2023-2024 Engineering Ambassadors

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Jaatani B. Abdi

CHE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

When visiting Purdue, seeing how welcoming and friendly everyone had been towards me made me confident that I would be able to fit in as a student here. That friendliness, combined with the world class education that I knew I would be able to receive here, assured me that Purdue was the place for me.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Solving problems was something that had appealed to me when I was younger, and two subjects that I had always enjoyed in school were math and science. Learning that applying math and science to solve problems was at the core of what engineers do on a day-to-day basis, which combined many different things I was already passionate about, ultimately drove me to choose it as a major.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

Getting the chance to make relationships with other students is something that I really love about being a Purdue Engineer. Whether it be working together in study groups or something as small as asking a friend a question about something I didn't understand in class, I've been able to build a group of people to support me through my experiences within the College of Engineering. Eventually, when my time as a student comes to an end, I'm confident that the friendships I've made because of those experiences as a Purdue Engineer will be one of the biggest takeaways from my time here.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Getting the chance to make relationships with other students is something that I really love about being a Purdue Engineer. Whether it be working together in study groups or something as small as asking a friend a question about something I didn't understand in class, I've been able to build a group of people to support me through my experiences within the College of Engineering. Eventually, when my time as a student comes to an end, I'm confident that the friendships I've made because of those experiences as a Purdue Engineer will be one of the biggest takeaways from my time here.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Sledding down Slayter Hill the night after a large snowstorm with a bunch of my friends was an experience that I will never forget!

Bobby Albertson

AAE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue because of its prominent history in rocket propulsion and space exploration. In addition to the amazing aeronautical and astronautical engineering program, it is a large University in the Big 10 with a ton of school spirit. I wanted somewhere that not only was a leading research and academic institution but also a place where I could find my people and do everything a Big 10 school has to offer.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I have dreamed of working on launch vehicles or jets since I was in middle school. I combined my dream with my liking of math and science which led me to Aero/Astro Engineering. The College of Engineering has let me achieve my dream of working on spacecraft propulsion before I even graduated.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

The incredible Purdue Engineering community is my favorite thing. It is a network of brilliant people from all over the world and we have a supportive environment where everyone is provided with opportunities to succeed in their careers. The engineering community prioritizes alumni networking and industry connections which is advantageous for the engineering student body.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret to success has been getting involved and meeting as many people as possible. Do a bunch of clubs and chat with professors about research. Then when you start to figure out your specific passions, focus on only a few activities related to it. Building a network of support and opportunity is a key to success.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My favorite Purdue memory is setting up for the Industrial Roundtable Career Fair each year with the Purdue Engineering Student Council (PESC). It is rewarding to see the success of it each year and all the hard work that goes into it.

Rithika Athreya

CHE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue University because of its highly-ranked engineering program and excellent co-op program. I knew if I attended Purdue, I would have the resources to help me land an internship/co-op opportunity. I also fell in love with the campus and culture when I visited as a junior in high school!

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

From a young age, I always enjoyed sketching new inventions or building with Legos or cardboard boxes. When in high school, I grew close with my AP chemistry and AP computer science teachers and decided I wanted to become a chemical engineer. Chemical engineering is a versatile major with job placements within many areas such as the consumer products, pharmaceuticals, and environmental industries. My dream job is to become an entrepreneur within the beauty industry!

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

The people! I've met so many wonderful people being a part of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE) organization and the Office of Professional Practice. My support system constantly motivates me to experience new opportunities as well as play to my strengths!

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret to success is to always ask for help when you are struggling. Always remember that you're not alone, and that there are many other students feeling the same emotions as you. Being vulnerable is the key to building connections. Open up to your classmates, TAs, and professors, and they can help you get back on the right path!

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

During the pandemic, I was a virtual Purdue student and co-op student living at home. In April 2021, I traveled to Purdue to surprise my best friends, having last seen them while saying goodbye in March 2020. The reactions on their faces after seeing me were of shock and joy. This moment will still remain my fondest at Purdue!

