Analysis of Mobile Haulage Equipment Operating Dynamics

Injuries and fatalities occur every year when mine workers are struck and pinned by mobile haulage equipment in underground and surface mines. To prevent these accidents, the mining industry is beginning to adopt proximity detection systems to this class of equipment. These systems use various technologies, such as RFID, RADAR, infrared and others. The problem with this adaptation is that manufacturers are designing systems without sufficient scientific investigation to determine all of the parameters. NIOSH intends to conduct a thorough investigation of these accidents and develop innovative technology that will increase workers safety around mobile haulage equipment.

To start this process, the vehicle dynamics for the majority of mobile haulage equipment will be studied. Characteristics such as acceleration, tractive effort, braking, steering, and other parameters will be examined in conjunction with human motion data to create computer simulations.

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Nina Mahmoudian
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907