[Epics-india] EPICS - Today's Labs Moving to GoToMeeting

Pierce, Andrew L pierce1 at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 13 08:53:57 EDT 2020

Hello all,

We got word this morning that someone who has been in the EPICS labs has had exposure to a family member who has shown symptoms of COVID-19. There has not been a confirmed case here, but out of an abundance of caution, we are closing the labs and meeting rooms starting today and continuing through spring break. All teams who meet today should plan to call in to the appropriate GoToMeeting during normal lab hours:

  *   ARMS 1098-B: +1(408)650-3123, access code 728 093 765#, audio PIN: 778#
  *   ARMS 1098-C: +1(571)317-3112, access code 189 368 741#, audio PIN: 278#
  *   ARMS 1101: +1(408)650-3123, access code 796 116 189#, audio PIN: 894#

Please send any questions to me directly. My email and mobile phone number is below.

Best regards,

Andrew Pierce
EPICS Academic Administrator
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering - Room 1209
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Email: pierce1 at purdue.edu<mailto:pierce1 at purdue.edu>
Phone: (765) 414-2107

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