Kyen Ayuba

BME Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue because of its renowned engineering program. When I was deciding where to attend university, getting the best education possible was my top priority. Purdue's outstanding educational opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom, made it the clear choice for me. The university's commitment to hands-on learning and its impressive faculty were particularly appealing. I also appreciated the vibrant campus community and the chance to engage in various extracurricular activities. Overall, Purdue offered the perfect blend of academic excellence and a rich college experience, making it the ideal fit for my educational journey.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I have always been interested in both healthcare and engineering, and I wanted to combine these interests into a single path. Growing up in an environment where engineering was seen as a profession for men, I was drawn to it as a way to challenge both myself and societal norms. At the same time, I have always been passionate about healthcare, particularly in improving its access, quality and delivery, especially in Africa. Biomedical Engineering is the perfect fit for me because it allows me to merge these two passions. It is a field where I can use my engineering skills to create technically sound and patient-centered solutions that improve healthcare, and I am particularly driven to apply these solutions to the unique challenges faced by healthcare systems in Africa.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite aspect of being a Purdue Engineer is the abundance of opportunities that foster my growth, not just academically but also professionally. The support and mentorship I receive from a diverse community, comprising my fellow students, professors, and alumni, plays a pivotal role in shaping my learning journey. Their guidance, combined with the challenging coursework and the university's extensive resources, has provided me with a well-rounded education and a strong foundation for my future career in engineering.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Success is a unique journey for everyone, but a universal principle that I find applicable is the willingness and eagerness to learn. Embrace the opportunity to challenge yourself, and don't hesitate to step out of your comfort zone.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Anytime I get to watch a Purdue basketball game in Mackey Arena, especially when we win!

Kathryn Bingenheimer

CHE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

What caught my eye at Purdue was the incredible community of people on campus. It was evident from my first visit that people were always willing to help and be supportive. I knew that regardless of what I studied I would find a group that I could feel I belonged to - and that has certainly proved to be true for me during my time at Purdue.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I was fortunate in high school that I had two phenomenal teachers at the same time, one in my AP Calculus class and another in my AP Chemistry class. It was the first time I had found courses that I was truly enthusiastic about in high school and they both encouraged me to look into engineering as a career. I immediately fell in love with the idea of using the engineering design process with the application of mathematics and chemistry to solve real problems in our world that could make the planet a better place. It was my ultimate love for chemistry, math, problem solving and my passion for protecting the environment that led me to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Environmental and Ecological Engineering.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

I am always proud to carry with me the innovative spirit that every Purdue Engineer has. We are all striving to make a difference in the world, to change it one engineering design problem at a time. It is inspiring to be among peers who not only want to change the world themselves, but want to see you do the same.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Give yourself the grace and space to make mistakes and remember that there is a community of Boilermakers behind you that are always willing to give support! Don't be afraid to lean on others when you need it - studying engineering can be very challenging but you never have to do it alone.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Sledding on Slayter Hill my Freshman year with my sister and friends during a snow day!

Samuel Budagher

MSE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue because it is a premier engineering university and because of the great experience I had when visiting during the Purdue/Michigan State game. Also, the frozen tuition is a big upside.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I chose engineering as a major due to my deep interests in the sciences and mathematics. Also, I have always been a hands-on kid and love to make things. Craftsmanship is incredibly rewarding.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite part of Purdue Engineering is the large tight-knit community that prioritizes professional and personal growth as a community. Whether it be another student or a teacher, most people I have met are incredibly driven and great peers to be around.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret is as simple as discipline and perseverance. Although this is a challenging major, the rewards outweigh the struggle and quite frankly without discomfort I cannot grow.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My favorite Purdue memory was my study abroad trip to Italy. Specifically, one night our group went on the rocks of the beach of Le Cinque Terre and had incredibly deep conversations about life, our aspirations, and experiences. I had only known these people for a couple of weeks, but I was amazed at the talent and quality of this group and enjoyed a calm night by the sea.

Adrienne Cibulka

ME Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

When I visited Purdue for the first time, I immediately felt at home. I wanted to choose a college with a respected engineering program, strong industry connections, and a welcoming environment. Purdue offers all three and so much more!

