Laser Combustion Diagnostics


Laser Schematic
Schematic of the 5 kHz OF-PLIF laser system (Click to enlarge).
  • Research focused on improving the understanding of chemical kinetics and transport processes in hypergolic propellant combustion.
  • Application of advanced diagnostics in chemical kinetics, ignition, and flame spread experiments.
    • 5 kHz OH PLIF system to measure 2-D relative OH radical concentration during propellant combustion.
    • 3-D OH PLIF system to allow for OH radical measurement during transient three dimensional combustion events.



    2.0 W, 5 kHz OH PLIF with 100 μm resolution
  • Application to hypergolic liquid/gel droplet combustion and impinging jet experiment
  • 500 Hz galvo mirror to sweep the laser sheet and gather 3-D OH PLIF data
  • 3-D flame structure can be acquired at 1 ms time resolution
3D PLIF schematic
Schematic of 3D OH-PLIF system operation.



Droplet jetting image sequence
Jetting event of 6 wt.% HPC / MMH gel droplet in air at 1 atm, 400 μs interval between frames (Click to enlarge).
  • Comparison of experimental OH radical profile data to computational droplet combustion results.
  • First observation of local quenching due to jetting event in gelled droplet combustion.
  • Characterization of jet interaction with flame front and measurement of jet speed and angle.
  • Visualization of complex transient 3-D combustion events in a single plane at 5 kHz allowing for observation of previously distorted combustion events (droplet jetting, flame front disruption, etc.)



  Description: 2-D OH_PLIF showing various jetting event occurring during the   combustion of a droplet of MMH gelled with hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) in air.

  Year: 2011 Sponsor: MURI

  Description:Iso-surface of OH signal reconstructed from 3-D OH-PLIF of a   jetting event occurring during the combustion of a methanol droplet gelled with   hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) in air.

  Year: 2012 Sponsor: MURI

  Description: 3D OH-PLIF of an experiment performed on the impinging jet   apparatus with 90% hydrogen peroxide and a hypergolic hydrocarbon fuel. A   high speed video of combustion is shown on the left with the OH-PLIF images   shown moving through the combustion region on the right.

  Year: 2013 Sponsor: MURI



Dr. Robert Lucht, Purdue University
Dr. Steven Son, Purdue University


Kevin Cho, Ph.D. (Graduated)
