7 AM – 8 AM – Breakfast |
8 AM – 9 AM –
Prof. Kalevi Huhtala (Tampere U. of Technology)
Energy efficiency and autonomy in off-road vehicles in future worksites
Innovative hydraulics and automation in Tampere University (TAU) has been studied energy efficiency and remote or autonomous off-road vehicles during the last three decades. This research is highly related to work for Professor Monika Ivantysynova.
Future worksites will be occupied by different level of automation work machines. How these machines are working individually and how a fleet of these machines cooperates is discussed. The ways of saving energy and how the autonomy in these machines is achievable is described and defined in the presentation.
The required control strategies, sensors, and algorithms for operating with autonomous wheel loader are studied and presented in the paper. The control strategy is consisting of e.g. static and dynamic mapping, path planning, obstacle observation and avoidance. In the autonomous machines and also in machines where operator assistance system is active the situational awareness is the key research field. How we are sensing the surroundings of the machine with the today’s sensors is presented in the paper.
Power management and energy efficiency in hydraulic work machines are still active fields of research. Multiple architectures and configurations have been suggested concerning this field. In addition, implemented solutions that consider an entire machine are rarely presented. This presentation introduces the research work of the control system which is minimizing the fuel consumption. Compared to traditional controls, the new methods both reduce the fuel consumption and extend the operating range of a machine.
Professor Kalevi Huhtala is leading the fluid power research in Tampere University. The Fluid power research team consists of five professors and total staff of 40.
He is graduated from Tampere University of technology in 1996. Title of his doctor thesis is “Modelling of Hydrostatic Transmission - Steady-State, Linear and Non-Linear Models”. The nomination of professorship took place in 2003. The research field of the professorship is hydraulics in mobile machines.
His main research interests are autonomous mobile machines. He has supervised over 10 doctoral theses and over 100 master theses. He has several scientific publications. He has been member of scientific program committees of conferences in Aachen, Dresden, Linz, Hangzhou, Linköping and Tampere.
: Energy efficiency and autonomy in off-road vehicles in future worksites Download
9 AM – 10 AM – Advancements in Fluid Power Systems |
Jose Garcia (Purdue)
Fully 3-D printed soft actuator characterization
Additive manufacturing is an enabling technology that is rapidly advancing with the development of new printers, materials, and processes. The purpose of this research was to design a part that could function similar to a pneumatic piston-cylinder producing small force outputs between 5 and 10 N. The research presented in this paper looks at various types of 3D printing methods to produce flexible linear bellows actuators to achieve this functionality. In particular, stereolithography, fused deposition modeling, digital light processing, and Polyjet printing were examined to produce a variety of test actuators. A successful flexible part was designed and produced using Polyjet printing, the steady state and dynamic responses of constructed actuators were measured and characterized at various loading conditions. The displacement trends at different load conditions followed a non-linear path, exhibiting highly elastic deformation typical of the flexible resins used in this project.
Jose Garcia is an assistant professor of the school of engineering technology at Purdue University in West Lafayette. Graduated from Universidad de los Andes with a B.S. in Mechanical engineering in 2002, completed his master and doctoral studies at Purdue University in 2006 and 2011 respectively. He worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Illinois Institute of Technology from 2011 to 2012.
: Fully 3-D printed soft actuator characterization Download
Bin Yao (Purdue)
Simultaneous achievement of high control performance and energy efficiency of electro-hydraulic systems via parallel connection of pump and valve control units
There have been an ever increasingly stronger demand for electro-hydraulic systems of having both high control performance and high energy efficiency. Traditionally, high performance electro-hydraulic systems are achieved through the use of costly high-bandwidth servo-valve control units, in which inevitable throttling losses make the overall system very energy inefficient. For better energy efficiency, direct pump controlled systems have become the standard. Though significant efforts have been made during the past decades in improving the achievable bandwidth of the pump control units, in general, they are still far slower than those of the valves, leading to relatively poor overall system control performance, especially under large flows or large power conditions. This talk presents a novel idea of using parallel connection of pump and valve control units to achieve the two goals simultaneously. Specifically, the hardware consists of two main parts -- direct pump control unit and independent metering control unit through fast acting valves. Unlike existing pump-valve systems which are essentially of series connection and have the same throttling losses problem as the purely valve controlled system, the two parts in our study are of parallel connection. Such a hardware configuration leads to a dual-stage actuation system in which the lower bandwidth pump is used to provide the majority amount of flow to drive the overall system in an energy-efficient way, while the fast-acting valves are controlled precisely to generate the small amount of adjusting flow for high control performance. In addition, our previously proposed high-performance adaptive robust control approach is employed to synthesize controllers that seamlessly coordinate the pump control unit and the valve control unit in dealing with the unavoidable uncertainties and nonlinearities of the overall system and the different dynamic properties of the pump and the valve. Comparative experimental results obtained show that the proposed system not only achieves better control performance than the valve controlled system due to the reduced valve control flow needed, but also about 50%-70% reduction in energy consumption at the same time.