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Math and physics were always my favorite classes in high school, so engineering felt like the natural choice. I love that engineering combines my favorite school subjects with problem-solving to create tangible solutions that have real-world effects. I chose mechanical engineering specifically because I have a diverse range of interests, and this major allows me to explore all of them.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is the support network. You will meet so many great people during your time at Purdue who all have different life experiences. While engineering is tough, my time here has been made so much better because I am surrounded by an amazing community. I have found amazing friends, advisors, and professors who are all rooting for me.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Utilize every resource available, and don't be afraid to ask for help! When I first started in FYE, I was convinced that I was behind before I had even begun classes. It took me a while to realize that pretty much everyone thinks that at some point during college, and not understanding something now doesn't mean you'll never learn it. There are so many amazing resources on campus, from SI sessions to office hours to past exam archives. Try all of them if you can!

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Camping with friends near Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan during my freshman year fall break! It rained the entire weekend, but I wouldn't change the memories I made for the world.

Addison Clauss

IE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

As someone who grew up in Indiana, it was almost a no-brainer for me to go to Purdue. Our engineering schools are some of the best in the country and provide students with so many opportunities to grow. The school pride felt by all students and alumni was another reason why I knew I would love Purdue!

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Growing up, math and science were always my favorite subjects in school. Being an engineer allows me to apply my knowledge of these areas and use problem-solving to make an impact on the world. Additionally, majoring in engineering gives you so much freedom in regards to future careers!

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is being able to work with other dedicated and passionate students. I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with so many different engineering students during my time at Purdue, and it is inspiring to learn all about the work they do inside and outside of the classroom.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret to success is becoming involved in engineering student organizations. Doing so has helped me build my leadership and professional skills, meet friends in my classes, and given me an outlet to escape classroom stress.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My favorite Purdue memory is going to all home basketball games at Mackey! I love getting to games early to sit in the lower bowl with friends - the atmosphere is truly electric!

Andrew Cuello

ME Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue for its prestigious world-famous engineering program as well as the plethora of opportunities it has that facilitate success for all students. Being a student and going through the Purdue engineering program has taught me I chose the right school as it has a wide array of opportunities and experiences to explore.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I chose engineering as it is a field that brings out my curiosity for wanting to know how things work in the world around us. Engineering as a whole provides the basis to solve a wide variety of complex problems and teaches how we can innovate or add changes to improve the lives of people around us. It is a major that is all about learning the new innovations of tomorrow. I was always fascinated by the prospect of futuristic technology and now in engineering I could be a pioneer for projects that can change the world for the better.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is knowing that I'm getting the opportunity to innovate and lead the future. It allows for me to experience and learn from exclusive opportunities around me while providing me a top education that I can use to solve real world problems. It's amazing to know that we as boilermakers will pioneer the future and being a Purdue Engineer is what allows us to seek these opportunities with success.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

The secret to success in the College of Engineering is being able to positively stand out as an individual. Getting involved, performing well, and following your dreams and passions are what not only allows you to succeed in your future career but also allows you to be able to find what you enjoy what you feel passionate about. Getting leadership roles and adding value to organizations are things that can help you find your own personal success. You are unique as an individual and thus so is your success!

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

I can't really pick a favorite since I have made countless fun memories with my friends and those around me that I will never forget.

Ava Curry

CE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue because I knew Purdue was a great engineering school and I wanted to experience a new place with other students who were also academically driven. Purdue also has an amazing school spirit culture to go along with the great academics and I love getting involved in and around campus.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I always gravitated towards math and science in middle and high school, so engineering was a natural progression of what I enjoyed doing. I like that engineering challenges you to problem solve and think critically as the work you are doing as things you are learning will have a real-world impact.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

I loved the collaborative and uplifting culture here at Purdue. Even though engineering is hard, students are passionate about what they are working on and always willing to lend a helping hand to support their peers.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

I think the "secret to success" is a little different for every student, but for me, it is staying organized with my assignments and calendar. Staying on top of my assignments and schedule has helped me stay involved and manage academics, work, and student organizations.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

One of my favorite Purdue memories was having a snowball fight behind my dorm freshman year after a huge snowstorm!

