Beginning with this version, the detailed notes about the changes will be on a page which also gives the latest notes for the Macintosh version since many of the changes are now the same for both.
The cluster processor has been implemented in this release. I have noticed that the space for the dialog box for a processor does not get updated properly at times until after the processing for that processor has completed. I do not know how to fix it yet.
This is a maintenance release. Changes were made so that the Statistics window would appear without scroll bars under Windows 95. There were some bug fixes. The selected area is now not the default area to be displayed in the Display Image dialog box; you can still choose to use the selected area by clicking in the box to the left of the line and column selection values. Also the min-max values for selection graphs are now the same for all graphs belonging to the same image window.
The ECHO classifier has been implemented in this version. Also many changes were made so that the classifiers work correctly for projects with large numbers of channels or classes. The tests run include a project with 4 classes and 220 channels and a project with 157 classes and 12 channels. NOTE: The Windows version of MultiSpec (a 16-bit application) is slow, however, when one uses a large number of classes and/or channels as compared to the Macintosh version running on a PowerPC. A classification with 157 classes or 220 channels will take up to 3 times longer on a 90 MHz Pentium than on an 80 MHz Macintosh PowerPC. A 32-bit Windows version of MultiSpec will be needed to take better advantage of the Intel x86 processors.
The channel numbers and channel descriptions (if available) are now listed above their respective image in the side-by-side channel image window.
Fixes were made so that project files with large numbers of classes and/or channels would be read and written properly.
A dialog box has been added for the Utility-Check Covariance Matrices processor so that the user can control the classes and/or channels to be evaluated and some listing options.
This version contains the capability to use a dialog box to control the display specifications for thematic type images such as classifications. All features have been implemented except the legend for the thematic image and the ability to group classes into information groups. This version will allow one to display information groups if that information is available in the image file that comes from a Macintosh platform.
This version also fixes some errors which would occur if one tried to save some modified project files.
This version contains the capability to use a dialog box to control the specifications for classification. All classification features have been implemented except - classification of a different target image, ability to use unequal weights, ability to select different symbols for the text output classifications, and the Echo classifier.
Also the color tables created for the classification files now contain colors instead of just a range of grays.
Beginning with this version (date), I am making two different application versions available - one which will run on any 386 and above system with or without a math coprocessor (runs slower) and one which requires a math coprocessor (runs faster). The slower and faster refer to math intensive operations such as classifications.
This version contains the capability to select rectangular training and test fields, cut and paste training and test fields, edit field and class names and modify field coordinates. In other words all of the capabilities of the statistics window have been implemented except polygonal fields and listing statistics histograms.
This version adds the capability to do exercises that are on pages 40-46 of the June 95 GLOBE tutorial.
The next step is to implement the classify processor dialog boxes!!!
This version contains the capability to outline the project fields in the base image and associated image windows. Also a project file can be saved to a disk file.
The action of the zoom buttons in the tool bar has been modified so that they behave similar to the zoom buttons in the Macintosh version. If one holds the zoom button down, the zoom operation will be repeated. Also one can hold the 'Ctrl' key down to zoom in or out by units of 0.1 instead of 1.0. Other changes reduce 'flashing' for some zoom situations; i.e. the original image is not cleared before being written over.
One can now strike the 'Esc' key to cancel some operations such as long image display and classify operations.
The next step is to include the capability to select training and test fields!!!
This version fixes some problems that a user pointed out to me. The logical linking capability now works correctly when there are more than two images to be linked. The delete key can be used to delete selected text in the output text window. Also the 'Transform Data...' check box in the Reformat-Change Image File Format dialog box now reflects correctly when a transformation is going to be used. (In the past, if one would open the transformation dialog box, select no transformation, then close the transformation dialog, the 'Transform Data...' check box would indicate that a transformation was going to be used.)
This version adds the capability to delete text in the text output window and to print the text in the text output window.
