ICON Seminar in Robotics: Prof. Lionel P. Robert Jr. (Michigan)

Event Date: November 19, 2021
Speaker: Prof. Lionel P. Robert Jr.
Speaker Affiliation: University of Michigan
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Location: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/99729749579?pwd=RFZ2YW9ncy9jUHJIWTdYL3VvVVlXZz09
Priority: No
School or Program: College of Engineering
College Calendar: Show
Title: "Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes"

ICON Seminar Series on Human-Autonomy Interaction

Zoom link: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/99729749579?pwd=RFZ2YW9ncy9jUHJIWTdYL3VvVVlXZz09

"Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes"


Robot teammates like human teammates make mistakes that undermine trust. Yet, trust is vital to promoting human and robot collaboration. Therefore, it is critical to understand how human trust in robots can be repaired. To address this, two studies were conducted. In the first study, 240 participants were recruited to assess the overall effectiveness of four robot trust repair strategies: promises, explanations, denials and apologies. In the online study, the robot and participant worked in a warehouse to pick and load 10 boxes onto a delivery truck. The robot made 3 mistakes over the course of the task and employed one of the four repair strategies after each mistake. Participants were asked to rate the robot's ability, integrity and benevolence at the end of the task to determine the effectiveness of each repair strategy. In the second study, 100 participants were recruited to assess the same four robot trust repair strategies: promises, explanations, denials or apologies. However, participants were asked to rate their trust in the robot before the robot made the mistake and after trust repair strategies were employed. This was done after each of the three mistakes to determine if a particular trust repair strategy was more or less effective after the first, second or third mistake. Taken together, both studies contribute to the literature on human-robot trust repair.   


Lionel P. Robert Jr. is an Associate Professor in the University of Michigan School of Information and core faculty at the University of Michigan Robotics Institute. His research focuses broadly on collective action through technology and human collaboration with autonomous systems. He is the director of the Michigan Autonomous Vehicle Research Intergroup Collaboration (MAVRIC), an affiliate of the Center for Hybrid Intelligence Systems and the National Center for Institutional Diversity all at the University of Michigan and the Center for Computer-Mediated Communication at Indiana University. He is currently on the editorial board of Management Information Systems Quarterly, the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Social Computing, the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy and a founding editorial member of Collective Intelligence. Dr. Robert has also been on conference program committees for ICIS, CSCW, CHI, HRI, and AAAI. His research has been sponsored by the U.S. Army, Toyota Research Institute, MCity, Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, AAA Foundation and the National Science Foundation. He has appeared in print, radio and/or television for such outlets as ABC, CNN, CNBC, Michigan Radio, Inc., Washington Examiner, Detroit News, Yahoo News, New York Times and the Associated Press.



2021-11-19 14:00:00 2021-11-19 15:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis ICON Seminar in Robotics: Prof. Lionel P. Robert Jr. (Michigan) Title: "Trust Repair in Human-Robot Teams: 4 Ways to Forgive Robot for Past Mistakes" https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/99729749579?pwd=RFZ2YW9ncy9jUHJIWTdYL3VvVVlXZz09