Update Archive


031126 Version

Macintosh and Windows Version

File - Open Image

MultiSpec can now read the GeoTIFF parameters for the Mercator projection.

Edit - Image Description

A change was made in the dialog box. The signed data check box, number of bits popup menu and number of bytes popup menu were replaced with one popup menu which allows one to select 8-bit signed, 8-bit unsigned, etc. This was done in preparation for the ability for MultiSpec to handle 32-bit integer and float type data.

Processors - Reformat - Change Image File Format

A fix was made in how TIFF/GeoTIFF image files are created so that Imagine 8.6 will read the files without creating a long session log of error messages. This sometimes caused Imagine 8.6 crash.

Project Window - Creating Training/Test Fields

The train/test type is remembered now so that the default field type will be the setting selected for the last selected field.

Windows Version
File - Open Image

The "All" filter type is now remembered as the default type if it was selected as the filter type for the last use of the "File - Open Image" menu command.

Processors - Reformat - Change Image File Format

A fix was made in the Transform dialog box so that if one edits the equation for the algebraic transformation such that it contains an error and then decides to not use a transformation, an error will not be given when the dialog box is closed requesting that the non-visible algebraic transformation be corrected.

Processors - Classify

A fix was made so that the correlation classifier would run.

030522 Version

Macintosh and Windows Version

Processors - Display Image

The Gaussian stretch enhancement capability has been added. If you hold the 'Option' key down (Mac version) or the 'Right Mouse button down (Windows version) before you click on the enhancement popup menu with the left button, you can change the number of standard deviations that the data will be fit to. The default is 2.3.

File - Open Image - HDF Format

A change has been made so that the number of lines-columns-channels will be interpreted correctly. I (and others) have run into this with MODIS HDF formatted data. The HDF specifications do not have a parameter for image data band interleave so it is difficult to know how the image data is ordered unless one knows something about the data. The assumption in the past was band sequential unless the band interleave information was found in the attribute information. The work around, if there is no band interleave info in the attribute information, is to assume that the smallest dimension in the dimension array is the number of channels and that the number of lines is always before the number of columns in the dimension array. Note that this will not handle situations where the number of lines or columns is less than the number of channels which is possible with hyperspectral data.

A change has been made so that the line breaks in the HDF character attribute data are now taken into account when listed in the output text window. Numeric data in a line are limited to about 2,000 character; the old limit was 1,000 characters.

A problem was also fixed which caused the HDF data set information to not be found after 30 or so reads of hdf formatted files.

Windows Version
Thematic Image Window - Edit Class/Group Name

A change was made so that the length of the new class/group name will be limited to 31 characters. This was not being done in the past and caused corruptions of other class/group names and possibly even crashes.

Image and Vector Overlays

Some users have reported problems getting the dialog box for editing the vector line width and color by holding the right mouse button down and then clicking on the Overlay button in the tool bar, when MultiSpec is run under non-US versions of the Windows OS. One can now also, in place of holding the right mouse button down, hold the shift key down before clicking on the Overlay button with the left mouse button.

Fixes were made so that the popup menu for image and vector overlays in the toolbar overlay button and the Edit-Overlays menu item would not be corrupted after some combinations of uses.

030501 Version

Macintosh and Windows Version

Processors - Cluster & Classify

The ability has been added to stop the cluster and classification process with the option to continue the operation by selecting the appropriate button in the message box. This feature allows one to pause the creation of the image overlays for viewing and then continue the process.

A problem was fixed which caused the classification in an output disk file to appear to be too small and of the wrong area when one classfied both the training/test areas and an image selection with the option to generate an image overlay.

The colors for the overlay in the Windows version are now correct. They are now like the colors in a disk file classification map.

Project Window - Selection Mode

A problem was fixed which would cause a training/test area to be assigned to the wrong class at times. This problem was caused by the change in the previous version.

Graph Windows

Statistics Histogram Graphs: A fix was made so that histograms would be drawn correctly for cases when the data values varied between large negative and positive values. Also, the width of the histogram bin will now vary as the graph size is changed, if the bin width interval is set to "auto".

Changes were made in the default axis scales to better reflect the range of the data values. Also additional tic marks for the x-axis will be drawn if the size of the graph and the width of the tic labels allow for it. Thousand separators are now included in the tic interval labels.