Dr. Yao received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in February 1996 after obtaining M.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore in 1992, and B.Eng. in Applied Mechanics from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics of China in 1987. Since 1996, he has been with the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University, where he was promoted to the rank of Professor in 2007. He was also honored as a Kuang-piu Professor in 2005, a Changjiang Chair Professor at Zhejiang University by the Ministry of Education of China in 2010.
Dr. Yao received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award by National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1998 and a Joint Research Fund for Outstanding Overseas Chinese Young Scholars from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2005. His research interests include the design and control of intelligent high performance coordinated control of electro-mechanical/hydraulic systems, optimal adaptive and robust control, nonlinear observer design and neural networks for virtual sensing, modeling, fault detection, diagnostics, and adaptive fault-tolerant control, and data fusion. He has published significantly on the subjects with well over 300 technical papers while enjoying the application of the theory through industrial consulting. He is the recipient of the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper (Theory) Award from the American Automatic Control Council in 2004 and the Outstanding Young Investigator Award of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD) in 2007, the Best Conference Paper Awards on Mechatronics of ASME DSCD in 2012, and a winner of the 4th Nagamori Awards by Nagamori Foundation, Kyoto, Japan, in 2018.
Dr. Yao is a Fellow of ASME and a senior member of IEEE and has chaired numerous sessions and served in a number of International Program Committee of various IEEE, ASME, and IFAC conferences including the General Chair of the 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics and the International Program Committee Chair of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems in 2013. From 2000 to 2002, he was the Chair of the Adaptive and Optimal Control Panel and, from 2001 to 2003, the Chair of the Fluid Control Panel of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD). He was the founding member to the ASME DSCD Mechatronics Technical Committee in 2005 and served in various roles including TC Chair. He was a Technical Editor of the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics from 2001 to 2005 and Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control from 2006 to 2009. Additional details are referred to https://engineering.purdue.edu/~byao.
: Simultaneous achievement of high control performance and energy efficiency of electro-hydraulic systems via parallel connection of pump and valve control units Download
Massimiliano Ruggeri (Italian Research Council)
How mixing Hydraulics and New Sensors can win more challenges than expected
Sensors are playing a more relevant role in Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic applications. More performing controls, need for diagnostics, prognostics and efficient use of systems, ask for sensors integration in components and systems. Also "smart components" are one of the new frontiers for more compact and efficient architectures in Hydraulics. On the other hand sensors are costly and also the installation and connection is a cost that, in many application, isn't compatible with the target. In recent years MEMS sensors are offering a wide choice of possible sensorization solutions, year by year increasing reliability and options for sensorisation solutions. The presentation deals on a special sensor designed and made in National Research Council in Italy. called DETF (Dual Ended Twin Force), which offers more than one connection and sensing solution in the hydraulic applications field. The sensor is a strain sensor with very high sensitivity, and the presentation will show how to successfully apply it to hydraulic components, acquiring internal pressure, gear teeth diagnosis in gear pumps, and how to create a flow sensor with very low pressure drop. The same sensor can be applied and tuned for different purposes and could represent an enhancement in hydraulic components sensorisation.
Massimiliano Ruggeri, PhD in Management Engineering, MSC in Electronic Engineering in Italy. Researcher at National research Council of Italy since 2001, previously employed in FCA Group. Vice president of Italian IEC, Contract professor for Microprocessor Systems and Computer Architecture courses at Engineering Department of Ferrara University in Italy. Research interests are in electro-hydraulic applications, sensors and actuators, mechatronics, Functional Safety and its applications in machines, hybrid and electric systems, automated machines and mobile robotics. Author of more than 100 papers in the field of electro-hydraulic applications for heavy-duty and Agricultural vehicles.
: How mixing Hydraulics and New Sensors can win more challenges than expected
10 AM – 10:45 AM –
Kyle Merrill (Parker Hannifin)
How Industry and University Collaboration Can Lead to a Robust and Reliable Product
As the fluid power industry strives to follow design for six sigma principles to provide robust and reliable components and products, a solid understanding of the underlying physics of the product is required. The advantages of utilizing the understanding obtained through the work done at Universities and incorporating this in design for six sigma principles will be shown. An industry and University collaboration project will be presented to show the increased understanding of the physics of operation of a gerotor orbit motor.
