciences. CHE 32000 (3)
Stat Mdl & Qual Enhnce Credit Hours: 3.00. Statistical modeling methods, design of experiments, error analysis, curve fitting and regression, analysis of variance, confidence intervals, quality control and enhancement: emphasizes preparation for designing chemical engineering laboratory experiments and analyzing data. CS 15900 (3)
C Programming Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental principles, concepts, and methods of programming in C, with emphasis on applications in the physical sciences and engineering. Basic problem solving and programming techniques; fundamental algorithms and data structures; and use of programming logic in solving engineering problems. Students are expected to complete assignments in a collaborative learning environment. Credit cannot be obtained for both CS 15900 and any of CS 15600, CS 15800 and CS 18000. MA 26200 (4)
Lin Alg Diff Equats Credit Hours: 4.00. Linear algebra, elements of differential equations. Not open to students with credit in MA 26500 or 26600. |
ABE 30100 (3)
Num & Comp Modeling In Bio Eng Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to principles of analysis, setup, and modeling of biological systems using fundamental principles of engineering. Development of mathematical and numerical models to solve steady state and transient processes involving material and energy balances and utilizing thermodynamic, transport, and kinetic reaction principles, and economics in biological engineering systems. ABE 30200 (1)
Biochemical Laboratory Techniques for Biological Engineers Credit Hours: 1.00. Experiments that introduce methods for analysis and recovery of biological molecules and that utilize the mathematical concepts to manipulate collected data. Introduction to engineering experimental design. ABE 30300 (3)
Apl Phys Chm Biol Proc Credit Hours: 3.00. Physical chemical principles associated with transport of mass, momentum and energy in bioprocesses. Principles for measuring physical chemical properties, a description of predictive equations for their evaluation and the role of these principles in the design and optimization of bioprocesses. ABE 30700 (3)
Momentum Trans Food & Bio Sys Credit Hours: 3.00. Fluid statics, Newton's law of viscosity, shell momentum balances, equations of continuity and motion, one dimensional flow problems, flow through porous media, velocity distributions with more than one independent variable, two dimensional flow through a channel, stream function, velocity potential, dimensional analysis, boundary layer, turbulent flow, Reynolds stress, form and skin friction, application of macroscopic momentum and mechanical energy balances to engineering problems. BCHM 30700 (3)
Biochemistry Credit Hours: 3.00. Students will have an understanding of the following content areas: structure/function of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids; protein structure, function and purification; basic enzymology; replication, transcription and translation; intermediary metabolism including glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, photosynthesis. Students will also develop an appreciation for some of the contributions that have been made by biochemistry to society, including improvements to medicine, agriculture, and the economy. |
ABE 30400 (3)
Bioprocess Engr Lab Credit Hours: 3.00. Laboratory course focused on bioprocessing topics such as fluid flow, mixing, rheology, hydrolysis, and fermentation of biomaterials. Students will participate in design of experiments, system set up, data collection, statistical data analysis, and presentation of results. ABE 30800 (3)
Heat & Mass Trans Food&Bio Sys Credit Hours: 3.00. Principles of transport of energy and mass. Mechanisms of heat transfer, heat conduction, heat convection and heat radiation. Development of applications using macroscopic and microscopic balances of energy. Application of thermal energy balances and Fourier's Law to describe steady state and transient conduction applications including heat generation. Effect of the geometry on these processes. Basic principles of design of heat transfer equipment and its operation. Application of species mass balances and Fick's Law to steady state and transient diffusion problems. Effect of geometry on these processes. Analogies between transport of momentum, heat and mass applications to the solution of practical problems in the Food Process and Biological Engineering fields. ABE 37000 (3)
Biol/Mic Kin Reac Engr Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of the rates of chemical/biochemical reaction and catalysis in agricultural, food, and biological systems with applications to engineering process design. Applications include microbial growth, enzyme catalysis, fermentation and reactor design. Introductory enzymatic and microbial reaction concepts will be taught and incorporated into reactor design. ABE 45700 (3)
Transport Oper Food&Bio Engr I Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of momentum and heat transfer to biological and food process engineering. Viscosity, non-Newtonian fluids, experimental methods of rheological characterization of food and biological systems; viscoelasticity; design equations for pipe flow, pumps, mixing, emulsification, extrusion, sheeting, heat exchanges, aseptic processing, sterilization, freezing, and evaporation. Elective/ECO (3)
Economics Selective GE/BIO (3)
Biological Engineering Selective |
ABE 46000 (3)
Sensors And Process Control Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental aspects of transducers, biosensors, instrumentation, and computer control are presented, with particular emphasis on sensors and controls used in agricultural, biological, and food applications. Laboratory and pilot plant scale computer controlled equipment is used to examine response of process variables, sensor calibration, control system modeling, and controller selection and tuning. Prereq: differential equations and a course in either heat transfer or fluid mechanics. ABE 49000 (1)
Prof Pract Ag Biol Eng Credit Hours: 1.00. Career areas in agricultural engineering; job opportunities and graduate study; professional attitudes and ethics; contracts and specifications; patents. ABE 55700 (3)
Transp Op Food & Bio Sys II Credit Hours: 3.00. Course includes analysis and design of operations, such as dehydration, fermentation, and separation processes. Development of experimental designs, integration of pilot plant results into the design, operation and scale-up process systems. Emphasis on how the properties of biological materials influence the quality of the processed product. GE/BIO (3)
Biological Engineering Selective GE/HUM (3)
Humanities or Social Science Selective Elective (0-1)
Elective |
ABE 55800 (3)
Process Design Food & Bio Syst Credit Hours: 3.00. This course will focus on the design, synthesis, creation, evaluation, and optimization of processes to convert basic biological materials into a finished product. Concepts of materials and energy balances, thermodynamics, kinetics, transport phenomena of biological systems will be used to design processes to minimize energy and environmental impacts, and evaluate economic factors while maintaining product quality. Course will include group projects, oral and written reports. GE/BIO (3)
Biological Engineering Selective Elective/HUM-2 (3)
Humanities or Social Science Selective Elective/HUM-3 (3)
Humanities or Social Science Selective Elective/Culture (3)
Human Cultures: Humanities Selective |
13-17 credits | 16-21 credits | 18 credits | 17 credits | 16 credits | 18 credits | 13-14 credits | 15 credits |
The code used to present this flowsheet is based on original work shared by the University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Curriculum and General Course Information
Every attempt is made to ensure these pages are accurate. However, the information herein is not official.
Curriculum Requirements
Curriculum requirements are based on the students' catalog term. A student can identify their catalog term either through myPurdue or myPurduePlan.
Purdue has online catalogs for current curricula information.