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2018 College of Engineering Giving Report

The Distinguished Engineering Alumni/Alumnae Award is presented to men and women who have distinguished themselves in any field in ways that reflect favorably on Purdue University, the engineering profession or society in general. The distinction of DEA has been bestowed upon 540 outstanding individuals.

Gerald Lyles

Gerald Lyles, BSCE '64, MSIA '71, Senior Vice President, Lyles Diversified Inc., President, Lyles United LLC
Gerald Lyles, BSCE ’64, MSIA ’71, Senior Vice President, Lyles Diversified Inc., President, Lyles United LLC

Gerald Lyles comes from a long line of Boilermakers. Naturally, he wanted to be a Boilermaker, too. As an undergraduate in civil engineering, he may not have anticipated that Purdue’s School of Civil Engineering would one day bear his family’s surname.

Lyles earned a degree in civil engineering from Purdue, then returned to add an MBA in industrial administration from the Krannert School of Management. “The blend of these two avenues of education has provided me with a great career,” he says. Indeed, those two decisions positioned him for success in the pipeline, utility, concrete and mechanical construction firm that was started in 1945 by his parents, William Jr. and Elizabeth Lyles.

The Lyles family is a longtime financial supporter of Purdue. In 2014, the Lyles family foundation made a significant gift to Purdue’s civil engineering school, which was renamed the Lyles School of Civil Engineering.

“Those with a Purdue engineering education are widely respected throughout the nation and the world,” he says. “This has helped to give me a foundation to move forward with other professionals, knowing I could hold my own in discussions and decision-making.”


Fall 2018


Dean's Message

Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale

Dean Mung Chiang: On a Global Listening Tour

Giant Leaps in Engineering, Discovery Park District

The College of Engineering Makes Its Mark

Neil Armstrong: Inspiration Cast in Bronze

Our Gratitude for a Stellar Year


2018 Distinguished Engineering Alumni/Alumnae

Investments in Infrastructure
Expansions and improvements to teaching and learning spaces, laboratories, offices

Elevating Student Experience
Scholarships, student opportunities, diversity programs, student clubs

Dedicated to the Cause
Fundraising, event hosting, activity planning, advisory boards, networking with alumni

Funding Research
Laboratory infrastructure and equipment, project startup funds, graduate student support

Flexible Gifts
Administrative funds, student travel and networking, unexpected opportunities

Fueling Faculty
Rewarding, retaining, recruiting faculty and promoting diversity in engineering

Engage with Us


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