Kyle Merrill received a PhD from Purdue University in 2012 with an emphasis in Fluid Power. He has worked in research and development for Parker Hannifin for more than 13 years, supporting the development of products at three different divisions. His experience is in piston pump design, electro-hydraulic control of pumps and motors, hydraulic hybrid design, and gerotor orbit motor design.
: How Industry and University Collaboration Can Lead to a Robust and Reliable Product
Germano Franzoni (Parker Hannifin)
Prospective on Systems Engineering and Electrification in Fluid Power
The current state of the art of Hydraulic Systems design is presented through some actual examples. These focus on the combination of electronic controls with traditional hydraulics, experimental test and simulation used to support machine design. Finally, an overview on electrification of mobile equipment is given, presenting the solutions that Parker Hannifin is currently developing for specific equipment.
Germano Franzoni holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Parma, Italy. During his international studies he worked with Monika Ivantysynova at the Maha Research Center. He has been employed since 2007 in the Mobile Systems Engineering team at Parker Hannifin where he covered several responsibilities pertaining System Design, R&D and Global Business Development for specific markets.
: Prospective on Systems Engineering and Electrification in Fluid Power Download
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM - Break |
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM - DOE projects |
Andrea Vacca (Maha)
Individual Electro-Hydraulic Drives for Off-Road Vehicles
This presentation summarizes the first period of activities performed within the project “Individual Electro-Hydraulic Drives for Off-Road Vehicles” supported by the US Dept of Energy, which has as team members the Maha Fluid Power Research Center, Dr. Sudhoff’s team at Purdue Electrical and Computer Engineering , Bosch Rexroth and Case New Holland. The project focuses on the study and the design of novel electro-hydraulic-actuators suitable for off-road applications. Elements of novelty are represented by the design of a four-quadrant electro-hydraulic machine, which combines a permanent magnet electric machine with a positive displacement hydraulic gear machine, as well as the hydraulic circuit that performs the hydraulic actuation. The design of the four quadrant electro-hydraulic machine optimizes performance in terms of efficiency and power density. The reference off-road vehicle is a compact wheel loader, and a commercial unit representative of the current state of the art was instrumented to measure the energy efficiency of the hydraulic actuation system which normally implements an open center hydraulic control architecture. Experiments were performed also to determine representative drive cycles and to validate a simulation model of the hydraulic system implemented within this research. The simulation model allowed estimating the benefit of the proposed technology, which allows reaching increases in energy efficiency of the hydraulic system up to 70%, depending on the drive cycle.
Dr. Vacca is Professor of Fluid Power System at Purdue University, with a joint appointment between the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and the School of Mechanical Engineering. He currently leads the Maha Fluid Power Research Center established in 2004 by Prof. Monika Ivantysynova.
Dr. Vacca completed his studies in Italy (Ph.D. from the University of Florence in 2005) and he joined Purdue in 2010 after being an Assistant Professor of Fluid Machinery at the University of Parma (Italy). Fluid power technology has been Dr. Vacca's major research interest since 2002. Goals of his research are the improvement of energy efficiency and controllability of fluid power systems and the reduction of noise emissions of fluid power components. To accomplish these goals, his research team has developed original numerical and experimental techniques for hydraulic systems and components. Prof. Vacca's interests also include the modeling of the properties of hydraulic fluids, with focus to the effects of aeration and cavitation, as well as the use of low viscous fluids (such as water) in fluid power systems.
Dr. Vacca is the author of more than 100 papers, most of them published in international journals or conferences. He is also very active in the fluid power research community. He is a faculty member of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP), co-chair of Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division (FPST) of ASME, and a former chair of the SAE Fluid Power division. Dr. Vacca is also Treasurer and Secretary of the Board of the Global Fluid Power Society (GFPS). Furthermore, he is also Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Fluid Power and Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Energies "Energy Efficiency and Controllability of Fluid Power Systems."
