Hoon Ryu

Study of optical properties of self-assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot system with realistic dimensions

Contact Block Reduction (CBR) for Ballistic Transport with Atomistic Basis Sets. Hoon Ryu and Gerhard Klimeck


  • Evaluate Retarded Green's Function for open system (GR) in an atomistic basis set with reduced computational costs


  • Use Contact Block Reduction Method with atomistic Tight Binding (TB) Band Model.
  • Identify Basis-Dependent Efficiency Criteria.


  • The numerical efficiency of CBR is generally hard to achieved unless BM has cubic-grid bases.
  • CBR is still efficient with TB for the RTD-like devices, where a few strongly confined states dominate transport in a narrow energy range.
  • k·p can be the optimal solution to attack following problems at one time.
    • Modeling of the hole-transport through wires with acceptable accuracy.
    • Modeling of multi-contact effect (>2)
    • Evaluation of GR with acceptable efficiency.

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