ICON student Trevor Bird (ME) wins Student Best Paper Award at the 2022 American Control Conference, Lei Xin (ECE) selected as finalist

ICON student Trevor Bird (Mechanical Engineering) has won the Student Best Paper Award at the 2022 American Control Conference for his paper "Set-Based Reachability and the Explicit Solution of Linear MPC using Hybrid Zonotopes".  His co-authors are Neera Jain (advisor, ME), Herschel Pangborn and Justin Koeln.

ICON student Lei Xin (Electrical and Computer Engineering) was selected as a finalist for the award for his paper "Identifying the Dynamics of a System by Leveraging Data from Similar Systems."  His co-authors are Lintao Ye, George T.-C. Chiu (co-advisor, ME), Shreyas Sundaram (co-advisor, ECE).

Congratulations to Trevor and Lei for being two of the five finalists for the Student Best Paper Award at the 2022 American Control Conference!