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Single 'Solitons' Promising for Optical Technologies
Researchers are a step closer to harnessing single pulses of light called solitons, using tiny ring-shaped microresonators, in findings that could aid efforts to develop advanced sensors, high-speed optical communications and research tools.

Purdue Mechanical Engineering alumnus builds business around family, strong work ethic and philanthropy.

Basketball player expects to score on the court and become a successful architectural engineer.

A Purdue University student startup that provides musical backtracks for practice was accepted to compete in Student Startup Madness, a national digital media business pitch competition.

Purdue University will lead a new national center to develop brain-inspired computing for intelligent autonomous systems such as drones and personal robots capable of operating without human intervention.

David Kish will oversee operations, maintenance and functioning of the new Engineering Flex Lab facilities with an overarching emphasis on safety.

Three Purdue University faculty members in the College of Engineering won 2017 Faculty Early Career Development awards from the National Science Foundation, one of the most prestigious NSF honors for outstanding young researchers.