School of Chemical Engineering

Crystallization and Particle Technology
Systems Engineering

Recent Publications

  • Parvaresh R., Nagy Z.K., Digital Design of an Integrated Continuous Crystallization, Wet Milling and Classification System with Recycle for Purity and Crystal Size Distribution Control, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2025.
  • Bachawala S., Lagare R., Delaney A.B., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., Gonzalez M., Rational Function-Based Approach for Integrating Tableting Reduced-Order Models with Upstream Unit Operations: Dry Granulation Case Study, Pharmaceuticals, 2024.
  • Parvaresh R., Nagy Z.K., Process Intensification via End-to-End Continuous Manufacturing of Atorvastatin Calcium Using an Integrated, Modular Reaction-Crystallization-Spherical Agglomeration-Filtration-Drying Process, Organic Process Research & Development, 2024.
  • Lagare R.B., Gonzalez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., A framework for the practical development of condition monitoring systems with application to the roller compactor, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2024.
  • Parvaresh R., Ferdoush S., Kshirsagar S., Gonzalez M., Nagy Z.K., Integrated Continuous Crystallization–-Spherical Agglomeration (CCSA) Process for the Intensified Manufacturing of Atorvastatin Calcium, Crystal Growth and Design, 2024.
  • Barhate Y., Boyle C., Salami H., Wu W., Taherimakhsousi N., Rabinowitz C., Bommarius A., Cardona J., Nagy Z.K., Rousseau R., Grover M., OpenCrystalData: An open-access particle image database to facilitate learning, experimentation, and development of image analysis models for crystallization processes, Digital Chemical Engineering, 2024.
  • Kumar S., Huang Y.S., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., Gonzalez M., Mort P., Semicontinuous Blending of Pharmaceutical Ingredients and the Impact of Process Parameters on the Blending Performance of an Integrated Feeder Blender Operating Semicontinuously, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2024.
  • Murbach-Oliveira G., Akturk I., Nagy Z.K., Thompson D., Process Development and Kinetic Analysis in the Green Synthesis of Lomustine, Organic Process Research & Development, 2024.
  • Nyande B., Nagy Z.K., Lakerveld R., Data‐driven identification of crystallization kinetics, AIChE Journal, 2024.
  • Wu W., Chappelow C., Hanspal N., Larsen P., Patton J., Shinkle A., Nagy Z.K., Digital Design of an Agrochemical Crystallization Process via Two-Dimensional Population Balance Modeling Organic Process Research & Development, 2024.
  • Huang Y.S., Lagare R., Bailey P., Sixon D., Gonzalez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., Hybrid model development and nonlinear model predictive control implementation for continuous dry granulation process Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2024.
  • Barhate Y., Kilari H., Wu W.L., Nagy, Z. K., Population balance model enabled digital design and uncertainty analysis framework for continuous crystallization of pharmaceuticals using an automated platform with full recycle and minimal material use, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024.
  • Hur, I., Casas-Orozco, D., Laky, D., Destro F., Nagy, Z. K., Digital design of an integrated purification system for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024.
  • Sundarkumar, V., Wang, W., Mills, M., Sue, O., Nagy, Z. K., Reklaitis, G. V., Developing a modular continuous drug product manufacturing system with real time quality assurance for producing pharmaceuticals mini-tablets. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2023.
  • Sundarkumar, V., Wang, W., Nagy, Z. K., Reklaitis, G. V., Manufacturing pharmaceutical mini-tablets for pediatric patients using drop-on-demand printing. International Journal of Pharmaceuticals. 2023 644, 123355.
  • Wu, W., Mills, M., Schacht, U., Rabinowitz, C., Vlachos, V., Nagy, Z. K., Sensor Fusion and Calibration-based Adaptive Image Analysis Procedure for In Situ Crystal Size Measurement. Crystal Growth and Design. 2023.
  • Casas-Orozco, D., Laky, D., Mackey, J., Reklaitis, G. V., Nagy, Z. K., Reaction kinetics determination and uncertainty analysis for the synthesis of the cancer drug lomustine. Chemical Engineering Science. 2023, 118591.
