CORES Equipment Database


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Name / Description Location Contacts Recharge Accessible to Non-Purdue Users
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology - Metrology Laboratory

Surface and mechanical property characterization

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MGL 1317 James B. Mann S. (Chandy) Chandrasekar
Center for Materials under eXtreme Environment (CMUXE)

Center for Materials under extreme environments (CMUXE) is a research unit at Purdue University aimed at promoting nuclear, material science, plasma research, and education. Members of CMUXE perform basic and applied research in wide variety of interdisciplinary fields. The major thrust area is the interactions of high-intensity, modulated energy beams: electromagnetic radiation, plasma, electrons, ions and other particle sources (i.e. clusters, molecules) with matter. The CMUXE combines both advanced integrated computational tools, i.e., HEIGHTS simulation package and state-of-the art experimental devices.

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POTR 370, 351, 334 Ahmed Hassanein X
Christopher and Susan Burke Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory

Mechanics of Water Transport Processes in Environmental and Engineering Flows; field and laboratory investigations of water quantity and quality.

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CIVL Cary Troy
Currently No
Available On Contractual Basis
Impact Science Laboratory

We develop innovative dynamic experimental techniques to determine the mechanical response of challenging materials and structures under impact loading conditions. We have extensive experiences in characterizing materials from as soft as gel rubbers to as hard as armor ceramics, from as small as a single spider silk to as large as instrumented concrete targets. A recent book (Split Hopkinson (Kolsky) Bar by Springer) documents some of our previous work.

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ARMS B130 /Bowen Weinong Chen
Laboratory for Renewable Resources Engineering (LORRE)

Carries out research, training, and discovery in transforming renewable resources into biofuels and bioproducts. Couples fundamental research in renewable resources to the art and science of scale-up for purposes of design, prototyping, and operation of industrial systems that are economic, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. Provides research services in microbiology, fermentation, liquid chromatography and biomass analysis.

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Potter Michael Ladisch X
Yes, for some activities
Laser Research and Manufacturing Facilities, Mechanical Engineering

High Power Femtosecond Laser System, Wavelength Coverage from 240 nm (UV) to 10,000 nm (Far IR)

Gatewood Wing, School of Mechanical Engineering Robert Lucht Xianfan Xu Yung Shin
MSE Materials Preparation and Testing Labs

Sample Preparation and Mechanical Testing

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ARMS Jameson Root X X
MSE Microscopy Facility

The MSE Microscopy Facility contains 2 Transmission Electron Microscopes and 3 Scanning Electron Microscopes for use in research and analysis. The SEMs have Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) capability, and one SEM also has Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis (EBSD). The facility contains a sample preparation laboratory with basic tools and supplies for EM sample preparation. In addition there are 2 Atomic Force Microscopes, one small sample stage and one large sample stage that has a wide variety of attachments for a variety of experiments. The large stage AFM also has Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) and Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) capability.

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ARMS Jameson Root X X
MSE X-Ray Characterization Facility

Specialized X-Ray Analysis

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ARMS Jameson Root X X
Maha Fluid Power Laboratory

Fluid Power System Testing and Development Systems

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Kepner Andrea Vacca X
Pankow Materials Laboratories

Physical Structure, Serviceability, Durability and Non Destructive Testing of Infrastructure Materials

CIVL Jan Olek X X
Purdue University Reactor Number 1 (PUR-1)

operational nuclear reactor for research and education

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EE B80 Robert Bean X X

Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Ultrasmall Angle X-ray Scattering for characterization of nanoparticles, nanomaterials, polymers, and nanostructures

FRNY B. W. Boudouris X X
Soft Materials Characterization Laboratory

This lab is dedicated to the characterization and analysis of polymeric and other soft materials. It currently contains TA Instruments Q2000 Dynamic Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) capable of -180C to 700C operation, a TA Instruments Q800 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) with humidity controller, and a TA instruments Q50 Thermogravimtric Analyzer (TGA).

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ARMS B214 Jeffrey Youngblood X