Eric Geier's Lab Notebook

Week 01

December 13, 2007 (1.0 hours):
Met as a team to brainstorm ideas for the overall project as well as decide on individual work that would be done over break. This included picking/ordering parts, obtaining key project items, and how different parts of the project would be completed.

January 7, 2008 (1.0 hours):
Searched for a possible donation for NPC-T74 DC motors. Made some calls and was able to get a donation and get the motors ordered. Also searched for possible source for some aluminum to be used as the footplate as well as aluminum structural framing for the body of the robot.

January 10, 2008 (1.5 hours):
Met as a team to finish the preliminary project proposal. This included deciding a project name, discussing a general division of work for the project, and a decision on what exactly the project will accomplish. Also started the website so the lab notebooks could be started.

Accomplishments: Submitted preliminary project proposal. Started the website. Found a source for motors.
Weekly Work Total: 3.5 hours
Project Work Total: 3.5 hours

Week 02

January 15, 2008 (2.5 hours):
Met as a team to finish the final project proposal. I created a hardware block diagram for the homework. Assisted in making the Powerpoint slides for the PSSC presentation. Major updates were made to the website.

January 17, 2008 (2.5 hours):
Met as a team to come up with a preliminary design for the frame. We decided to go with aluminum structural framing that would be easy to work with as a platform frame for the base. The motors would bolt directly to this. We would use an aluminum plate for the footplate as well as a piece of aluminum structural framing for the vertical shaft and handlebar. We decided to place the batteries standing up between where the rider's feet will be placed. This allowed the best weight distribution for the batteries. Ordered the LCD screen that will be placed by the handlebars to display information to the rider. The team decided to go with an ATMEL microcontroller that is specifically designed for motor control.

Accomplishments: PSSC and project proposal finalized. Motors/Batteries arrived. Microcontroller ordered. Preliminary chassis design made.
Weekly Work Total: 5.0 hours
Project Work Total: 8.5 hours

Week 03

January 20, 2008 (3.0 hours):
Went to pick up the motors as well as 3/8 inch steel stock which was chosen over aluminum since the aluminum structure framing may not be strong enough to withstand the rated torque. The four steel stock pieces were cut to length to create a 16" x 18" rectangle frame for the vehicle base. Also found a possible source for an aluminum plate to use for the footplate.

January 22, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Met after class to show the rest of the group the motors and steel stock frame. Discussed placement of the motors and obtained prints that show the hole placement so the bolt holes can be drilled in the steel. Rearched reference material online to begin designing the control algorithm and system model that will be used for our vehicle. The material that was being examined can be viewed at the following website.

January 23, 2008 (3.0 hours):
Spoke to Professor Wasynczuk about helping determine the parameters of our DC motor using electromechanical modeling equations. Spoke to NPC motor representative to try and determine if the parameters found were correct based on dyno results found on the motor webpage. Researched how to model a DC motor in Simulink as well as how to model the physical behavior of an inverted pendulum in Simulink. Started to create a Simulink model for our vehicle to determine what type of controller should be used to optimize the control behavior.

January 25, 2008 (0.5 hours):
Dropped off steel bars to have Chuck in the machine shop drill holes in them. Also talked to Chuck Barnett about the rest of the tooling work needed for the project.

Accomplishments: Picked up motors and obtained metal to begin constructing frame. Began initial tooling work for the vehicle chassis. Began initial system modeling in Simulink.
Weekly Work Total: 8.5 hours
Project Work Total: 17.0 hours

Week 04

January 29, 2008 (1.5 hours):
Met with team after class. Continued working with Jeremy on the system model for Simulink. Pete and Greg started working on the Design Constraint Homework.

January 30, 2008 (2.5 hours):
Worked on the Simulink model with Jeremy. There is one main simulation problem arising. This is modeling the physical system. The mechanics are rather complex and not normal EE work. Also worked on part of the Design Constraint Homework. Picked up the frame after the four pieces of steel stock were welded together.

Accomplishments: Have a Simulink model of the vehicle system started but still debugging. Frame is welded.
Weekly Work Total: 4.0 hours
Project Work Total: 21.0 hours

Week 05

February 4, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Started writing a section of Homework 4.

