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2018 College of Engineering Giving Report
The Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale

Satisfied with nothing less than the pinnacle, we always aim higher.

As the largest engineering college among the top 10 in the nation, we will conquer the challenges of scale and seize opportunities enabled by scale.

At Purdue Engineering, we will:

Move fast.

Encourage nimble innovation by faculty, staff and students. Treat permanent changes and experimental pilots differently. Provide “oxygen” to make mistakes.

Maximize productivity and collaboration.

Reduce barriers and bureaucracy that hinder faculty/staff excellence or “1+1=3” in “constellation of stars.”

Operationalize “Think Impact.”

Re-optimize financial and physical resources and update processes to maximize impact, which comes in different forms but is about the differences made to the discipline or society.

Grow from our strength.

Pursue research excellence and impact relentlessly. Take it from “strong” to “the best” in key areas by attracting and supporting top talent.

Everyone moves upward.

Foster an equitable and incentivizing environment, where everyone, from diverse backgrounds and ideas, is included and inspired to achieve each individual’s full potential.

Leave no good deed unknown.

Intensify communication, with pride and passion, to alumni, peers and partners, from the Heartland to the hemispheres.


Fall 2018


Dean's Message

Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale

Dean Mung Chiang: On a Global Listening Tour

Giant Leaps in Engineering, Discovery Park District

The College of Engineering Makes Its Mark

Neil Armstrong: Inspiration Cast in Bronze

Our Gratitude for a Stellar Year


2018 Distinguished Engineering Alumni/Alumnae

Investments in Infrastructure
Expansions and improvements to teaching and learning spaces, laboratories, offices

Elevating Student Experience
Scholarships, student opportunities, diversity programs, student clubs

Dedicated to the Cause
Fundraising, event hosting, activity planning, advisory boards, networking with alumni

Funding Research
Laboratory infrastructure and equipment, project startup funds, graduate student support

Flexible Gifts
Administrative funds, student travel and networking, unexpected opportunities

Fueling Faculty
Rewarding, retaining, recruiting faculty and promoting diversity in engineering

Engage with Us


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