: Individual Electro-Hydraulic Drives for Off-Road Vehicles
James Van de Ven (U of Minnesota)
Efficient, Compact, and Smooth Variable Propulsion Motor
Low speed high torque (LSHT) motors are used to propel a variety of off-highway vehicles. A variable displacement traction motor is desirable for several reasons, including enabling hybridization, increasing ground speed, and the ability to downsize the pump. Existing variable LSHT motors are either discretely variable or high-speed motors with a planetary gearbox. The Variable Displacement Linkage Motor (VDLM) is a LSHT motor that is continuously variable and can reach zero displacement. The VDLM offers several benefits over current LSHT motors in that it is highly efficiency over its operating range, has low torque ripple, and is displacement dense due to its multi-lobed cam and radial packaging. This talk will present a comprehensive dynamic model of the VDLM that captures the mechanism kinematics and kinetics, friction in the bearings and piston-cylinder interface, and pressure dynamics in the cylinders as a function of valve timing and piston trajectory. This model has been implemented in an automated motor design routine for rapid exploration of the solution space. An example multi-objective optimization of the motor parameters is presented for a specific application.
: Efficient, Compact, and Smooth Variable Propulsion Motor Download
Perry Li (U of Minnesota)
Hybrid Hydraulic-Electric Architecture for Off-Road Mobile Machines
Two recent trends in off-road mobile machines are improving energy efficiency and electrification. This presentation will describe a current DOE-funded project in which these two trends are merged. Specifically, the project is studying a system architecture in which hydraulic actuation and electric actuation are combined in an opportune way so as to simultaneously achieve efficiency improvement and control performance while keeping the electrical motor and drives small enough to be affordable.
Perry Y. Li is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1995. He joined the University of Minnesota in 1997 and served as the Deputy Director for the CCEFP from 2006-2013. His research interests are in control and design of mechatronic and fluid power systems, including on- and off-road hydraulic hybrid powertrains, compressed air energy systems, wave energy, human interactive robots, underwater vehicles, hydraulic transformers, and hydraulic components and systems that utilize on/off valves for control.
: Hybrid Hydraulic-Electric Architecture for Off-Road Mobile Machines
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM - Lunch |
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM –
Prof Jurgen Weber (Dresden U. of Technology)
A 20 Years Research Journey in Fluid Power along with Deep Respect and Friendship with Monika
soon to appear
: A 20 Years Research Journey in Fluid Power along with Deep Respect and Friendship with Monika 
2:15 PM – 3:35 PM - Energy Conversion and Storage |
Perry Li (U of Minnesota)
Liquid Piston Gas Compressor/Expander for Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and CO2 Sequestration
This project is developing a high pressure, high-efficiency gas compressor/expander for applications such as grid scaled, long duration, compressed air energy storage (CAES) and for carbon dioxide sequestration. The compressor/expander overcomes the intrinsic tradeoff between efficiency and power in high-pressure gas compression/expansion with the use of a liquid piston and an augmented heat transfer medium. The design process towards a cost-optimized prototype will be presented.
Perry Y. Li is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1995. He joined the University of Minnesota in 1997 and served as the Deputy Director for the CCEFP from 2006-2013. His research interests are in control and design of mechatronic and fluid power systems, including on- and off-road hydraulic hybrid powertrains, compressed air energy systems, wave energy, human interactive robots, underwater vehicles, hydraulic transformers, and hydraulic components and systems that utilize on/off valves for control.
: Liquid Piston Gas Compressor/Expander for Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and CO2 Sequestration Download
Biswaranjan Mohanty, Kim Stelson (U of Minnesota)
Enhancing energy capture in wind turbines using a hydrostatic transmission and dynamic pitching
Efforts have been made to improve energy capture of wind turbines. Conventional wind turbines use heavy, multi-stage fixed-ratio gearboxes and doubly fed induction generators. Unlike a fixed-ratio gearbox, a hydrostatic transmission (HST) is a variable-ratio transmission allowing the generator to run at rated speed regardless of wind speed. HST drivetrains are lighter, cheaper, and reliable and eliminate power electronics. A novel power regenerative research platform has been developed to validate the performance of an HST for wind turbine. Results from the test bed will be presented. Studies show that dynamic pitching under specific conditions can almost double the maximum lift on airfoils. Integrating a dynamic pitching control strategy with the traditional control in region 2, will potentially enhance energy harvesting.
