CE 506 Homework Fall 2006
- homework 1. assigned friday, 1-sep, due friday, 8-sep
problems here,
- homework 2. assigned thursday, 14-sep, due thursday, 21-sep
problems here,
- homework 3. assigned friday, 6-oct, due tuesday, 17-oct
problems for matrix LS
- homework 4. assigned tuesday, 17-oct, due thursday, 26-oct
traverse adjustment by LS
- hints for homework 4 B,W,f,x,y first iter
- homework 5. assigned tuesday, 31-oct
2D network adjustment
i give data files on monday
20-nov, you return hardcopy solution on tuesday, 21-nov, with digital
version of program (email, cd, mem stick, ...)
- useful matrix functions for hw5 here
- data here (zipped) posted 12:52 monday, 20-nov.
- hw5 hint on reading characters here
- homework 6. assigned 28 november, due last day of class, 8-dec. write
an approx. 2-page review of the book: latitude, by carter & carter. within
the review address the following 2 issues: (1) select an aspect of
measurement, precision, systematic error, or adjustment mentioned in the
book, and relate it to your experiences ce506 or in other geomatics
activities, (2) what were the qualities of seth chandler that permitted
him to make the discoveries about latitude variation without having
formal education in the subject? can such formal education ever be a
hindrance rather than a benefit?
- homework 7. assigned 29-nov, due 8-dec,
gps pseudo range solution
- matlab (.mat) data for hw7 here