February 5, 2008 (1.5 hours):
Began the schematic for the main logic board that would include the microprocessor. Made a unique part in OrCAD Capture to represent the microprocessor exactly.

Accomplishments: Schematics for the motor controller board as well as the logic board started.
Weekly Work Total: 3.5 hours
Project Work Total: 24.5 hours

Week 06

February 10, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Continued working on logic board schematic and almost finished it. The wire connections were drawn for the accelerometer and gyroscope to the microprocessor. Also drawn were the capacitor circuits for filtering on the gyroscope. Then the wires for connecting the LCD header as well as the LCD display were drawn. The reset button circuit, passenger detect switch, and battery level voltage divider circuit were added. Finally a 22V10 PLD was added to be included in determining either a forward or reverse PWM signal to the motor controller headers.

February 12, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Met after class. Used the design constraint check tool in ORCAD Capture to prepare the schematic for making a netlist. Once all the errors were fixed a netlist was created which was then used to import the schematic to the PCB software. Footprints were chosen for all the components.

February 16, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Met with Greg to start work on the microprocessor board PCB and finished quite a large portion of it. Also found sample code to help start work on the software as well as small practice programs to ensure the microprocessor is working correctly.

Accomplishments: Schematics finished. Microprocessor and motor controller PCBs started.
Weekly Work Total: 12.0 hours
Project Work Total: 36.5 hours

Week 07

February 19, 2008 (6.5 hours):
Met with team to continue work on PCB. The microprocessor board was basically finished. Did some final changes on the left motor controller PCB. Still need to complete the same changes on the right motor controller PCB.

February 23, 2008 (6.0 hours):
Met with team to finish up the motor PCBs. The power and ground traces were widened to 300 mil to allow for more current to flow through without damage. Copper and solder will also be put on these traces to ensure the traces won't burn up due to large amounts of current flow during the start of the motors. The presentation for the Design Review was started and it was decided how the work would be divided. Also a problem dealing with how to connect the FETs to the Two Wheel Deal vehicle was discussed. This deals with insulating the FETs so that the necessary FETs can't conduct with the ground found on the vehicle. Finally the motors, hubs, and wheels were attached to the steel stock frame and tested using a single 12V battery.

Accomplishments: Schematics finished. Microprocessor and motor controller PCBs finished. Frame assembly started.
Weekly Work Total: 12.5 hours
Project Work Total: 49.0 hours

Week 08

February 25, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Met with team to continue work on Design Review presentation. Printed off schematic and PCB for review.

February 26, 2008 (6.0 hours):
Met with team to finish work on Design Review presentation. Printed off slides for presentation. Also started working on a basic program to test functionality of microprocessor. Reviewed Team 3 during their Design Review presentation and then presented.

February 27, 2008 (10.0 hours):
Worked on getting some of the peripherals of the microcontroller working. First the microcontroller circuit was set up to allow prototyping. Then managed to write some functions to display data on the LCD. This allows easier debugging since data can displayed to see what is happening. Also managed to get the analog to digital peripheral functional. Finally the PCB layout was changed to better reduce the problem of loops made by the power and ground traces. This was brought up during the design review.

March 1, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Researched the timer peripheral to try to get up and running on the micro as well as how to handle interrupts. The software will be run every hundredth of a second so having the timer set up correctly and knowing how to handle the interrupt is important. Also started writing a basic skeleton file of the overall program.

Accomplishments: Design Review finished. Microcontroller peripheral functionality started. PCB layout change.
Weekly Work Total: 22.0 hours
Project Work Total: 71.0 hours

Week 09

March 2, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Continued working on the timer peripheral. Tested new code for functionality.

March 4, 2008 (8.0 hours):
Continued working on the timer peripheral. Managed to find a couple slight errors in the initialization of the timer. Once this was fixed it started working. Then a new routine was written for a delay based on the timer. Next the code was cleaned up slightly now that most of the peripheral debugging is complete. Worked with Pete on the balancing and steering algorithms. Reviewed ideas used by outside independent balancing vehicle inventers.

March 5, 2008 (7.0 hours):
Met with team in EE lab. Continued working with Pete on the software. Added some code to the still incomplete balancing algorithm. Worked with the accelerometer to determine the angle of tilt based on voltage readings. Determined that the analog to digital peripheral still isn't working completely correctly. The values read are a channel behind the channel that is actually desired. Still working to solve this problem. Also completed the final PCB design check on the 1x1 printout.