Mariam Ghoneima

ECE-EE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose to attend Purdue because of its highly esteemed engineering program which I believed would offer me both a challenging and rewarding experience. Another aspect of the engineering program at Purdue that attracted me was the FYE program. As I was not sure what kind of engineering I wanted to do, I found the opportunity to explore the different majors and become familiar with them before committing to one to be unique to other schools and extremely useful. I also had the opportunity to be a part of the Honors College, and the interdisciplinary nature of the Honors program was very appealing to me. I felt that at Purdue I would be able to gain a world-class engineering education, while still being able to explore my other academic interests, and this has proven to be true.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Ever since I was a little girl, I would pick up the newspaper from my grandmother's house and go directly to the sudoku and crossword page. I have always loved solving puzzles and finding solutions, and the idea that we can apply these skills to innovations in the real world is exciting to me. It is as though the world is our sudoku puzzle, and engineering provides us with the tools to solve it. The central issue I am driven to solve is climate change, and I truly believe engineering will provide me with the tools that will allow me to contribute to its solution.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is the community you are a part of. One of the best things about Purdue is its collaborative and supportive environment, in which everyone tries to help everyone. This comradery and friendship you find with being a Purdue Engineer makes me proud to be a part of the community.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret to success in the College of Engineering is teamwork. Engineering is a highly collaborative field, and the best way to succeed, and have fun while doing so, is to work with others and build friendships along the way.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My favorite memories at Purdue are always at the basketball games. Win or lose, Purdue bball will always have a special place in my heart.

Elizabeth Grivetti

BME Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I knew Purdue would provide me with unparalleled opportunities to learn from world-class faculty in a field I was eager to explore. The engineering program presented many avenues for internships and co-ops and connected me with a vast global alumni network. My experiences on campus showcased the cutting-edge research available to me as an undergraduate student and the many ways I could enrich my academic experience beyond the classroom. Every student I met was incredibly willing to share their experiences, and I could always feel their excitement and love for their school and community. Purdue's reputation as an engineering school offers more than just an image; it opens the door to the entire STEM field, where I can grow my interests and find what I am most passionate about.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

In high school, I dreamed of working in the medical industry, yet I knew my queasiness would always prevent me from becoming a doctor. Instead, I discovered biomedical engineering, where I could combine my love for math and science with hands-on problem-solving. What I love about biomedical engineering, specifically, as compared to being another professional in the medical field, is the ability to solve medical anomalies beyond just diagnosis and treatment. You are able to explore solutions to health conditions and find ways to apply engineering practices to help the human body. It is a proactive approach to answering problems that affect the daily lives of others. While the FYE program did allow me to consider other options within engineering, ultimately, I knew that biomedical engineering was my true calling.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

The collaborative and kind atmosphere that comes with being a Purdue Engineer has meant so much to me during my college career. This spirit of cooperation is not just confined to our time on campus- it's the foundation for lifelong support from classmates and an expansive network of alumni from around the world.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My biggest advice is the importance of recognizing and embracing your moments of struggle. Once I transitioned to college, I quickly realized that the challenging, upper-level courses had a different structured support network than in high school. However, so many resources are available to students to build that supportive framework, and the first step is to acknowledge that you are struggling and seek the assistance you need.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My most cherished memories at Purdue have been the little moments both inside and outside of the classroom, where I am surrounded by my friends. Whether it's a spontaneous gathering or a late-night study session, the experiences I have been able to share with others have made my time at Purdue so memorable.

Kirunda Kunyiha

ME Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue primarily because of its world renowned engineering program, but arriving on campus (I did my first year online) showed me that there are an abundance of opportunities to grow and succeed, both in and out of the classroom.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Other than the cliche of enjoying math and physics in high school, I wanted to challenge myself and felt as though engineering would be a great way to do this. Purdue also has a very competitive engineering program and as someone who thrives in such environments, I felt that this would be a great environment for me to achieve my goals.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

I'd say my favourite thing is the variety and diversity of people I get to interact with. All of my classes are filled with interesting people doing very exciting things and there's always an opportunity to learn. There is also a large network of engineering alumni in many different places, some of which I've personally been able to use to help myself grow professionally. 