Also this version includes the capability to classify an image using the statistics that have been read from an input project file. The user does not have the ability to select options for classification; only the defaults can be used. The defaults are - classify training and test fields and the entire image; use Maximum Likelihood classifier; use all channels and classes; write results to a .GIS file. This approach has been taken to test code related to projects in preparation for implementing the ability to select training field.
Also a bug was fixed which would cause MultiSpec to crash if the File-Change Image Description menu item was used for an image which included a selected area.
This version fixes a problem with zooming out that occurred when MultiSpec was run under Windows95. (Many times the resulting image was shifted to the left and up so that only a portion of the image was displayed.) One can now use the Processor-Utilities-List Image Description to get a description of the image file format.
Some of the code that supports projects is operational in this version. A user can read project files that have been generated with the Macintosh version of MultiSpec. Use prj as the file extension for Windows machines. Project files with enhanced statistics cannot be read currently. Once a project file has been opened one can then use the Processor-Utilities-Check Covariances menu command to check the covariances and the Processor-Statistics menu command to get a listing of the statistics for each of the fields and classes in the project. A user can also clear the statistics in the project; the statistics will be updated if they are needed later.
I am still working on tracing down the divide by zero problem that occurs on some machines.
This version fixes a problem with reading .img and .ddr files. The header for these files was not being read correctly. Therefore, the user had to enter the number of line and columns for the image in the image description dialog box. NOTE - The divide by zero problem with the Dell Pentium computers under the Windows 3.11 operating system still exists. (I understand that the problem does not exist if Windows 95 is used.) I will try to trace down where the problem is at.
This version adds the capability to do exercises that are on pages 52-61 of the June 95 GLOBE tutorial. This includes the capability to link image files together and treat them as one pseudo image file. These pseudo image files can be displayed, histogrammed and reformatted the same as an individual image file. Linking is controled by the open image dialog box in the same way as one does with the Macintosh version.
The open image dialog box now contains a dropdown list of filters that can be used to filter (display) subsets of the files within the selected directory. The filters are Multispectral files, Thematic files and All files. Note that the Multispectral and Thematic filters just display files with file types that are commonly used to denote Multispectral or Thematic type images.
Another change was made to try to correct (hopefully) the problem with MultiSpec on the Dell computers discussed below. I have not heard yet whether any of the fixes have corrected the problem.
This version will now display Thematic Image (classification) type images. These include ERDAS .GIS files, Sun screen dump files, and TIFF files with palettes. There is no display dialog box for them yet for control and no legend in the image window, but the images are displayed. This is in preparation for implementing the ability to create project files and running classifications.
There is now a status dialog box for the Histogram Processor. This is most useful when one is computing a histogram for images with 50 or more channels.
Also some changes were made to try to solve a problem with zooming in on Dell XL575 Pentium machines. (I am making a stab in the dark in the changes since I cannot replicate the problem on my machine.) These systems are crashing when one zooms in on an image. Let me know if others running into the same problem.
The Display Image processor can now display 24-bit color images. This takes quite a bit of time on a monitor in 8-bit color mode. It is recommended that this option only be used on monitors in 24-bit color mode.
This version can now open TIFF images in multispectral mode. In other words, TIFF images with color tables will be treated as 1-channel multispectral images.
A bug was fixed in the Reformat-Change Image File Format processor when the input image contained channel descriptions.
Has anyone noticed any problems when zooming out when the zoom factor is less that 0.5? I noticed that this did not work properly on a 486 running Windows95. It works okay, however, on the machine that I use running under Windows3.1.
This version contains a significantly more code that is now the same for both the Macintosh and Windows versions.
The Transform Data option in the Reformat-Change Image File Format dialog box is now available for adjusting selected channels and generating a new channel from a general algebraic transformation.
The channels dialog box was implemented in the Display processor to allow one to display a subset of the channels in side by side mode.
