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3D Printing in ARMS 2098
The printers in ARMS 2098 are primarily for the use in AAE Design/Build courses.
All printer use requests must come through Tom Bietsch (tbietsch@purdue.edu). Please have .stl files prepared.
Best Practices for these printers are as follows:
  1. Export a good quality STL file. In Catia, this is done by changing 2D and 3D Accuracy:
    1. Open Tools → Options → General → Display
    2. Select the "Fixed:" radio button and reduce the input to 0.01
    3. Export using File → Save As → *.stl
  2. Set up Repetier Host - this will be used for slicing
    1. Download and install for your OS
    2. Download Repetier Host settings
      1. Manually copy the settings seen in the screenshots - there is no automated import option
    3. Download Cura profiles, unzip to your desired directory, then
      1. In Repetier Host, click on Slicer tab
      2. Select CuraEngine from Slicer: dropdown menu
      3. Click on Configuration button
      4. Click on Import → Select the desired .rcp files to import
      5. Select Save, then Close
    4. Download Slic3r profiles, unzip to your desired directory, and then
      1. In Repetier Host, click on Slicer tab
      2. Select Slic3r from Slicer: dropdown menu
      3. Click on Configuration button - this will open Slic3r as a new program
      4. Click on File → Load Config Bundle and select the .ini file to import
      5. Print Settings, Filament, and Printer should populate
  3. Open your STL in Repetier Host. Adjust if needed.
    1. If scale seems off, you may try deleting and changing: Config → Units of imported Objects, then readding your part
    2. Rotate or position part as desired. Be conscious of plate contact and possible supports needed
  4. Click on the Slicer tab. Slice your STL with using the following settings:
    1. For Wings, use Slic3r. Depending on the size of the wing, this may take a few minutes to an hour (more for bigger wings)
    2. For non-wing prints, use Cura. This should be fairly quick for most models
    3. Use a 0.4mm nozzle if at all possible. Other size nozzles are available, but a good case must be made for their use.
    4. Adhesion Type, Support Type, Quality, Infill, and Speed are all subject to change depending on the model. "Normal" values are:
      1. Adhesion Type: None (for large enough prints to stick on their own)
      2. Quality: 0.2mm is good and usually fast enough; 0.1mm is very fine but takes twice as long
      3. Support Type: None for parts with no overhangs (cantilevers) or holes
      4. Speed: 50mm/s nominal
      5. Infill Density: 20% or more for structural parts; 1% or 2% for wings
  5. Click ►Slice
  6. Inspect the output for filament used and expected time to print.
    1. Here is an Excel file to estimate print weight given length of extrusion. Keep in mind this includes ALL filament, including support.
  7. Send your original stl file to Phil along with the settings you would like to use.
  8. Upon verification of STL, settings, and validated slicing, your print will be added to the queue.
  9. You will receive an email once printing is started, along with an estimated time to completion.

For more reading on Delta-style 3D Printers:

Printer 1 Live View Printer 2 Live View

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