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Research Overview

The three current areas of research in CLAN Labs are:

Reinforcement Learning

The current themes are

  1. Regret/Sample Complexity Guarantees for Discounted/Average Reward MDPs
  2. Constrained Markov Decision Process
  3. Linearizable Optimization with Application to DR Submodular Bandits
  4. Combinatorial Submodular Bandits
  5. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Foundation Models and Generative AI

The current themes are

  1. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback
  2. Prompt Optimization for LLM Alignment
  3. Guarantees for Generative AI

Applications of Machine Learning

The current themes are

  1. Generative Models for Drug Discovery
  2. Foundation Models for Genomics
  3. Application of Machine Learning tools for healthcare (e.g., Sepsis)
  4. Network Resource Allocation, including Vehicular Networks
  5. Applications to Transportation Networks (e.g., Traffic Signal Control, Lane Changing, Ridesharing)

Quantum Machine Learning

The current themes are:

  1. Quantum Reinforcement Learning
  2. Variational Quantum Circuits for Machine Learning
  3. Quantum Computing for Imaging Applications
  4. Grover's Search