Schematic of the 5 kHz OF-PLIF laser system (Click to enlarge).
Research focused on improving the understanding of chemical kinetics and transport processes in hypergolic propellant combustion.
Application of advanced diagnostics in chemical kinetics, ignition, and flame spread experiments.
5 kHz OH PLIF system to measure 2-D relative OH radical concentration during propellant combustion.
3-D OH PLIF system to allow for OH radical measurement during transient three dimensional combustion events.
2.0 W, 5 kHz OH PLIF with 100 μm resolution
Application to hypergolic liquid/gel droplet combustion and impinging jet experiment
500 Hz galvo mirror to sweep the laser sheet and gather 3-D OH PLIF data
3-D flame structure can be acquired at 1 ms time resolution
Schematic of 3D OH-PLIF system operation.
Jetting event of 6 wt.% HPC / MMH gel droplet in air at 1 atm, 400 μs interval between frames (Click to enlarge).
Comparison of experimental OH radical profile data to computational droplet combustion results.
First observation of local quenching due to jetting event in gelled droplet combustion.
Characterization of jet interaction with flame front and measurement of jet speed and angle.
Visualization of complex transient 3-D combustion events in a single plane at 5 kHz allowing for observation of previously distorted combustion events (droplet jetting, flame front disruption, etc.)
Description: 2-D OH_PLIF showing various jetting event occurring during the combustion of a droplet of MMH gelled with hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) in air.
Year: 2011
Sponsor: MURI
Description:Iso-surface of OH signal reconstructed from 3-D OH-PLIF of a jetting event occurring during the combustion of a methanol droplet gelled with hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) in air.
Year: 2012
Sponsor: MURI
Description: 3D OH-PLIF of an experiment performed on the impinging jet apparatus with 90% hydrogen peroxide and a hypergolic hydrocarbon fuel. A high speed video of combustion is shown on the left with the OH-PLIF images shown moving through the combustion region on the right.