March 6, 2008 (7.5 hours):
Met with Pete in EE lab to work on the software. First worked on the ADC because it was always a channel behind the desired channel to be measured. Greg came up with the idea to use an interrupt service routine to get the values automatically and have them saved in a vector. This was programmed and worked perfectly. Next the angle of tilt was found by taking the accelerometer Y output divided by the accelerometer X output. The angle was verified because when the accelerometer was upright the angle measured 0 degrees, when it was tilted forward it measured +90 degrees, and when it was tilted backward it read -90 degrees. Then more was added to the balancing algorithm. It was based on some psuedocode used by other independent two wheeled vehicle creators. The constant values for the Proportional-Derivative Control were chosen at random since no working model for the system was created. Hopefully once the vehicle is assembled and debugging starts the values can be tweaked and fine tuned to give a quick and effective response.

Accomplishments: ADC and Timer Peripheral running. Balance and Steering Algorithm started. Final PCB Design Check Complete.
Weekly Work Total: 24.5 hours
Project Work Total: 95.5 hours

Week 10

March 10, 2008 (7.0 hours):
Worked on the software. The first thing done was a function was created that allowed a string up to 15 characters long to be inputted and then it would be displayed on the LCD. This was done using a pointer to the string address and having the pointer increment till a null character was encountered. Next a function was written that took a float number as an input and displayed the number on the LCD with two significant digits. This was done by casting the float to an int then displaying that using sscanf and techniques used in the string display function. Then the original float was multiplied by 100 as well as the cast int and the two were subtracted leaving the decimal part. This was then displayed using the same techniques. This allowed two separate functions, one for ints and one for floats, to be combined to save memory. The code was then cleaned up using these new functions. Here is the prototyping setup that has been used to program:

March 11, 2008 (7.0 hours):
Worked on the software. The first thing done was to create custom symbols for the LCD driver to use to display a large custom battery symbol. Seven custom characters and the underscore symbol were used to create the large custom battery symbol. A function was written to create a custom character based on 8 inputs for the character and an address input. Next the lcd_update function was continued. The screen that will be displayed during operation was created. The lcd_update function was added to the main function which completed that module. The accelerometer/angle results were displayed correctly using the new LCD operating screen. The LCD screen setup and the custom battery symbol can be viewed here:

Accomplishments: LCD functions completed including a string display and number display. The main code module is complete. The LCD update module is nearly finished. The custom battery symbol is complete.
Weekly Work Total: 14.0 hours
Project Work Total: 109.5 hours

Week 11

March 17, 2008 (6.5 hours):
Started Homework 9. Completed the Introduction, half of Software Design Considerations, and a third of Software Design Narrative. Also worked on the software. Added some logic to display appropriate level of the custom battery symbol depending on what the voltage reading from the 24V batteries is. If the voltage is less than 4V the battery shows completely empty, less than 10V and it is show a quarter full, less than 16V and its half full, less than 22V its three quarters full, and if its greater than or equal to 22V its completely full. This completes the lcd_update function except for small problem. Cleaned up the code.

March 18, 2008 (8.0 hours):
Continued working on Homework 9. Completed the rest of the Software Design Narrative. Also made flowcharts for every major function used in the software. Then started on the TCSP PowerPoint needed for Wednesday. The design considerations, function flowcharts, hierarchy block diagram, and development status were all included and covered in the presentation.

March 19, 2008 (6.0 hours):
Gave the Software Design Narrative TCSP in class. Then went to lab after class to finish Homework 9. The code modules were added online to allow them to be viewed using the hot links in the homework. Finished the last section of the homework which was the Software Design Considerations. This took quite a bit more time since all of the addresses for memory mapping, registers, and other data had to be specified. Also the PCBs arrived. The rest of the group began to populate the board. There have been some pin out problems with the Linear Regulators as well as the accelerometer. The custom footprints were made using the wrong pinout so the traces were cut and flywires were added to correct the PCB. The accelerometer has been tested on the board and is outputting the correct voltage but the LCD is not displaying the correct value. This is most likely due to the fact that the rest of the ATD pins that are floating since nothing else is wired. Floating ATD pins have caused wrong readings so this will be fixed by disconnecting the ATD from them in order to test the accelerometer.