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Balance and structure. I've found that creating effective systems for studying, hanging out with friends and (importantly) rest allows me to be successful in ensuring that I have time for all the aspects of my life. I also try to balance challenging myself and overstretching.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Sledding down Slater Hill was such a great experience for me. Not only was it my first time seeing snow/ice, but I got to experience the very creative and adventurous side of the Purdue community.

Griffin Laihinen

EEE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

Growing up as a fan of another B1G school, I knew I wanted to stay in the athletics and academic Midwest culture that I loved. Purdue matched many criteria for me in providing a large campus population, new social sphere away from home, and a specific environmental and ecological engineering major. No other schools provided that same combination and Purdue has turned out to be a fantastic fit.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Rather than studying a science where skills are gained to diagnose problems, engineering provided an opportunity to become a creative problem-solver. In the context of growing environmental and ecological conservation need, I suspected that an engineering degree would provide me actionable skills that could lead me to build tangible outcomes as I work within the field of environmentalism.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

Purdue engineering, with its large international and domestic draw, provides an excellent opportunity for me to learn from people that come from a variety of backgrounds academically and socially. I enjoy the culture within Purdue Engineering that is centered around collaboration and making sure that students have many avenues of support from their peers, professors, and other faculty.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Personal reflection is my secret to success. As a member of the Purdue Student Engineering Foundation, I've been opportunistically forced to reflect frequently on my Purdue experience and the kinds of resources that I am seeking out. As a tour guide, I've had to publicly reflect on my experiences and I have found extensive benefits in being vulnerable and honest about my own experiences with others. This has allowed me to take a step back from errors I have made, and correct course frequently.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

During the Spring semester of my sophomore year at Purdue, I did a co-op rotation near Houston, TX. I visited Purdue for a weekend during that April and the 48 hours spent on campus are some of my fondest to date. Leaving Purdue for a semester opened a new perspective to me that made me incredibly grateful for the experiences and friends that I have been able to gain on campus. During that weekend, I sat with friends in their dorm rooms, went out for lunch, and spent time with members of my organization again. This weekend encompassed the best of my experiences and transformed the 'normal' to something I would not take for granted again.

Micah Morikuni

ECE-EE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

Being frankly honest, Purdue was not my top choice. In fact, it was the one school I didn't see myself going to. I applied to Purdue, because of its top engineering program and my cousin encouraged me to as he is an Alumni. I didn't want to attend Purdue purely because I believed it was too far from home (Hawai'i). However, when the decision period came around and I was choosing between multiple west coast schools and Purdue, I really began to do in-depth research into the different universities. My research showed that Purdue by far would provide me with many opportunities when it came to research, connections, and a terrific engineering education. In addition, I knew the school would broaden my horizon as I haven't traveled this far east in my life and or experienced snow. The Boilermaker community was also a huge factor in why I chose Purdue. Although the university is huge, it seemed possible to find one's own tight knit community. The many clubs, initiatives (BGR), and learning communities is a testament to that statement. I don't regret choosing Purdue and wished I had done more research prior to applying, as I would have taken advantage of other Purdue admission resources.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I have always been the handyman in my house, assembling cabinets, fixing the TV, and much more. I loved to assemble wooden projects like a huge puzzle, and seeing others enjoy my "creation" was very satisfying. I recall being in the second grade at my grandparent's home, talking on the phone with the cable company as they walked me through the steps of installing the cable box. Engineering is not just about building, but also about solving problems and finding solutions. Making a "change" in the sense of impacting someone else's happiness, is by far my favorite part of engineering. My high school offered a variety of STEM courses which has solidified my love for engineering. Since the seventh grade, I took multiple levels of Robotics and Design and Fabrication. All our assignments required design skills and the use of advanced machinery. I have worked in multiple disciplines of engineering including the mechanical and electrical aspects. Many of my assignments were driven by community outreach to benefit others. When my project was distributed to those in need, it was very satisfying knowing that I made someone's day ever so brighter.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

