[vip-help] Need registration approval from current senior design memeber.

Zoltowski, Carla B cbz at purdue.edu
Mon Dec 4 11:57:24 EST 2023

Yes, we approve this conflict.  Please let us know if you need more (or need us to approve in the system).

Carla B. Zoltowski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Engineering Practice
Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program<https://engineering.purdue.edu/VIP>
Purdue University
Office: ARMS 1217; Phone: 765-494-2382; Email: cbz at purdue.edu<mailto:cbz at purdue.edu>

From: vip-help <vip-help-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu> On Behalf Of Kyung Min Ko
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 11:41 AM
To: vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: [vip-help] Need registration approval from current senior design memeber.

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I am currently working in your VIP IPA team as a senior design member. I am trying to register it for my next semester, which is my last semester, but there is some issue with registration due to overlapping schedule with other course with 10 min. I need to take this for my graduation, so I asked for approval to another professor. I still need the approval from you. I will get out of class early, so I will be on time for lab meeting, so there won't be any problem with lab meeting.  Could you please approve this request? You only need to reply to this email, so I can cc to my advisor for approval.

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