Hi! My name is Emilynn Johns and I am from Noblesville, Indiana. I am currently a sophomore majoring in Industrial Engineering. I am minoring in Computer Science, and I am also pursuing a certificate in Applications of Data Science. In addition to being involved in PSEF, I am also a part of the Women in Engineering Program, IISE, and Horizons Student Support Services here on campus. Outside of my academics and other campus involvements, I love to spend my time weightlifting, reading, and crocheting.

Emilynn Johns

  • Major: Industrial Engineering
  • Minors & Certificates: Computer Science
  • Graduation Year: 2026
  • View LinkedIn

Campus Involvements

  • Women in Engineering Program
  • Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
  • Horizons Student Support Services
  • Certificate in Applications in Data Science