Research and Education to Enable 5G, 6G, and Beyond
Wireless access has permeated every aspect of our lives. As the demand continues to grow, new research is needed to provide higher data rates, lower latencies, improved security, and reduced interference. Our center aims to address these problems in a holistic way, spanning from hardware to advanced theory. The center’s research includes a thrust focused on the rural wireless access. The team builds upon Purdue’s long history of excellence in communications and networking.
The Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture (IoT4Ag)
Our Mission is to create and translate to practice Internet of Thing (IoT) technologies for precision agriculture and to train and educate a diverse workforce that will address the societal grand challenge of food, energy, and water security for decades to come.
The Open Ag Technology and Systems Center (OATS)
Many of the most promising avenues for sustainable food-ag system improvements involve novel applications of sensing, networking, and computation to big data science, visualization, and analytics. Powerful data sets and models continue to be developed at the plot, watershed, and even regional level from these research efforts.
Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless (AERPAW)
AERPAW is a $24 million grant, awarded by the PAWR Project Office on behalf of the National Science Foundation, to develop an advanced wireless research platform, led by North Carolina State University, in partnership with Wireless Research Center of North Carolina, Mississippi State University and Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; additional partners include Town of Cary, City of Raleigh, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Purdue University, University of South Carolina, and many other academic, industry and municipal partners.
Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)
The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to earn academic credit while engaging in authentic and extended research and design projects related to active research areas of Purdue faculty members and national, international, and industry-sponsored design challenges. Students can participate on interdisciplinary and vertically-integrated teams (first-year through seniors) with faculty and graduate student mentors for multiple semesters to address these real-world research and design challenges.
Current Projects
NSF-CIF-2309887: CIF: Small: Fundamental Communication Latency Limits Beyond the Traditional Block-Coding Architecture
NSF-CNS-2107363: Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium: Information Freshness in Scalable and Energy Constrained Machine to Machine Wireless Networks.