What is Transition to Major (T2M)?

This is the process that moves students who have successfully completed First-Year Engineering to the engineering major of their choice.

When do I have to choose?

You need to choose early in the semester you intended to complete FYE requirements (in February, for most students) so the advising team can pre-audit your record and determine if you will be eligible to move to a major, presuming successful completion of all of that semester's courses. If you are eligible, you will likely be advised for Spring registration by advisors in your first-choice school. Receiving guidance from academic advisors in the major of your choice is important to help keep you on-track to graduate. Students with cumulative GPA of 2.80 or lower, whose 1st choice of major is any of the majors at capacity (ME, AAE, BME), will be advise by their FYE academic advisors. You can still change your mind anytime between now and the completion of the T2M process, but you might not be advised by an advisor in your top choice school.

Why do I have to choose a second choice?

Second choices are important because some professional schools have limited space to accommodate all the students who would like to join them.  Second choices should be a plan B.  If you are not accepted into your first choice, is there another discipline that can help you achieve your goal?  Or, do you need to retake some First-Year Engineering courses to improve your GPA?  It is up to you to choose your best Plan B.  FYE advisors can also help you make this decision.

Whom do I talk to about my choices?

You should talk to your First-Year Engineering advisor if you have questions about which engineering major is right for you. Your FYE advisor will also be able to help you if you need to change your choices.

When am I in my major?

When the T2M process has run to completion, you will be notified by an advisor in your new major. You may hear from your first or second choice school. Be sure to check your purdue.edu email during this time.  You should hear about the outcome of the process by the end of May.

What do I do if I am not accepted into my first choice and I want to change out of my second choice?

If you change your mind before the last day of classes, please fill out the Request your Major survey again (available in Brightspace) to change your request. If you change your mind after the last day of classes, you will need to email your FYE academic advisor for help switching to another school or division, switching back to FYE if you didn’t select that as your second choice option, or about the process to CODO out of the College of Engineering.

How do professional schools and divisions make their selections?

Selections are governed by the College of Engineering Enrollment Management Policy.  Most students are accepted into their first choice.