Several changes were made to catch memory errors. A message box will now be displayed in many cases when there is not enough memory to complete an operation.
Portions of the Reformat processor are now available. The Reformat processor allows one to make changes in the disk file associated with the active image window. 'Reformat-Change/Insert Header' allows one to change or create a ERDAS73 or ERDAS74 style header. This can only be done on files which are in BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) format.
The 'Reformat-Change Image File Format' command allows one to make a number of format changes, including creating a new image file with a different format. The current version allows one to select a subset of the lines and columns, select a subset of the channels, convert between BIL, BSQ and BIS interleave formats, invert lines top to bottom and/or columns left to right, swap bytes and change the number of bytes.
Other changes in this version include the addition of the 'Channel Subset' dialog box to the Histogram processor. Also the method used to handle the editable values in dialog boxes was changed so that a user can delete all values in a box such as the start line without getting an error message. If the box is still empty when the user clicks the OK button in the dialog box, an error message will prompt the user to fill in a value.
Also several bug fixes were made. The major one is a fix for loss of available memory as one closes image windows. Errors were also corrected in the Histogram processor which caused the histograms to not be listed properly in the output text window.
This version does not change what can be done in the GLOBE tutorial titled 'MultiSpec: Introduction to Image Processing'. However the base has been set to do some of the items discussed beginning on page 49 when the transformation feature is added.
One can now display 'Selection Graphs'. These work the same as they do in the Macintosh version except that they cannot be copied to the clipboard yet.
One can now display the location of the mouse and the selected area in line and column units. Use the View menu and select Coordinates Bar to display a box within the image window which contains these parameters.
The performance for selection of areas has been improved. I found that the mouse cursor was switching back and forth between the cross cursor and the arrow cursor. Let me know if any finds performance problems on lower end machines.
The spash screen now contains information about the color monitor being used to help in determining the cause of display problems.
The zoom factor is now displayed in the status bar. A check is now made so that the user can not zoom in so far to cause the system to crash. The number of lines or columns being displayed times the zoom factor must be less than 32767. Note that with side by side images, one needs to take into account the number of channels being displayed.
One can now make selections in the image. These selections are then used as defaults within the display and histogram dialog boxes. Buttons have been added to the dialog boxes to allow the user to switch between the entire image and a selected portion of the image. The selections also work in the side by side image displays.
This version has been tested with 224 channel AVIRIS data. Several bugs were fixed so that this large data set would be handled properly.
The histogram processor has been implemented with most of the features. A statistics file with a name other than the default cannot be selected and the channels dialog box has not been implemented. The histogram values can be listed in the output text window.
Changes were made so the text output window cannot be closed.
Some system information was added to the About MultiSpec dialog box that can be accessed under the Help menu item. This information includes the amount of memory available, the amount of disk space available and a note about whether a math coprocessor is available.
This version only has the ability to display ERDAS and EROS-DDR (Globe) formatted images. This version can read image statistics (.STA) files that already exist. It also creates a new .STA file if no .STA file exists for the image. The watch glass cursor has been implemented to indicate long pauses when reading from a CD-ROM before an image is displayed.
The user can zoom the image using the three buttons in the tool bar. The left button of the three allows one to quickly go to a x1 zoom. The middle button is to be used to zoom in and the right button is to be used to zoom out. The zoom buttons act on the active (top-most) image window. I was not able to incorporate these buttons with the scroll bar space as I did in MultiSpec yet. I need to find more information about how to do the zoom buttons in this way
The 'Windows' menu item was moved just left of the Help menu item to be in conformance to the 'Windows' guidelines.
The 'Change Image File Description' dialog box has been implemented.
The 'Display Image...' Dialog box has been implemented to allow the user to select display parameters. I had to change the appearance of the Display Image... dialog box from that for the Macintosh version. 1, 2, 3 and Side-by-Side Channel Display Types have been implemented for 8 bit color. 24 bit color has not been implemented.