Programming Assignment 10 — Linked Lists (II)

Due: March 24th

In PA08 you build a solver for mazes that returned the first solution to the maze. In this assignment, you will instead return all valid solutions to the maze. Because we don't know how many solutions there are for the maze, we will use a linked list structure to store all of the solutions (see PA09 for more about linked lists).

We don't want to just store all of the paths, though. We want to order them so that the "best" path is first. We want to keep the paths in a sorted list. Paths should be sorted in ascending order, according to the following rules:

  1. Shorter paths come before longer paths
  2. If two paths are the same length, the path with fewer "turns" should be before the path with more turns (a turn is when a path changes direction: eenn has one turn, eene has two turns)
  3. If two paths are the same length and have the same number of turns, sort in alphabetical order.

Learning Goals

You will learn

  • Building a sorted linked list
  • Incremental, test-driven development


Sorted Linked Lists

In PA09 we gave you a linked list implementation that allowed you to insert new nodes into a particular index of the linked list (e.g., "add a new node at position 15"). Now you instead want to write a linked list that will maintain all of its nodes in sorted order. The key to writing a sorted linked list is to maintain the invariant that the list is always sorted after you perform any operation (e.g., insert, remove) on it. We can think about this inductively:

  1. An empty list is, by definition, sorted.
  2. If you have a sorted list, and you insert a new node into the correct location (i.e., between the largest node that is smaller and the smallest node that is larger), the list will still be sorted.
  3. If you have a sorted list and you remove a node, the list will remain sorted.

(We gave you the rules for ordering a linked list of paths above)

list.h defines a linked list class that works a little bit differently than the one in PA09. The head pointer is contained as a field of a structure that represents the linked list. It provides several helper methods to allocate/initialize and deallocate individual linked list nodes (PathNodes) or the linked list as a whole (PathLL). It also provides 3 key methods:

  • addNode, which inserts a new path into the linked list. Make sure this keeps the list sorted! addNode returns true if the addition succeeds, and false if it fails (which can happen if the path you are trying to add is already in the linked list -- this is a good way to tell if you're accidentally finding the same path twice).
  • removeNode, which removes a particular path from the linked list. It returns true if the remove succeeds, and false if it fails (which can happen if the path you are trying to remove isn't in the linked list).
  • containsNode, which checks if a path is in the linked list.

Incremental development

When presented with a big development challenge, it is tempting to try to write all of your code and then see if it works. This is a path to frustrating bugs and possible failure. What you should do instead is:

  1. Break the problem down into manageable chunks
  2. Write code to solve each chunk
  3. Test each chunk to make sure it works correctly before moving on to the next chunk.

This has several benefits: (i) it is a lot more manageable to think of a big project in terms of a lot of smaller steps you have to get done; (ii) because you test each step before moving on to the next one, you know that if something breaks, it must be either part of the last step, or because of some interaction between your chunks -- you don't have to search through all of your code.

For example, here is a proposed development plan for this programming assignment:

  1. Implement a small function that compares two paths according to the criteria above, to make sure that you can sort paths correctly.
  2. Implement your linked list, and test adding, removing, and finding paths in the linked list.
  3. Use your now working linked list to implement the new solver.

Note that the key here is to test every piece of your code. This is called test driven development. When you implement a chunk of code, you should write a test file -- another .c file that has its own main function. You can compile your new code with this test file to test the functionality of your chunk.

Another aspect of test-driven development is to make sure that your program passes simple test cases first, before moving on to complex test cases. If your solver fails on a 10x10 maze, it may be hard to tell what's going on. If your solver fails on a 2x2 maze, it's often much easier to debug.

What you need to do

There are two things you need to do.

Build and test your linked list

Fill in and test the linked list methods, including making sure that you can insert, remove, and find paths in your linked list. We will test your linked list implementation separately from the maze solver. Even if you do not use a particular linked list method in depthFirstSolve, make sure you implement it.

Build and test your updated maze solver

We have provided almost all of the code you need, other than the linked list methods themselves. The one missing piece is depthFirstSolve in solver.c. This needs to be modified so that when you find a solution to the maze, rather than returning that solution you just add the solution to the maze and keep going. (Make sure you keep track of visited correctly: a MazeSquare should count as visited if the current path you are exploring has visited that square, not if any path has visited that square in the past.)

You can start with a version of solver.c that solves PA08.

We have provided you with a few test mazes, in the inputs directory. You should also write more of your own.

What you need to submit

  1. Submit your version of list.c that contains working implementations of all the functions.
  2. Submit your version of solver.c that generates all the solutions to a