MultiSpec Online Version

An online (web-enabled) version of MultiSpec is available at:

Select "Launch Tool" in the upper right of this page to start MultiSpec.

The online version is running on a collaborative environment that Purdue has developed called "HUBzero" ( This particular hub is called "mygeohub" ( It has collaborative environments for several geospatial based projects.

Note that you need to create an account (register) on mygeohub. You can set it up so that you stay logged in so that you do not have to log in each time. (Note that there may be a delay after registering before the account is approved.)

MultiSpec on mygeohub has all of the features available in the desktop version. The features support those described in the following tutorials available on this web site:

- Tutorial 1. Basic display of images.

- Tutorial 2. Image enhancement features.

A tutorial on using the Processor->Cluster menu item is at:

- Tutorial 3. Unsupervised Classification.

A tutorial on Supervised Classification is at:

- Tutorial 4. Uses the Processor->Statistics menu item (and several more menu items).

Other tutorials high lighting other features in web-enabled MultiSpec are:

- Tutorial 5. Combining Separate Image Files into a Single Multispectral Image File

- Tutorial 6. Overlay Shape Files on Image Window

- Tutorial 7. Selecting Areas in Image Window and the Coordinate View

- Tutorial 8. Creating Vegetation Indices Images

- Tutorial 9. Handling HDF and netCDF Formatted Image Files.

- Tutorial 10. Visualizing Growing Degree Day (GDD) Images

There is a set of images available on this site from the default directory in the open image dialog box. The images for the above tutorials are available in this directory. Note that there is an option in the open image dialog box to upload your own images. You can also export processed images back to your desktop using the File->Export... menu item.

The online version is dependent on the speed of the network connection to your desktop. Images up to 1500 to 2000 lines and columns seem to work pretty well even on relatively slow connections.

MultiSpec runs inside of HTML5. There is an option to change to java if your browser does not support HTML5.

If you do give this a try, let us know how it works for you. Also provide any suggestions that you have. There is a location on the MultiSpec mygeohub tool site to provide "wishes".