Accelerator Architecture Lab at Purdue


Prof. Tim Rogers

Group Director

Current Phd Students


Mahmoud Khairy

Research Topics: Memory systems, modeling, scalable GPUs, post-Moore Scaling, deep learning


Mengchi Zhang

Research Topics: GPU compute microarchitecture, programmability, software systems.


Aaron Barnes

Research Topics: Reusable, reconfigurable components, TBD.


Cesar Avalos

Research Topics: Simulation methodologies, TBD.


Ahmad Alawneh

Research Topics: Programmability, memory allocation, TBD.


Yechen Liu

Research Topics: Heterogenous systems, TBD

PhD Alumni

Tsung Tai

Tsung Tai Yeh

PhD Thesis: Accelerating Parallel Tasks by Optimizing GPU Hardware Utilization

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University.

Research Topics: GPU Runtime Systems, GPU compute microarchitecture, machine learning applications.

Current MaSc Thesis Students

Abhishek Bhaumick

Abhishek Bhaumick

Research Topics: Accelerators.


Junrui Pan

Research Topics: Accelerators.

MaSc Thesis Alumni

Akshay Jain

MASc Thesis: Virtualize or Keep It Real? A Study of GPU Instruction Set Architectures and Their Effects in Simulations

Current Position: Deep Learning System Software Engineer, Intel

Undergraduate Researcher Alumni

Vadim Nikiforov

Current Position: PhD Student, UC Berkley

MaSc Research Credit Alumni

Zhesheng (Jason) Shen

Current Position: Intel

Amogh Manjunath

Current Position: Silicon Engineer at Microsoft