Being a Purdue Engineer is an incredibly rewarding experience that I wholeheartedly enjoy. What sets this program apart is the strong sense of community among both teachers and students. It's refreshing to be part of an environment where everyone is genuinely eager to assist in your learning journey. Unlike a toxic competitive atmosphere, here we collaborate and support each other, fostering an environment of growth and mutual success. The access to resources is exceptional, from readily available office hours for personalized guidance, to abundant opportunities for idea generation, entrepreneurship, and research exploration. The culmination of this enriching experience is the prospect of obtaining a valuable degree and securing a promising job. The journey as a Purdue Engineer is characterized by a vibrant community, abundant resources, and the potential for remarkable outcomes, making every step of the process truly fulfilling.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

The way I've found success in Purdue's College of Engineering boils down to keeping a solid balance. We've all heard the advice about juggling life and studies, and I've come to really appreciate its deep truth. Instead of just obsessing over grades, I've really learned to enjoy the whole journey, approaching learning with a genuine sense of curiosity and excitement. But, when things get tough, I've also discovered how valuable it is to lean on friends and supportive teachers who are always ready to lend a hand. On a practical note, using a planner has been a game-changer, helping me manage my coursework like a pro. And it's key to know your own limits when picking classes. At the end of the day, my trick to thriving in the College of Engineering is staying true to my own beliefs and goals, and not wandering too far off course. This approach has made my college experience fulfilling and successful in a way that goes beyond just hitting the usual milestones.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Undoubtedly, one of the most cherished memories I've accumulated during my time at Purdue revolves around the inaugural encounter with snow in Indiana. Remarkably, it unfolded on a Sunday morning in November, an unexpected occurrence that saw delicate snowflakes gracefully descend from the sky. The sheer surprise and excitement prompted an exclamation that incidentally roused my roommate from slumber. Undeterred by the early hour, I ventured outside to fully embrace this meteorological rarity, partaking in an exuberant frolic amidst the falling snow. This particular incident has embedded itself as an indelible memory. As my journey at Purdue progressed, I was fortunate to amass an array of enjoyable experiences, including engaging in the exhilarating activity of sledding down Slayter Hill alongside friends and nurturing an enhanced appreciation for the ever-changing seasons. Although Purdue has provided a plethora of recollections, that inaugural snowfall stands out as a truly unforgettable highlight.

Roan Numa

ECE-CE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

In my sophomore year of high school, I attended a 1-week summer engineering program hosted by the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) called Preface. Preface sparked my interest in Purdue's engineering program and introduced me to strong support systems in place for minority engineering students like me. With Purdue having a top engineering program as well, I was confident that Purdue would be the right choice for me.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Since middle school, I've had a passion for consumer technology and understanding how the devices we use impact our daily lives. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in engineering where I could design and build technology that can impact others.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

Having a strong, supportive network of Purdue Engineering alumni that can connect you to countless opportunities within industry. Boilermakers are everywhere!

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Build a support network throughout your college career, whether if it's through friends, professors or faculty. You never know when an opportunity can present itself simply from a connection you've made.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Going snowboarding with the Purdue NSBE chapter at the Swiss Valley Ski & Snowboard Area in Michigan last year!

Pranav Parigi

ME Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

Purdue unlike many other universities shows equal attention to both the application of engineering principles and the development of new ideas. As a student, I have a chance to get hands-on experience at clubs like Purdue Electric Racing, while also exploring new ideas through undergraduate research. This breadth of experiences and learning opportunities wouldn't be available to me at any other university. The wide range of campus resources and culture within campus made Purdue the best university for me.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I have always loved Science and math, with a constant curiosity about the world around me. I regularly try to understand the different machines around me and the physics behind their operation. This gradually moved on to me tinkering with small machines and motors at home to try and solve simple problems in my surroundings. The curiosity to learn and the problem-solving mindset drove me to pick engineering as a major. In engineering, I am able to use advanced scientific concepts and innovation to develop products that can have a real impact on people's lives.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is interacting with the other engineering students, instructors, and professors. All the people I have spoken with have always been very humble and kind to me, willing to help me learn at every step of the way. I was able to learn from the people around me not just because they were all so talented, but also because they were patient with me while I was struggling.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

In my three years at Purdue, one thing I have benefited the most from is my willingness to learn. I enjoy reading about things within and outside engineering, constantly trying to see how that knowledge is applied in the real world and how I can utilize it.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Sledding down Slayter Hill during a snowstorm in my freshman year was one of my best Purdue memories.