Accomplishments: lcd_update, battery_alg, and main function written, tested, and correct. Custom battery symbol created. balance_alg function partially written. PCBs arrived. Finished populating the PCBs. Homework 9 completed.
Weekly Work Total: 20.5 hours
Project Work Total: 130.0 hours

Week 12

March 24, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Met with team in lab to decide on how to mount the vertical shaft for the Two Wheel Deal. It is a 2" wide piece of steel. It was decided to mount it using two horizontal holes to the front piece of steel stock frame. The holes were measured in the frame as well as the shaft for Chuck. Also it was decided that the shaft will stick past the bottom of the frame 4". This is used to protect the front battery as well as the motor controller board and microcontroller board. It protects those components because when tipped forward far enough the vehicle stops rotating and hits that. Then it was decided how the LCD box would be mounted to the shaft. It was decided the box will also house the joystick used for steering.

March 25, 2008 (3.0 hours):
Met with team and took the metal shaft and frame to the tooling room to have it drilled. Determined how to mount the batteries. It was decided that two pieces of angled aluminum would be welded together in the shape of a "Z". This way one side of the "Z" would fit under the battery holding it up and the other side would be drilled through and a bolt would mount it to the baseplate of the machine. A very basic drawing can be viewed below that depicts what the holders look like. A weld is made along the junction of the pieces. It is located at the dot on the side view.

March 26, 2008 (3.0 hours):
Met with team to measure the pieces of metal Greg obtained from the scrap bin. A picture was drawn showing how the pieces should be cut and welded together. The pieces and the picture were then taken down to Chuck.

Accomplishments: Vertical shaft designed and assembled. Box to house the LCD and joystick designed. Battery mounts designed and being created.
Weekly Work Total: 8.0 hours
Project Work Total: 138.0 hours

Week 13

April 1, 2008 (7.0 hours):
Met with Greg after class to obtain the metal for the battery holders from Chuck H. Once these were obtained the rest of the team met and Chuck B. let us work in a small machine shop to drill the holes needed. Two holes were drilled in each of the four battery holders. Eight holes were then drilled in the foot plate to connect the battery holders to the plate. Four holes were then drilled in the footplate for each of the motor controller PCBs. Then four holes were drilled in an aluminum sheet that the microcontroller board is mounted to. Two holes were then drilled in the aluminum sheet as well as one of the battery mounts to attached the microcontroller board. Finally two holes were drilled in the vertical shaft as well as the LCD box for mounting. The Two Wheel Deal was then taken to the ECE477 lab where the batteries, PCBS, and LCD box were attached. The batteries were then wired up and initial testing using two wheels was started. The vehicle was blocked up so it could be tested without moving all over the floor. Gain constants for the proportional and derivative controller were adjusted until it seemed adequate. The vehicle was then placed on the floor and the rest angle adjusted so it would try to balance itself. After a few trials and some constant adjusting the vehicle successfully balanced itself althought it does drift slightly. Finally the rest angle was adjusted again to allow a rider to attempt to balance on the vehicle. I was the first to try it and the Two Wheel Deal worked well. A low quality picture of the first ride is shown below:

The vehicle was very sensitive to movements though. After the rest of the team tried it we agreed the sensitivity needed to be lowered. I tried it again after that and it worked perfect. The vehicle also worked perfectly going forward and backward. One problem encountered was the aluminum hubs are slipping. We plan to try and remake them out of steel which should be stronger and less likely to slip.

April 2, 2008 (7.0 hours):
Met in lab before the TCSP session. Began to look at how the joystick, which was taken off a Microsoft XBox controller, would be mounted on the LCD box. It was decided to use a small piece of development board to mount the joystick on directly. Then after class Jeremy and I decided to use 3/4" spacers to place between the development board and the inside edge of the box. This allowed the correct amount of space to remain between the joystick and the hole in the LCD box. This space was necessary to allow the joystick to spring back to the original position so the joystick wouldn't get stuck in the turn position. The holes were then drilled for the joystick screws and the joystick was attached. A picture can be viewed below.

