"ECE 694 - Graduate Student Seminar Course"
Mandatory Course for all ECE graduate Students. Purdue University. Instructor Goal: Coordinate presentations by external visitors on professional aspects of life after graduate school. Covered topics are resumes, paper writing, career planning, interview skills, financial planning. Developed a new syllabus, which includes a massive peer review where students evaluate a complete stack of their 60-100 peers in 45 minutes to enforce them with a view of a hiring manager. -
"ECE 606 - Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices"
(S10: co-taught with Prof. Mark Lundstrom, S12: co-taught with Prof. David Janes, and Jim Cooper)
Core Course in the micro-nano area in ECE. Developed associated crystal structure, bandstructure and quantum transport simulation tools to integrate nanoHUB into the course curriculum.
Deployed a new version of the course into edX in the summer of 2020. -
"Nanoelectronic Modeling: From Quantum Mechanics and Atoms to Realistic Devices"
Ph.D. Short Course, University of Pisa, Oct. 5-9 2009, Host: Prof. Gianluca Fiori.
20 participants from Italy and Europe overall,
41 individual lecture elements - approximately 16 hours of lectures. -
"UTD - Advanced Semiconductor Device Theory"
University of Texas at Dallas. 18 Ph.D. and Master students, evening course Text book primarily used: S. Datta, Quantum Phenomena.