Publication Policy

The policy regarding publications and intellectual property is explained here in general terms. Reference should be made to the Consortium Agreement for the exact language of the policy to be enforced.
Results obtained under the CTRC umbrella are expected to result in Master's theses and PhD dissertations. Results, in so far as they are pre-competitive and general in nature, will be published in national and international conferences and journals, with advance copies provided to members for comment. Specific requests from members for short delays in publication are entertained.
The scope of the work is pre-competitive. Inventions made by the Purdue team and patents obtained as part of the core CTRC work are made available free of charge for non-exclusive use to consortium members for the life of the patents. Members are apprised of all inventions made during the course of the core Center work. Patents are pursued if a majority of members request that this be done.
In case of patents and discoveries arising from work not directly resulting from the core CTRC projects, they can be made available to members for reasonable, use-based royalty fees.
As specific, product-oriented development projects arise, it is expected that individual members may enter into NDAs with the Director/Purdue or with each other for the conduct of such work, over and above the generic, pre-competitive research performed in the Center. Intellectual property, under such conditions, would be governed by separate contract; in general, exclusive licenses may be issued to the sponsoring company for patents arising from such work.