Headers were soldered on the wires from the LCD and joystick to allow a quick disconnect if necessary. Headers were then soldered on both ends of a cable to connect to the microcontroller board as well as the LCD and joystick. The cable was run and secured to the vertical shaft. The program was changed to include the steering algorithm. The vehicle was then tested and it was successful after a few trials and changes. The gain needs to be increased still to allow a quicker turn. I also arranged new hubs to be made out of steel. The aluminum hubs we are using now are too soft and one has been warped too much to work correctly. They should be finished and attached by early next week. Pictures of the aluminum wheel hubs being used now are shown below:

Accomplishments: Battery mounts made. Electronics mounted underneath machine. LCD box milled. Two Wheel Deal successfully balances and travels forward and backward with a rider. Joystick attached. LCD box wired and connected. Two Wheel Deal steering algorithm added and works correctly.
Weekly Work Total: 14.0 hours
Project Work Total: 152.0 hours

Week 14

April 6, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Went home to pick up the newly made hubs. They are now made out of steel to prevent the slipping that was associated with the softer aluminum metal. A very big thanks to Tom Hinton who made the new hubs with some modifications made to some bolt holes and depths to help strengthen the hubs and ease the assembly. Pictures of the new hubs can be viewed below:

Also started Homework 12. Finished the Introduction and Ethics portions of the homework.

April 7, 2008 (6.0 hours):
Continued working on Homework 12. Finished the rest of the homework which included the Environmental and Summary portions.

April 8, 2008 (11.0 hours):
Met in lab with the newly machined steel hubs. Began to install them when encountered the problem that the steel key was slightly too large to allowed the desired loose fit clearance. The hub, shaft, key, and wheel were taken to the machine shop to be pressed on using some cocoa butter and an arbor press by Chuck H. The hub assembly was then taken back upstairs and the shaft was pressed out about halfway using a hammer and punch to allow the hub to be connected to the frame. The wheel was then hammered the rest of the way back on. Then the proportional and derivative constants were continually adjusted to try and find solid performance from the vehicle. The first problem encountered was it took a long time to change the constants because the vehicle had to be reprogrammed everytime. Also the vehicle seemed very sluggish to respond and it was determined that is because of the filtering added to prevent the motors from reading every little change in angle. Then the PowerPoint presentation was started and completed for the Environmental TCSP session.

April 9, 2008 (5.0 hours):
Went to lab to review and prepare for the Environmental TCSP presentation. Gave the TCSP presentation. Then met in lab and first added two potentiometers which could be adjusted to adjust the proportional and derivative constants without having to continually reprogram it. The total number of filter values was then reduced to prevent the sluggish response found on April 8. Testing was then resumed to find good constant values. This was first done by allowing the machine to try and balance itself. The values that were finally decided on were KP = 0.75 and KD = 1.20. Then each team member tried riding it to see how it felt. Everyone thought it worked really well. It was driven for about 30 minutes and the voltage on the batteries dropped about 1.5 V. Further testing will have to be done to determine about how long the vehicle can be riden on fully charged batteries. The first nonteam member, the lab advisor Chuck B., rode the vehicle also and said it was very fun. A video of myself riding it can be viewed below:

The plan for the rest of the semester is to make the vehicle look nicer, create an easier charging system, and to add a power switch/dead man switch.

April 10, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Met with team in lab to create the 5 PSSC videos. All team members rode the Two Wheel Deal around in the basement of the EE building. The rides were videotaped. The vehicle successfully drove up and down the steep cement ramp in the EE basement. This helps with tests regarding the vehicle operation in a variety of environments. The vehicle was also taken up and down the inclines in EE170. These tests put a large load on the motors but both the motor controller boards and the motors stayed cool thanks to the fans and open body frame. One problem encountered was the Two Wheel Deal would randomly reset causing the motors to stop and the rider to have to step off the vehicle. This is thought to be due to a loose wire connectly. Code was also added to get an estimated to estimate the approximate speed of the vehicle.

April 11, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Met with team in lab to test some new code changes on the Two Wheel Deal. The loose wire was resoldered and code was added to allow the two steering constants to be adjusted using external potentiometers. The KV affects how sharply the rider can steer based on speed. The faster the vehicle is moving the less sensitive the steering joystick is. KS is the general gain constant for the overall steering. These constants were adjusted and finally set on good values after various trials. One last addition made was a deadband which prevents the vehicle from drifting since the joystick doesn't always return to the exact same position. A problem was also encountered when the "Program" button was pressed in AVR Studio. A random signal was sent and the wheels began to turn at full speed. This caused the programmer to get slammed to the ground and crack. Chuck B. was able to replace this, reflash it, and the problem was solved.

