Purdue University Student Chapter

of the

American Society for Engineering Education




The Purdue University Student Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is a student-based organization committed to furthering education and providing services to prepare members for a career in academia, educating undergraduate students about graduate education, and encouraging involvement of underrepresented minority groups in academia and graduate school.





The name of this organization is the Purdue University Student Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education, hereafter referred to as ASEE.


The logo for the student chapter will be as follows:







The Purdue University Student Chapter of ASEE focuses its efforts toward two main groups: graduate and undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Education students. For graduate students, the purposes are:

·         to encourage students to consider careers in academia.

·         to assist students in their search for academic positions.

·         to increase the interest of engineering graduate students in careers in engineering education.

·         to enhance the teaching and presentation skills of prospective educators.

·         to develop the skills needed to establish and lead a research program.

For undergraduate students, the purposes are:

·         to dispel common misperceptions and to inform students about the options and potential benefits of attending graduate school.

·         to assist students with their preparation for graduate school entrance requirements.

·         to educate students on the availability of financial assistance.

Additionally, for both groups considered, the purposes of the Purdue University Student Chapter of ASEE are:

·         to encourage underrepresented minority participation through focused recruitment efforts and by addressing concerns unique to these groups.

·         to develop relationships with local schools (K-12) and aid them in fostering student interest in future careers and study in engineering and engineering technology.



Definition of Membership


Section 1: Membership and participation are free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran.

Section 2: Student membership is open to all graduate and undergraduate students of Purdue University with primary emphasis on graduate students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Education fields.

Section 3: Associate membership shall be open to all staff and faculty at Purdue University with primary emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Education fields. Associate members may not vote or hold office, but may have all other privileges of a student member.

Section 4: All members are encouraged to also be members of the national ASEE organization. Student chapter members are required to pay annual dues to the Purdue University Student Chapter of ASEE as stated in the bylaws.

Section 5: Any member may terminate their student chapter membership at any time with written notification to the Secretary.

Section 6: The expulsion procedures shall be as follows: The removal of any member shall be initiated by the submitting of a petition to the Secretary. This petition shall contain the signatures of at least twenty (20) percent of the eligible voters of the student chapter. The member in question shall be removed from the student chapter upon a 2/3 majority vote of the existing eligible voters of the student chapter and the approval of the faculty advisor.





Section 1: The offices of President, Secretary, Public Relations Chair, Instruction and Classroom Practices Chair, Research and Scholarship Chair, and Treasurer shall be members of the executive board. Any college/school not represented on the executive board has the option of electing a student representative. The representative will have full voting rights of an executive board member and must meet all of the requirements specified in this Article for executive board members.

Section 2: The term of office is one year from the date of appointment.

Section 3: The executive board members shall be elected in a majority vote by the members present at the election meeting in April of each year.

Section 4: Candidates for the executive board must be graduate students with a minimum cumulative graduate grade point index of 3.0/4.0. To maintain the privacy of candidates, the faculty advisor will be responsible for ensuring all candidates for executive board membership meet minimum requirements. Candidate applications for executive board shall be initially submitted to the faculty advisor for approval before being delivered to the Secretary.

Section 5: The Advisor(s) shall be an associate member. New advisors shall be selected by majority vote by the executive board.

Section 6: The Advisor(s) shall have an indefinite term in office.

Section 7: The Advisor(s) and officer(s) may resign with written notification to the Secretary.

Section 8: If any officer proves to be incompetent, his/her removal shall be initiated by the submitting of a petition to the remaining officers. This petition shall contain the signatures of at least twenty (20) percent of the eligible voters of the student chapter. The officer in question shall be removed from office upon a 2/3 majority vote of the existing eligible voters of the students chapter and the approval of the faculty advisor. The office shall be filled according to Article IV, Sections 9 and 10.

Section 9: In the event that the President of the student chapter is unable to complete his or her term of office, the Secretary will assume the office of the President. The position of Secretary shall then be filled by a majority election by the executive board.

