ECE 264 Advanced C Programming Fall 2014
Course goals
Learning objectives
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
an ability to read and write C programs that use recursion. [1,4;a,b,c,e,k]
an ability to read and write C programs that use structures. [1,4;a,b,c,e,k]
an ability to read and write C programs that use dynamic data structures. [1,4;a,b,c,e,k]
an ability to read and write C programs that use files. [1,4;a,b,c,e,k]
The following topics will be covered in this course (though not necessarily in this order):
Explain how the call stack changes as a program progresses
Understand how local variables and arguments appear on call stack in function codes
Understand how call stack grows when a function called
Understand how call stack shrinks when a function completes
Understand where the program continues after a function completes
Understand pointers
Distinguish the meaning of the pointer in four different context
Apply pointers in appropriate context
Implement algorithms using C
Describe an algorithm in English
Describe the assumptions and restrictions of the problem
Describe the input of the algorithm
Describe the desired outcome of the algorithm
Describe the procedure to produce the desired outcome from the input
Generate scenarios to validate the algorithm
Describe all valid scenarios that can be handled by the algorithm
Identify at least three invalid scenarios which cannot be handled by the algorithm
Translate an algorithm from English to a C program
Choose appropriate library functions when translating an algorithm
Utilize online manual of library functions and distinguish between related functions
Convert the procedure in English to appropriate syntax in the C program
Create test cases to verify the program
Differentiate between correct and incorrect results when testing a program
Understand the functionalities of various tools for testing and debugging
Utilize appropriate tools in testing
Interpret the results from testing and take appropriate action for correcting the program
Write programs that use recursion
Explain the terminating condition(s) of recursion
Describe the solution for a complex case based on the solutions of simpler cases
Translate a recursive solution from English to a C program
Manage memory
Distinguish between memory using call stack or heap
Understand call stack is managed by compiler
Understand heap memory is managed by programmer
Identify the conditions when dynamic memory allocation and release are required
Utilize appropriate tools to detect inappropriate memory usage
Create new data types that can be dynamically allocated or released
Understand the purpose of new data types and how to create new data types
Define self-referring data types for recording data of unknown size
Describe algorithms using self-referring data types
Distinguish between data types with different time and space efficiency
Implement the algorithms in C programs
Develop the ability to read program specifications and documentations
Understand the requirements in a specification
Identify incomplete or inconsistent requirements in a specification
Make appropriate decisions in interpreting specifications and clearly document the decisions
Look up references for the C language