Nikki Rytczek

MDE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue not only because of its prestige, but also due to the immense opportunities the university offers. From academics, social life, and career development, Purdue allows students to explore a multitude of interests while fostering a community and preparing the next generation of professionals.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I have always described myself as an avid learner. In my high school years and even earlier, I enjoyed all subjects in school, whether they were math and science, or literature and art. What attracted me most to engineering was the necessity for creativity. Engineering requires innovation, not only math and science, which allowed me to embrace all aspects of my interests and personality.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

The sense of community and ability to meet diverse people is my favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer. Classes, clubs, and organizations related to engineering have allowed me to meet some of my closest friends in my college experience.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret to success in the College of Engineering is taking charge of my Purdue Engineering experience. I have done my best to ensure that I have a full breadth of experience by joining clubs and organizations in and out of the College of Engineering. Taking part in these opportunities has also allowed me to make connections with fellow students, ultimately furthering my success at Purdue.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My favorite Purdue memory has to be Homecoming last year. I loved walking around Engineering Mall with my best friend and interacting with all of the organizations, as well as attending the football game itself!

Elizabeth Saunders

CEM Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

It's because of how great our CEM program is! And it's close to my mom so I can go visit her whenever I want. And when I visited in high school, I just fell in love with how pretty it was in the fall. It was just the total package and I was determined to pay in state tuition which is an added bonus.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I wanted to be able to problem solve in my career and have a different problem to solve every day when I walked into work. Coming from a carpentry background I wanted to be able to still use my hands and be on the job site and I found exactly that in CEM. I was taught by some mentors in high school that career experience is invaluable and that job at McDonald's isn't really investing in your future. So, seeing the construction engineering program with 100% job placement rate and 3 internship experiences required before graduation I knew it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

I really admire how persistent all the engineers are. Seeing all my friends and peers work so hard to pass these classes together fills me with motivation to try harder in my own studies. And the culture here is so positive, filled with collaboration and problem solving. And with so many opportunities to follow your passions at our school it's so cool hearing about my friends working at internships and doing interesting research in what makes them passionate about engineering.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

To succeed at this school, you need to be adaptable. Purdue courses are going to vary widely from semester to semester. And there is not one type of person that succeeds in every challenge this school will throw at you. But the people who do well learn to self-reflect and evaluate what works for them and are willing to keep trying until they find a plan that works. Being okay with getting it wrong but still trying anyways makes for an exemplary Purdue engineer.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

It would definitely have to be my internships over the summers. My favorite was my most recent one in San Jose, CA. Getting to be on the other side of the country by myself was a really refreshing experience. I got to work with people that I admired greatly and I learned so much about my favorite industry, commercial residential construction. I was working in Silicon Valley on a 23-story high rise luxury apartment building. It was an experience I will never forget and I was only able to get the interview with the help of the CEM faculty.

Ellie Tanner

ABE-BE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

In high school I knew I wanted to be an engineer, but I was interested in everything from coding and robotics, to biochemistry and fermentation. When I was applying to colleges, I remember being conflicted about which engineering discipline to select, so you can imagine my relief when the only option on my Purdue application was "First-Year Engineering." Purdue's First-Year Engineering (FYE) program was a big part of why I chose to become a Boiler, because it enables students to explore various disciplines all while learning the foundations of engineering. At the end of my first year, I actually ended up selecting an engineering major I didn't even know existed before FYE! This program also gave me an opportunity to make friends with people in the College of Engineering who I otherwise would never have met since we ended up choosing different disciplines. Now as a senior, I have Purdue's FYE program to thank for helping me choose the best major for me, and for providing friendships that have lasted all four years.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

In the second grade I decided I was going to be an "inventor," but by the time I turned eleven, my dad had explained engineering to me and I was hooked! I've always been creative and enjoyed puzzles and problems, so engineering seemed like a great fit for me even from a young age. Even though engineering can be challenging, I really enjoy the "aha moments" and sharing the excitement of breakthroughs with my friends and teammates.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is the people I get to work with! One of the best things about Purdue is that the academic environment is super collaborative, so everyone likes to work together, do team projects, and make connections across campus!