Biswaranjan Mohanty is a PhD candidate in Kim Stelson’s research group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He is working on dynamics and control of hydrostatic transmissions for wind turbine application. His research interest include dynamic systems and control, mechatronics and fluid power. He received his M.S degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Minnesota, in 2019 and B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering from NIT- Rourkela, India in 2009. He worked as Design and Development Engineer at Tata-Hitachi Construction Equipment, India
: Enhancing energy capture in wind turbines using a hydrostatic transmission and dynamic pitching Download
Abhinav Tripathi, Zongxuan Sun (U of Minnesota)
Modeling and Optimization of Trajectory-Based HCCI Combustion
The authors have previously demonstrated that trajectory-based HCCI combustion control enabled by free piston engine can provide considerable improvement in the fuel economy and significant reduction in the emissions compared to conventional engines. In this work, using simulation results generated from a physics based thermo-kinetic combustion model and experimental data from the newly developed controlled trajectory rapid compression and expansion machine (CT-RCEM) at the University of Minnesota, a framework is presented to study the effect of piston trajectory on the power and efficiency of HCCI combustion and using it for combustion optimization. Using a high-speed electrohydraulic actuator driven by a high bandwidth controller, the CT-RCEM provides the unique ability of complete and precise control of the piston trajectory inside the combustion chamber. This combined with the ability to precisely set the initial and boundary conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.), as desired, a wide range of operating conditions such as different compression ratios, operating speeds, and different trajectories for same compression ratio and speed, can be experimentally explored using the CT-RCEM to further understand the dynamic relationship between the piston trajectory and HCCI combustion.
Abhinav Tripathi (Ph.D. student in Dr.Sun's research group)
received his B.Tech. degree from NIT –Warangal, India, in 2011 and M.S. degree from University of Minnesota – Twin Cities in 2017, in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota where he has been working on the development of the CT-RCEM since 2014. His research interests include dynamic systems and control, mechatronics, dynamics of combustion, and fluid power. He worked as an Operations and Maintenance Engineer (2011-2014) at Indian Oil Corporation, Rajkot, India
: Modeling and Optimization of Trajectory-Based HCCI Combustion Download
Eric Severson (U of Wisconsin)
Seamless Electric to Hydraulic Conversion
Current electric-to-hydraulic conversion systems use modularized components (electric motor, mechanical transmission, and piston pump), which include redundant bearings, interfaces, shafts, and seals. This inherently results in a system with a modest energy efficiency due to losses at each power conversion stage and large rotational inertia resulting in poor dynamic response. As an alternative, this study proposes the use of an integrated linear electric motor-piston pump to eliminate multiple energy conversions and redundant components. Two ends of the linear motor mover serve as pistons of a double acting pump. Check valves control the fluid flow from a low-pressure tank to the chambers and then to a high-pressure outlet. For the electric machine design, an axisymmetric permanent magnet linear motor topology is modeled and analyzed. A multi-objective optimization algorithm is linked to FEA models of the motor to investigate the optimal machine design. For the mechanical design, dynamic models of the mechanical and fluid mechanics were created and parameters were optimized. As the project progresses, our goal is to integrate these electric models with mechanical models to perform multi-physics optimization for use as a charge pump in a hydrostatic transmission and experimentally validate the models with a physical prototype system.
: Seamless Electric to Hydraulic Conversion Download
3:35 PM – 3:50 PM – Break |
3:50 PM – 4:30 PM - System Analysis |
Greg Shaver (Purdue)
HEV research on commercial vehicles
soon to appear
: HEV research on commercial vehicles Download
Xin Tian (Maha)
Analysis of the Power Distribution in the Hydraulic Circuit of a Mid-Size Agricultural Tractor
Agricultural tractors make a massive use of hydraulic control technology. Being fuel consumption a big concern in agricultural applications, tractors typically use the latest state-of-the-art technology to allow efficient fluid power actuations. Nevertheless, the quantification of the energy loss within the hydraulic system of such applications represents an important step to drive development of the current technology through cost-effective solutions. This presentation describes an analysis carried at the Maha Fluid Power Research center on the load sensing (LS) circuit of a New Holland T8 tractor taken as reference. A simulation model has been developed within the AMESim software with the aim of accurately predict the operation of the system including the energy flow from the hydraulic supply to the hydraulic users. Within the research, experimental tests on the reference tractor were designed and executed to allow the model validation. The comparison between the experimental results and the simulation data shows the validity of the model. Furthermore, the model allows highlighting the energy losses in the different components of the system as well as identifying the most favorable operating conditions of the system with respect to energy efficiency. The model can be used in support of future research aimed at formulating more efficient solution for the hydraulic circuit of agricultural tractors.
Xin Tian, born in November, 1994 in China, joined Maha fluid power lab as a direct PhD in 2017 Fall after receiving her bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her work has been focused on simulation, modeling and control of hydraulic systems.
: Analysis of the Power Distribution in the Hydraulic Circuit of a Mid-Size Agricultural Tractor Download
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM - Transfer to Maha
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM - Maha Lab Tour |
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM - CCEFP IAB meeting |
6:30 PM – 9 PM – Gala Dinner - Maha Fluid Power Research Center
(Donors supporting Purdue Initiatives in memory of Monika Ivantysynova will be recognized)
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