030404 Version

Macintosh and Windows Version

Processor - Open Image

  • An additional type of TIFF/GeoTIFF files in tiled format can be read correctly.
  • The first "24-bit raster type" image in HDF formatted files can now be displayed. This is handled the same way as the "8-bit raster type" image. If any "scientific data set type" images exist in the file then the 24-bit and 8-bit raster types will be ignored.

Processor - Reformat - Change Image File Format

A check has been added for handling the algebraic formula in the Transformation dialog box to be sure that the channels included in the "Cx" variables are within the set available in the image. If not, a message is presented to the user. In the past, MultiSpec would crash if this condition existed.

TIFF/GeoTIFF files create by the Reformat - Change Image File Format processor can now be read by ERDAS Imagine and ESRI ArcView. I was not including all of the TIFF tags that were needed in the output TIFF/GeoTIFF file.

Processors - Cluster & Classify

- This version contains the ability to draw the thematic image data (cluster and classification) as overlays on the multispectral image data. For example, if one runs ISODATA and selects create image overlay, you can see how the pixels change classes during each iteration. To try it out, select the "Processor - Cluster... menu item, and then the cluster algorithm. Next select "Image window overlay" under the "Write Cluster Report/Map to:" set of options.

You can use the overlay popup menu, the "O" button, to turn the overlay on and off. The overlay popup menu is in the lower left of the image in the Macintosh version and in the right portion of the toolbar in the Windows version. Image overlays are always drawn on top of the base image in the window. Vector (shape) overlays are always draw on top of any image overlays. By default only one overlay will be displayed on an image at a time. However, you can hold the shift key down before selecting a new overlay to be displayed via the overlay popup menu to force more than one to be displayed.

Note, I do not have this capability working the same across all versions yet.

Macintosh OSX with Carb version: This capability works the best in the OSX version. If you select the overlay with the option key down, you can set the transparency to use for the overlay.

Macintosh OS7-9: Everything works okay in this version except that when one clusters or classifies the training/test fields, the smallest rectangle that includes all of the fields is used as the overlay. Those pixels that are not part of a training/test area are white. The user has control of the overall transparency as under the Macintosh OSX version.

Windows: Everything works okay in this version except that when one clusters or classifies the training/test fields, the smallest rectangle that includes all of the fields is used as the overlay. Those pixels that are not part of a training/test area are black. The user does not have control of the transparency.

An area column has been added to the cluster summary table in the text output window if the image data contains map information that defines the size of each pixel. See the "Options - Area Units" menu item below.

One can delete image overlays from memory be selecting the Edit - Clear Overlays menu item.

One can replace existing image overlays within the Cluster and Classify processors by selecting the appropriate item in the overlay popup list in the respective dialog box.

Processor - Classify

A change was made so that classify would run if all of the channels were the same. An example of this happening is when one exports an orthoquad out of SID Geoviewer. The output tiff file has three channels but they are all the same. Any classifier algorithm that uses the covariance matrix, such as Quadratic Maximum Likelihood, would not run because it can not invert the class covariance matrices. MultiSpec now checks for this condition and works around it. The result is the same as if only one channel was used for classifying.

Options - Area Units menu item.

A new Options menu item has been added to allow one to set the units to be used for area columns in tables listed in the output text window. The default upon startup is hectares. Note that the area column for tables will only be included if the map information exists for the image to define the size of the pixel.

Project Window - Selection Mode

When selecting training/test areas, the popup menu to select a new class or a specific class now stays with the last popup menu setting. One does not need to keep changing it to "new class" if one is only selecting one training/test area per class. If one sets the popup menu to a specific class then that will become the default the next time a new training/test area is selected. The default popup box setting used to be the last class that was entered.

Windows Version

Processor - List Data

A message box is now presented to the user when one graphs the data within the List Data processor. This message box tells the user how to graph the next selected pixel - which is to double click on the graph. This was not working correctly in the Windows version.

Statistics Histogram

The option to draw the density function is now unhilited when the class statistics have not been computed. MultiSpec would crash in the previous version when one selected this option with not class statistics computed.

Status Dialog Boxes

One can now move the status dialog boxes around on the screen while the processor is "working".

Macintosh Version

Coordinate View

A problem was fixed which cause the selected area in the coordinate view to be wrong after one changed the selected line and/or column value using the Edit - Selection Rectangle... menu item.