Hi Everyone,
Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization is now accepting nominations for President, Treasurer, Academic Chair, Social Chair, Publicity and Outreach Chair on the IEGSO Executive Board for 2023 School Year.
How to Join:
1. Become a member by Joining the member using the link.
2. Learn more about our boards and board positions here.
3. Spring 2023 board member applications are open until Thursday, December 15, 2022. Fill out the board position application using the following link https://forms.gle/VnnMWzoEjk6EyC5t6
4. We will notify you if you have been selected for an interview. Interviews will take place on Dec 16th 2022.
5. After your interview, we will notify you if you have been selected for a position on the board. Spring 2023 position notifications will be sent no later than Monday, Dec 19, 2022.