[Epics-india] EPICS INDIA: ARMS 1101 3/13 Meeting link

Dustker, Srinivas Mohan sdustker at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 13 09:16:15 EDT 2020

Hi team!

As per Andrew Pierce's recent email, all EPICS labs are moving to GoToMeeting with immediate effect.

FYI - the meeting will start at 9:30am, Eastern Daylight Time.

Here is the meeting link for GoToMeeting for ARMS 1101:
URL: https://www.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join-meeting
Meeting ID: 796116189

If you want to call in, please use the following instructions:
ARMS 1101: +1(408)650-3123, access code 796 116 189#, audio PIN: 894#

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.

Stay safe!

Srinivas Mohan Dustker - (734)-773-5151
School of Engineering Education<https://engineering.purdue.edu/ENE> - Ph.D Student '19
EPICS<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue>  - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Purdue University, West Lafayette IN
Pronouns: he/him/his
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