
Our research focuses on the electronic structure of impurities in silicon for nano-electronic and quantum computing applications. Individual dopants provide 3D confinement to electrons as in quantum dots, and provide access to a number of quantum phenomena typically associated with single atoms. The impurity wave functions typically span for tens of nano meters in the crystal, giving rise to the possibility of exercising gate control. Our primary focus is to investigate quantum control of such impurities for high fidelity qubit design. Typically, We employ the semi-empirical tight-binding theory under the hood of the Nanoelectronic Modeling Tool (NEMO 3-D), and make use of large-scale parallel computing for our calculations.
Our group has worked on the following research projects.
- Hyperfine Stark Effect of P-impurities (download pdf and ppt)
- Anisotropic Hyperfine Interaction (AHF) (download pdf and ppt)
- Coherent Transport Adiabatic Passage (CTAP) (download pdf and ppt)
- D- Modeling for As Donors (download pdf and ppt)
- Charge Qubit Control (download pdf and ppt)
Students (Purdue University, NCN)
Rajib Rahman, Seung Hyun Park
Professor Gerhard Klimeck, Professor Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
University of Melbourne (Center for Quantum Computer Technology), AustraliaProfessor Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg, Christopher C. Escott, Jared Cole, Andrew D. Greentree
Delft University of Technology, Nethelands
Professor Sven Rogge, Arjan Verdujin, Gabri Lansbergen
Princeton University, NJ, USA
Forrest R. Bradbury
Sandia National Labaratory, NM, USA
Richard P. Muller