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Programming Assignment 6 — Merge Sort

Due: February 17th

In PA05 you wrote several routines to sort Student records that you read in from a file. Your job in that assignment was to write input/output methods to create an array of Student records, and write comparison functions to compare Students by different fields in their records. However, you used the C standard library's built-in qsort function to perform the actual sort. In this assignment, you will write your own sort function.

Note: This assignment builds on PA05, replacing qsort with your own sort, but otherwise leaving the rest of the assignment the same. If you were unable to complete PA05, or are concerned that your implementation of PA05 is incorrect, you have two options:

  1. You can download pre-built object files for student.o and pa06.o. You can then link these files in your Makefile instead of compiling your own versions of student.c and pa06.c. If you take this option you will have to develop your code on the ecegrid machines.
  2. On February 16th (after the late submission deadline for PA05 has passed), we will release student.c and pa06.c, which will be correct, working implementations of the code you needed to write for PA05.

Learning Goals

You will learn:

  • Recursion principles
  • "Divide-and-conquer" recursion
  • Merge sort



In a superficial sense, recursion is what happens whenever a function f calls itself, as in the "standard" factorial example:

int factorial(int n) {
  if (n == 0) return 1;
  else return n * factorial(n - 1);

It is better to think of recursion as a technique for solving problems. Many problems can be thought of using the following pattern:

  1. Break the problem up into "smaller" version(s) of the same problem.
  2. Solve the smaller problem(s) by calling the same function (we call this the inductive case)
  3. Use the solutions to the smaller problem(s) to solve the original problem.

This seems like a process that doesn't end: to solve a big problem, we break it up into smaller versions of the problem -- but then we have to solve the smaller problem, which isn't any different! The key is that you can repeat this process, solving the smaller problems in the same way. At each step, you get smaller and smaller problems. Eventually, the problem is small enough that getting the answer is trivial. We call this the base case.

We can see this in the factorial example: rather than computing factorial of n, we realize that n! is just n * (n-1)! (Step 1: break the problem up into a smaller version of the same problem) -- so we can call factorial(n - 1) (Step 2: solve the smaller problem by calling the same function). We can then multiply this by n to find factorial(n) (Step 3: use the solution of the smaller problem to solve the original problem). We also see that the base case is simple: we already know what 0! is, so there is no need to "break it up" into a smaller problem -- we can just return 1.

(Note: you could also write factorial with a loop, and the loop version would probably be faster, so you might wonder why we need recursion. The code you will write in this assignment is a case where recursion is basically the only way to write it.)

One way to think about how to correctly write a recursive function is to think inductively: We can assume that the recursive function already works, but only if the function is called on a smaller problem than what we're solving. We can then write the recursive function assuming that it already works. The only thing we have to make sure we do is write correct base cases -- we need to make sure that for the smallest versions of the function, we compute the correct answer. (This sounds circular, but it works for the same reason that inductive proofs work)

Divide-and-conquer Recursion

A very common pattern for recursive problems is divide-and-conquer recursion: to solve a problem on n pieces of data (e.g., an array of length n), we break the input up into two pieces, each with n/2 pieces of data (e.g., two arrays, each with half the elements), call the recursive function on these smaller pieces, then write some code to combine the results from those two functions into the final answer. The base case for this style of function is what to do when you have only 1 element.

Consider a toy example where we want to sum up all the values in an input array with n elements. Here, if we divide the array in two and sum those two sub-arrays, we can add the results to get the sum of the whole array. The base case is that the sum of an array with just one element is the value of that element:

int sum(int * arr, int nels) {
  if (nels = 1) return arr[0];

  int sum1 = sum(arr, nels/2);
  int sum2 = sum(&arr[nels/2], (nels + 1)/2);

  return sum1 + sum2

(The (nels + 1)/2 stuff is just a fancy way of dealing with arrays that have an odd number of elements, where sum2 works over a slightly larger array than sum1. In integer division, nels/2 is like computing floor(n/2), and (nels + 1)/2 is like computing ceiling(n/2). More generally, to compute ceiling(a/b) you can do integer division: (a + b - 1)/b.)

Merge Sort

Your task in this programming assignment is to write a merge sort. Merge sort is an application of divide and conquer recursion to sort an array. The heart of merge sort is the merge operation, which combines two already sorted arrays to produce a new sorted array. To merge two sorted arrays, imagine you have two cursors, which start at the beginnings of the two arrays. Look at the two elements pointed to by the cursor: add whichever element is smaller to the output array, then move that cursor forward by 1 element. (If one of the cursors is already at the end of its array, the other cursor always "wins.")

This merge operation gives us a way of combining the solutions of two smaller problems to solve the larger problem of sorting an array:

  1. Divide the array into two pieces
  2. Sort the two pieces by recursively calling the same function
  3. Use merge to merge the two resulting sorted pieces

So what should the base case be? How do we make sure we don't keep sorting smaller and smaller arrays? Note something simple: an array with only one element is already sorted!

What do you need to do?

Your job is to write a merge sort function, which you will call msort. To test msort, you will modify your PA05 submission to call msort instead of qsort. The signature of msort is:

void msort(Student * base, int nel, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *))

Where compar is a pointer to a comparison function (you can/should reuse your comparison functions from PA05).

As explained above, the heart of merge sort is a merge function, which you will also have to write. The signature of merge is:

Student * merge(Student * base1, int nel1, Student * base2, int nel2, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *))

Where merge returns a newly allocated array of Students that is the result of merging the arrays base1 and base2.

Files you need to modify

You will need to only modify and submit one file: merge.c, providing new definitions of merge and msort. To test your code, you will either need your own code from PA05 (don't forget to #include "msort.h" in your student.c) or you will need to use one of the options described at the beginning of this README.

Grading and partial credit

We will grade PA06 using the same inputs (and expected outputs) as PA05. Do not remove the #ifndef directives around merge and msort. We will test each of them separately for partial credit. (Note that #ifndef works the opposite way to #ifdef -- if a particular flag is not defined, then the code in the #ifndef will be included.)