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

My secret to success is knowing how to seek out help. Engineering can get tricky at times, but working on homework and studying with classmates is encouraged whenever possible here at Purdue, and between those study sessions and time spent at office hours, I've made it through even the toughest projects and problems, and made friends along the way.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Since I play for the club water polo team, I'd say my favorite Purdue memory was when we got to host a Big 10 tournament here in West Lafayette and I had a chance to play against my friends on the Ohio State and Wisconsin teams right in our own pool! It was so much fun, and I hope we get to host again this year!

Emily Twomey

CE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue because of the highly ranked and Civil Engineering program, but also because of the amazing faculty and students. Purdue is a widely respected school, especially in engineering, and that's exactly what I was looking for.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

Although I've always liked math and science, I chose engineering with the intention of going into civil. Purdue's numerous options of concentrations within civil engineering was a big deciding factor since I was looking to study transportation. I'm very interested in transportation infrastructure and want to contribute to the advancements of public transit systems across the country.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is something that I would call "academic comradery." Engineering can be intimidating due to its difficulty and reputation for competition, but at Purdue we are all about working together. Purdue Engineers aren't afraid to help each other and collaborate, making it a community I am proud to be a part of.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

Being open to experience. There are a lot of opportunities at Purdue, especially in engineering, and the best thing you can do is say yes and try everything you are interested in. Don't be afraid to be curious and embrace change.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

Rushing the field after we beat Michigan State!

Madelyn Whitaker

ABE Ambassador

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Why did you choose Purdue?

I chose Purdue because I was really passionate about the student culture on campus and the academics are unmatched. I truly feel like there is such a tight-knit community among the study body, even more so within the College of Engineering and I have found that success academically and socially is not limited to a select group of people. The campus is electric, the people are inspiring and motivating, and the faculty are so unbelievably supportive of all student endeavors, and that is something that I have not felt anywhere else.

Why did you choose engineering as a major?

I chose engineering as a major because it holistically combined my love for problem-solving, challenges, and in my case, biology. I have always been really passionate about knowing the intricacies of all things involved in sustaining life, down to the cellular level. In the case of biological engineering, I really enjoy solving the complex problems involved with supporting and engineering life beyond what is accepted on Earth and have designed my major to cater to my professional goals.

What is your favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer?

My favorite thing about being a Purdue Engineer is getting the opportunity to be involved in cohorts and classes that are composed of the next big change makers. It is really motivating for me to know that I am surrounded and am working with future scientists, discoverers, and professionals. While it is definitely never easy, I have only ever felt like being a Purdue Engineer is the place that I was meant to be.

What is your secret to success in the College of Engineering?

I would definitely say that the secret to success within the College of Engineering is to ask for help and to collaborate. I see so many high achieving students be afraid to ask for help because they fear that it is a sign of weakness, but being able to develop the skillset to advocate for success and ask for help is such a strength and has helped me so much. Utilize office hours, TAs, and faculty as they are only able to help if they know you need it! Self-advocacy can carry people so far and has helped me so much when I am unable to complete assignments or approach complex problems.

What is your favorite Purdue memory?

My favorite Purdue memory was being able to conduct research at the Mars Desert Research Station in an analog Martian inhabitation mission! That experience was truly life-changing and taught me so much about resilience, flexibility, and teamwork under stress.

Nachi Yellapragada

AAE Ambassador

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Nachi Yellapragada is a senior in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (AAE) at Purdue University. He was primarily raised in Ashburn, VA. Nachi is primarily people driven and his involvements on campus reflect that. Most notably, he works as a peer counselor interacting with prospective students at the Office of Future Engineers (OFE), the outreach arm of the Purdue College of Engineering. He is the former Vice President of the AAE Student Council, focusing on positively impacting student body culture, and is an ambassador for the school of AAE. His professional interests are in end user hardware integration and test operations in the commercial space industry and outside of school is passionate about alternative health practices, orchestra, and a sprinkle of video games.