  • Kumar S., Nagy, Z. K., Reklaitis G.V., Gonzalez M., Considerations in Raman Spectroscopy for Real-Time API Concentration Measurement at Tablet Press Feed Frame. Journal of Spectroscopy. 2023.
  • Kshirsagar, S., Szilagyi, B., Nagy, Z. K., Experimental Design for the Efficient Determination of the Crystallization Kinetics of a Polymorphic System in Combined Cooling and Antisolvent Crystallization. Crystal Growth & Design. 2023.
  • Destro, F., Barolo, M., Nagy, Z.K., Quality-by-control of intensified continuous filtration-drying of active pharmaceutical ingredients. AIChE Journal. 2023, 69.
  • Lagare R.B., Huang, Y.S., Bush, C., Young, K., Rosario, A., Gonzalez, M., Mort, P., Nagy, Z.K., Reklaitis, G.V., Developing a Virtual Flowability Sensor for Monitoring a Pharmaceutical Dry Granulation Line, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2023, 4987-4996
  • Laky, D., Casas-Orozco, D., Abdi, M., Feng, X., Wood, E., Reklaitis, G. V., Nagy, Z.K., Using PharmaPy with Jupyter Notebook to teach digital design in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Computer Applications in Engineering Education.2023.
  • Kilari, Y., Barhate Y., Kang, Y.S., Nagy Z.K., A Systematic Framework for Iterative Model-based Experimental Design of Batch and Continuous Crystallization Systems. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2023, 52, 1501-1506.
  • Huang Y.S., Sixon, D., Bailey P., Lagare, R. B., Gonzelez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., A Machine Learning-assisted Hybrid Model to Predict Ribbon Solid Fraction, Granule Size Distribution and Throughput in a Dry Granulation Process. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2023, 52, 813-830.
  • Hur, I., Casas-Orozco, D., Reklaitis, G.V., Nagy, Z.K., Moisture and Throughput Control in an Integrated Pharmacuetical Purification Platform using PharmaPy. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2023, 52, 1169-1174.
  • Casas-Orozco, D., Mackey, J., Akturk, I., Reklaitis, G.V., Nagy, Z.K., Extended Multiple-Cruve Resolution Framework for the calibration of first-principles models. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2023, 52, 1439-1444.
  • Sundarkumar V., Wang W., Nagy, Z.K., Reklaitis, G.V., Innovative process for manufacturing pharmaceutical mini-tablets using 3D printing. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2023, 52, 1945-1950.
  • Lagare R.B., Gonzalez, M., Nagy, Z.K., Reklaitis, G.V., Modular Development of Condition Monitoring Systems for the Tennessee Eastman Process. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2023, 52, 1579-1584.
  • Casas-Orozco, D., Laky, D., Wang, V., Abdi, M., Feng, X., Wood, E., Reklaitis, G. V., Nagy, Z.K., Techno-economic analysis of dynamic, end-to-end optimal pharmaceutical campaign manufacturing using PharmaPy. AIChE Journal.2023, e18142.
  • Mackey, J., Grover, D., Pruneda, G., Zenk, E., Nagy, Z.K., Continuous extraction of 2-chloroethyl isocyanate for 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexylurea purification. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification.2023, 183. 109225.
  • Sundarkumar, V., Nagy, Z.K., Reklaitis, G. V. Machine learning enabled integrated formulation and process design framework for a pharmaceutical 3D printing platform. AIChE Journal. 2022, e17990.
  • Kshirsagar, S., Susarla, N., Ramakrishnan, S., Nagy, Z.K., Process intensification of atorvastatin calcium crystallization for target polymorph development via continuous combined cooling and antisolvent crystallization using an oscillatory baffled crystallizer. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2022, 627. 122172.
  • Laky, D., Casas-Orozco, D., Laird, C., Reklaitis, G.V., Nagy, Z.K., Optimization Framework for the Digital Design of Pharmaceutical Processes Using Pyomo and PharmaPy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2022, 61. 16128-16140.
  • Majumder A, Nagy Z.K., Ni X.W. Recent advances in continuous crystallization. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2022, 180,610-613.
  • Wu, W.L., Chappelow, C., Hanspal, N., Larsen, P., Patton, J., Shinkle, A., Nagy, Z.K., Implementation and Application of Image Analysis-Based Turbidity Direct Nucleation Control for Rapid Agrochemical Crystallization Process Design and Scale-Up. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2022, 61. 14561-14572.