Accomplishments: New steel hubs made and picked up. New steel hubs added. Successfully balances itself and successfully riden. Homework 12 finished. Steering constants determined. PSSC videos created. Variety of inclines navigated.
Weekly Work Total: 32.0 hours
Project Work Total: 184.0 hours

Week 15

April 15, 2008 (4.0 hours):
Met in lab with team. Worked on the User Manual and finished it. Had to add directions on how to drive the Two Wheel Deal as well as more safety warnings and troubleshooting. The teams PSSC's were then demonstrated to the GTA Karl Herb. The Two Wheel Deal officially completed all the goals that were set at the beginning of the semester.

April 16, 2008 (5.0 hours):
Met in lab with team. Helped install and debug a new switch that changes the rest angle for the vehicle. If the switch is forward that indicates there is a rider on it and the rest angle is at -4 degrees which is more flat to allow easy riding for a passenger. If the switch is backward that indicates the vehicle should balance itself so a rest angle of -16 degrees is needed to keep the weight of the LCD box set directly above the axle. The switch works perfectly. The vehicle was then taken outside for the first time. It worked really well and a top speed of about 10 mph was estimated. A recurring problem occurred at top speed though causing a wreck. The problem is that the microcontroller resets randomly. When this happens the wheels stop spinning and cause the rider to fall forward. It was thought that the linear regulator was getting too hot and reseting. To prevent this an aluminum heat sink was added. Insulation was also added to wires that are in the LCD box to prevent any from shorting out and causing a voltage drop to the microcontroller. The heat sink worked in dissipating the heat and the insulation worked but the microcontroller is still resetting. The problem is still being worked out. The vehicle was also demonstrated to an EE382 class since the Two Wheel Deal uses a PD controller.

Accomplishments: PSSCs demonstrated to the GTA. Switch added to change between balancing itself and a rider. Two Wheel Deal successfully taken outside. User Manual completed.
Weekly Work Total: 9.0 hours
Project Work Total: 193.0 hours

Week 16

April 22, 2008 (2.0 hours):
Met with team in lab to do some repairs on the Two Wheel Deal. Some problems occurred over the week and weekend. First of all the hubs had become loose and a wheel came off. To solve this the wheels were removed using a gear puller. The hubs were then taken apart and the bolts put back in using LockTight. This will help keep the bolts tight under all the vibrations and hits the wheels may take. Another problem was that in one hub the key stock shaved off when the wheel came off so the key stock was taken out and repositioned so the shaved off side was not in a crucial position. The hub was then put back together using LockTight. Below is a picture of the team removing the wheels:

One final problem that was fixed was to find a new balance angle without a rider. Probably due to the many crashes that have happened, the vertical shaft has bent slightly changing the center of gravity. This in effect means the balance angle needed to be changed to ensure stability. The new balance angle was found to be -17.5 degrees. Greg and Pete also changed the steering algorithm to add some steering ability at higher speeds because the previous algorithm prevented that.

April 23, 2008 (6.0 hours):
Met in lab before class to work on the bonus presentation to be used on Friday in the ECE270/ECE362 classes. Then presented the PSSCs in class. Then after class started and completed the ECE Senior Design Report due on Monday.

April 24, 2008 (3.0 hours):
Met with team to finish the bonus presentations for Friday. Also worked on the homeworks due Monday. Took some pictures for the final report. The picture used in the final report can be viewed below:

April 25, 2008 (5.0 hours):
Met with team in the ECE362 lecture. Participated in the bonus presentation. Then worked and completed the first version of the poster. Also finished the final report, printed it, and had it bound. Then participated in the bonus presentation in the ECE270 lecture.

Wheel and Hub problems fixed. New balance angle found. Steering algorithm adjusted. Senior Design Report finished. Bonus Presentation PowerPoint finished. Final Report finished and bound. First version of poster finished. Completed Bonus Presentations.
Weekly Work Total: 16.0 hours
Project Work Total: 209.0 hours