msepostdoc-list FW: MSE Software available on AppsAnywhere

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Wed Feb 8 14:12:57 EST 2023

Forwarding on behalf of Prof. Titus:

Lisa Stacey
Lead Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204


Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty,

ECN has launched a new portal for accessing MSE-related software directly on your computer - without the need to use VPN. You can access software at:

Relevant software for MSE includes:

  *   Ansys
  *   Anaconda/Python
  *   Autodesk
  *   Catia
  *   Granta-EduPack
  *   Inventor
  *   Mathematica
  *   Matlab
  *   Origin
  *   RStudio
  *   Solidworks
  *   Thermo-Calc

Note that this software is generally available to both Windows and Mac users, but macOS Ventura support is currently limited.

If you have technical questions about launching the software, please contact ECN at:

Michael S. Titus
Assistant Professor of Materials Engineering
Purdue University
701 West Stadium Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
phone: +1-765-494-9215
fax: +1-765-494-1204

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