Resonating Detonation Waves
Modeling detonation wave resonance

Prateek Gupta, Guido Lodato, Carlo Scalo, Carson D. Slabaugh (AAE)
Email: gupta288[at]purdue.edu


Resonating detonation waves are observed in the rotating detonation wave combustion chambers which are a part of wide variety of under-development alternative propulsion technologies. Researchers at Maurice J. Zucrow Laboratories at Purdue have conducted experimental studies of a straight-line closed detonation chamber with constant fuel injection from one side and ambient pressure exhaust extraction from the opposite side. In the experiments, they have observed high pressure resonating detonation waves inside the chamber. We are currently developing dynamical system models for understanding the dynamics of such resonating 1D detonation waves with sustained fuel injection and exhaust extraction.

Links to Papers/Presentations:
Spark plasma combustion
High-fidelity simulations of nanosecond repetitively pulsed (NRP) discharge based combustion stabilization

Prateek Gupta, Carlo Scalo, and Sally Bane (AAE)
Email: gupta288[at]purdue.edu


