Four ICON faculty receive NSF CAREER awards: Prof. Christopher Brinton (ECE), Prof. Harsha Honnappa (IE), Prof. Neera Jain (ME), Prof. Xiaoqian "Joy" Wang (ECE)

Congratulations to Prof. Chris Brinton (ECE), Prof. Harsha Honnappa (IE), Prof. Neera Jain (ME), and Prof. Joy Wang for receiving NSF CAREER awards in 2022.  The CAREER is one of NSF's most prestigious awards for junior faculty, and is intended to support an integrated program of research and education that establishes a foundation for  academic careers.  Read more about their awards below.

Prof. Christopher Brinton: "From Federated to Fog Learning: Expanding the Frontier of Model Training in Heterogeneous Networks.”  Article

Prof. Harsha Honnappa: "Towards a Data-Driven Service Engineering Methodology."  Article

Prof. Neera Jain: "Enabling Human-Aware and Responsive Automation through Cognitive State Modeling and Estimation.Article

Prof. Xiaoqian "Joy" Wang: "Advancing Fair Data Mining via New Robust and Explainable Algorithms and Human-Centered Approaches." Article