  • Szilagyi B.,Eren A.,Quon JL. Papageorgiou CD.,Nagy Z.K.,Monitoring and digital design of the cooling crystallization of a high-aspect ratio anticancer drug using a two-dimensional population balance model. Chemical Engineering Science. 2022, 257, 117700.
  • Darmali C, Liu YC, Mansouri S, Yazdanpanah N, Nagy Z.K., Woo MW, Strategy for non-seeded crystallization of slow-to-crystallize compounds with an Oscillatory Dynamic Baffled Crystallizer: A case study with alpha Lactose Monohydrate. Organic Process Research and Development. 2022, 26(8), 2364-2376.
  • Sundarkumar V,Nagy Z.K.,Reklaitis GV., Small-scale continuous drug product manufacturing using dropwise additive manufacturing and three phase settling for integration with upstream drug susbstance production. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022, 111(8), 2330-2340.
  • Destro F.,Nagy Z.K.,Barolo M., A benchmark simulator for quality-by-design and quality-by-control studies in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing‒Intensified filtration-drying of crystallization slurries. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2022, 163,107809.
  • Laky, D., Casas-Orozco, D., Destro F., Barolo M., Reklaitis, G.V., Nagy, Z.K.,Integrated synthesis, crystallization, filtration, and drying of active pharmaceutical ingredients: a model-based digital design framework for process optimization and control. Optimization of Pharmaceutical Processes. 2022, 253-287.
  • Lagare R.B., Conceicao M., Rosario A.C.A., Young K., Huang Y., Sheriff Z., Clementson C., Mort P., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., Development of a Virtual Sensor for Real-Time Prediction of Granule Flow Properties. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 1081-1-1086.
  • Sheriff M.Z., Huang Y.S., Bachawal S., Gonzelez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., A Hierarchical Approach to Monitoring Control Performance and Plant-Model Mismatch. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 1087-1092.
  • Laky D., Casas-Orozco, D., Rossi F., Mackey J., Reklaitis G.V., Nagy Z.K., Determination of probabilistic design spaces in the hybrid manufacture of an active pharmaceutical ingredient using PharmaPy. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 2131-2136.
  • Huang Y.S., Sheriff M.Z., Bachawal S., Gonzelez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., Application of MHE-based NMPC on a Rotary Tablet Press under Plant-Model Mismatch. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 2149-2154.
  • Destro F., Barolo M., Nagy Z.K., Model-based monitoring of an intensified unit for continuous pharmaceutical filtration-drying. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 1405-1410.
  • Lagare R.B., Sheriff M.Z., Gonzalez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., A Comprehensive Framework for the Modular Development of Condition Monitoring Systems for a Continuous Dry Granulation Line. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 1543-1548.
  • Kang Y.S., Ward J.D., Nagy Z.K., A new framework and a hybrid method for one-dimensional population balance modeling of batch thermocycling crystallization. Computer aided Chemical Engineering. 2022, 107588.
  • Huang Y.S., Gonzalez S., Straiton B., Kellar J., Marashdeh Q., Gonzelez M., Nagy Z.K., Reklaitis G.V., Real-Time Monitoring of Powder Mass Flowrates for Plant-Wide Control of a Continuous Direct Compaction Tablet Manufacturing Process. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022, 69-81.


  • Methods and systems for depositing active ingredients on substrates, AV Giridhar, M Harris, GV Rekliatis, LS Taylor, ZK Nagy, E Icten, F Fiesser, Laura Hirshfield, US Patent 11,547,675
  • Methods for controlling crystallization based on turbidity and systems therefor, ZK Nagy, Wu Wei-Lee, US Patent 17/523,127
  • Spherical agglomeration of proteins, ZK Nagy, Oliva JA., Pal K., US Patent 17/283,980
  • Systems with anti-fouling control and methods for controlling fouling within a channel of a plug flow crystallizer, Koswara A., Nagy ZK., US Patent 10,766,014
  • Systems and methods for producing a chemical product, Koswara A., Nagy ZK., Parks CD., US Patent 10,751,685