Section 10: In the event that any officer of the student chapter, excluding the President, is unable to complete his term of office, a special election will be held within thirty (30) days if this event occurs before the end of the spring semester. Nominations will be received from the floor for the special election. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be declared elected. If at any time after the end of the spring semester both the offices of President and Secretary become vacant, an interim president shall be selected based on the following order of succession: Research and Scholarship Chair, Public Relations Chair, Instruction and Classroom Practices Chair, Treasurer. The interim President shall take over the responsibilities of the President in addition to their own responsibilities until such time as a permanent President is selected. A permanent President shall be selected utilizing the rules for election outlined within this constitution at the next regularly scheduled meeting.



Officers and Duties


Section 1: The President’s duties will include:

·         formulating a yearly agenda for the organization, such as a list of planned activities and events. Goals and priorities will be determined. Yearly agenda must be approved by 2/3 majority of executive board.

·         insuring that all activities fall within the organizational goals as stated in the Constitution.

·         presiding over all regular and special meetings for the organization.

·         insuring that all activities and other organizational functions are properly managed under the guidelines of the Constitution and bylaws, and the policies of Purdue University.

·         creating permanent or temporary positions to assist in performing the duties of the office.

·         creating committees as needed.

 Section 2: The Secretary’s duties will include:

·         maintaining written correspondence with on-campus and off-campus organizations affiliated with the Purdue Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education. The Secretary will work closely with the Public Relations officer.

·         recording events and activities performed by the organization. A historian’s file shall be maintained to record speakers, topics, and presentation slides when possible

·         preparing an annual report to inform the parent organization and the student members on the accomplishments and the future planned activities.

·         keeping minutes during the executive, general, and committee meetings,

·         creating permanent or temporary positions, with approval from the President, to assist in performing the duties of the office.

·         keeping record of all student chapter members, updated monthly.

Section 3: The Public Relations’ Officer duties will include:

·         maintaining contact with undergraduate, graduate and minority organizations and to inform them of seminars and activities that may be beneficial to them.

·         distribution of fliers, newspaper ads, or other advertising needed for seminars or activities.

·         maintaining contact with associate members or any professor or staff interested in the organization.

·         distributing the annual report and newsletters to members.

·         creating permanent or temporary positions, with approval from the President, to assist in performing the duties of the office.

 Section 4: The Instruction and Classroom Practices Chair’s duties will include:

·         planning and organizing at least one meeting per month focusing on Instruction and Classroom Practices.

·         collaborating with CIE to ensure some workshops count towards Graduate Teaching Certificates.

·         sharing information of interest and encouraging participation in Instruction and Classroom Practices development, including but not limited to CIE Certificates and relevant courses and workshops.

·         creating permanent or temporary positions, with approval from the President, to assist in performing the duties of the office.

Section 5: The Research and Scholarship Chair’s duties will include:

·         planning and organizing at least one meeting per semester focusing on Research and Scholarship.

·         collaborating with the Engineering Education Seminar Series to present relevant speakers.

·         sharing information of interest and encouraging participation in Research and Scholarship, including but not limited to relevant classes, research, and research presentation opportunities (such as ASEE conferences and the AGSERS Symposium).

·         creating permanent or temporary positions, with approval from the President, to assist in performing the duties of the office.

Section 6: The Treasurer’s duties will include:

·         compiling and presenting a financial report of the previous year.

·         setting up a budget for the upcoming year.

·         overseeing fund raising activities.

·         keeping accounts, depositing the organization’s funds, and making expenditures in a manner approved by the Business Office for Student Organizations.

·         maintaining record of membership and collecting dues when applicable.

·         creating permanent or temporary positions, with approval from the President, to assist in performing the duties of the office.





Section 1: All amendments are to be submitted in writing to the President and Secretary and then read at a meeting. The amendment can be voted on in the same meeting.

Section 2: Amendments shall be made by a two-thirds majority vote by members present.

Section 3: All amendments to the constitution and bylaws are subject to the approval of the Office of the Dean of Students.




Section 1: Elections shall be conducted by electronic ballots. Section 2: A non-refundable fee of up to $10.00 may be charged as dues for a one year membership beginning in August, as deemed necessary by the executive board.


This constitution was approved on August 1, 2015 by the President and the Executive Board for the Purdue University Student Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education.




Date of Adoption                                                                                                   Date of Recognition




President’s signature                                                                      Office of the Dean of Students




Advisor’s signature