AAE 190 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering, Fall 2000

First handout: Description of the Course (a .pdf file)

Assignment 1 Design one or more interactive experiments (due 9/5/00) (a .pdf file)

Assignment 2 Air Force Museum Sketches (due 9/19/00) (a .pdf file)

Class canceled on Thursday 9/14/00 because the class will be going to US Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio, on Sunday 9/17/00.

Assignment 3 Aviation Week and Space Technology Research Paper on Topic of Your Selection (due 9/21/00) (a .pdf file)

NanoSpace 2001: Exploring Interdisciplinary Frontiers: The International Conference on Integrated Nano/Micro Technology for Space and Biomedical Applications (.pdf)

Concorde Photos and Drag Polar Determination (including Assignment 4, due 10/5/00)

Cyber Ethics and Cyber Crime (.pdf)

Notice: Class Meets at the Memorial Mall near John Purdue's Grave on October 19, 2000

Water Rocket Project Including Assignment 5 (due 10/26/00)

Water Rocket Project Assignment 5 delayed until 10/31/00

Distinguished Guests (Roy Bridges, Martin Jischke, John Nestel) (.pdf)

Gus Grissom and the early history of the manned space program

Scientific Notation Including Assignment 6 delayed till 11/7/00 (.pdf)

Unit Converters (e.g. convert from feet to meters)

Assignment 7: Electronic Essay About Reactions to President Jischke's Talk (Due 11/9/00, .pdf)

Helpful Information About the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Leonid Meteor Shower (NASA Site) November 17 & 18, 2000 (Australian Site)

AAE 451 Aircraft Design Flight Tests will be held at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, 11/21/00, in the Mollenkopf Athletic Center. Try to attend.

Assignment 8 Concept Map of the Curriculum

Distinguished Visitor on 11/30/00: Anna-Maria Rivas McGowan, Purdue graduate and winner of the AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award, 2000 .

School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Faculty Visitor, Professor John J. Rusek, Propulsion area, 12/5/00. Technical presentation of Aluminum-Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Cell Research (research2.pdf).


Stephen Bales, 26 year old Guido for Apollo 11 Lunar Landing

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