msepostdoc-list FW: [Gradcontacts] Mentoring Training Opportunities for Faculty and Postdocs

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Tue Feb 7 15:16:03 EST 2023

From: gradcontacts-bounces at <gradcontacts-bounces at> On Behalf Of Ruiz, Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 2:14 PM
To: gradcontacts at
Subject: [Gradcontacts] Mentoring Training Opportunities for Faculty and Postdocs

Good Afternoon, Grad Contacts!

Please share this information with faculty and postdocs in your area.

As part of the Graduate School's Mentoring Improvement Initiative<>, the Office of Professional Development is collaborating with Dr. Vicki Kennell, the Writing Lab's Associate Director for Graduate and Multilingual Education to bring mentorship training opportunities to Purdue faculty and postdocs. You can learn more about the upcoming mentoring workshops below.

Mentoring Graduate Writers | February 15 | 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Zoom<>

A good deal of research indicates that mentoring graduate students on their writing is fraught with problems. This initial workshop will share a range of best practices around mentoring and writing in the disciplines, with the hope of making mentoring graduate writers more empowered, effective, and sustainable. Participants will learn strategies for sound response and receive materials to take away and study. This event is an interactive hands-on workshop.  Please be prepared to post thoughts in the chat, participate in breakout room activities and discussions, and share questions you may have. The interactive portion will primarily use a Google Docs handout that you can download a copy to use for the activity.  It is strongly suggested to plan to use a computer set-up with a monitor larger than a laptop screen, if possible. This workshop is for faculty and postdocs only.

Mentoring and the Dissertation Process | February 23 | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Zoom<>

Among the most consequential documents that writers produce in graduate school is the dissertation. Strong mentoring at specific critical junctures in the dissertation process can strengthen both the document itself and graduate students' abilities to later support their graduate students. Unfortunately, most faculty receive little to no training about the writing instruction central to the dissertation process, from invention to final deposit. Instead, they rely upon their own experiences in producing a doctoral thesis, which might have been problematic and trauma-producing or wonderful yet still mystifying. This workshop incorporates current research on graduate student writing and builds on insights about graduate student struggles that the Writing Lab gains through working with dissertation writers. Faculty will be offered actionable strategies for helping dissertation writers be more effective. The workshop also will offer faculty mentors guidance on when and how to direct their students to the Writing Lab for intensive and ongoing support. This event is an interactive hands-on workshop. Please be prepared to post thoughts in the chat, participate in breakout room activities and discussions, and share questions you may have.  The interactive portion will primarily use a Google Docs handout that you can download a copy to use for the activity. It is strongly suggested to plan to use a computer set-up with a monitor larger than a laptop screen, if possible. This workshop is for faculty and postdocs only.

Please Note: You must have a GoSignMeUp account to register for these free workshops. Step-by-step instructions for creating this account are attached. If you have any questions, please email profdev at<mailto:profdev at>.

Thank you!

Andrea Ruiz
Communications Specialist
The Graduate School

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