NEMO5 is the fifth edition of the NanoElectronics MOdeling Tools of the Klimeck group. It incorporates the core concepts and insights gained from 15 years of development of NEMO-1D, NEMO-3D, NEMO-3D-Peta and OMEN.

The core capabilities of NEMO5 lie in the atomic-resolution calculation of nanostructure properties: strain relaxation, phonon modes, electronic structure using the tight-binding model, selfconsistent Schroedinger-Poisson calculations, and quantum transport.

NEMO5 licensing agreements for academic and commercial use are available. The 2016 version of NEMO5 is free, with restrictions, for academic use. Please see the Availability page for details. Software distribution and support is handled through the NEMO5 distribution and support group on nanoHUB.

Given the significant amount of work that went into the NEMO5 development since early 2017 in terms of simulation features, usability and reliability, we recommend interested users to get access to the latest NEMO5 version. The latest NEMO5 can be licensed as "Victory Atomistic" from the Silvaco Inc. Please refer to the announcements by Silvaco.