[MSE-XRD-Admin] Fwd: FW: Coral account request from fabio at purdue.edu

Anuj Verma verma4 at purdue.edu
Thu Dec 5 12:29:47 EST 2013

 This is a third reminder for setting up a time for XRD training. I have a
few zeolite powder samples which I can get for the training. I would be
grateful if I can be trained on the XRD unit in Armstrong. My boss has
already setup a coral account and I have cleared the radiation safety exam.
 If I do not get a response on this email by tomorrow morning, I will be
forced to talk to the PI of the X-Ray facility at Armstrong. I sent my
first email on November 21. In that email I expressed my desire to get
trained on the XRD unit, but I got no response. Yesterday, I had sent a
second reminder. I believe that I followed all the instructions on the
website (

Jameson: I included you on this email based on the recommendation of one of
my colleagues who got trained on that XRD.

Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fabio H. Ribeiro <fabio at purdue.edu>
Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 8:59 AM
Subject: FW: Coral account request from fabio at purdue.edu
To: Anuj Verma <verma4 at purdue.edu>

From: "Whisler, Natosha B" <nwhisle at purdue.edu>
To: "'fabio at purdue.edu'" <fabio at purdue.edu>
CC: "Steele, Collin W" <cwsteele at purdue.edu>,
        "Totten, Mary J"
         <tottenm at purdue.edu>
Subject: FW: Coral account request from fabio at purdue.edu
Thread-Topic: Coral account request from fabio at purdue.edu
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 Hi Fabio,

Here is the original request that I received on November 21st. I sent the
completion about an hour later. I just double checked in coral and Verma4
is set up for that project  that I created. Please let me know if you have
any questions, or if the user is still unable to log in.

Natosha Whisler
nwhisle at purdue.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Whisler, Natosha B
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:34 AM
To: 'coral at ecn.purdue.edu'
Subject: RE: Coral account request from fabio at purdue.edu

This is complete

Natosha Whisler
nwhisle at purdue.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: fabio at purdue.edu [ mailto:fabio at purdue.edu <fabio at purdue.edu>]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 7:40 AM
To: coral at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: Coral account request from fabio at purdue.edu

Requested By: fabio.h.ribeiro.1
Faculty Member: Fabio H. Ribeiro
Faculty Email: fabio at purdue.edu
Faculty Alias: fabio
Faculty Department: Chemical Engineering


            Fund: 41010000
           Order: 8000057749
 Business Office: 8000057749
      Expiration: June 2016
       Validated: {'SponsoredProgramTitle': u'Ribeiro - 54% F&A',
u'ErrorMessage': u'Cost center PUR/8000057749 does not exist',
'FundingAgency': u'National Science Foundation', 'OrderNUmber': None,
'FundNumber': u'41010000', u'OrderNumber': u'008000057749', 'IsValid':
u'N', 'GrantTitle': u'NSF/DOE Advanced Combustion Engines:  Collaborative
Research:  GOALI: Understanding NOx SCR Mechanism and Activity on
Cu/Chabazite Structures througho', 'CoPiInfo': {u'MiddleName': u'H',
u'LastName': u'Ribeiro', u'Puid': u'0014918249', u'FirstName': u'Fabio'},
'PiInfo': {u'MiddleName': u'H', u'LastName': u'Ribeiro', u'Puid':
u'0014918249', u'FirstName': u'Fabio'}, 'User': {u'FirstName': u'Fabio',
u'MiddleName': u'H', u'LastName': u'Ribeiro', u'ErrorMessage': u'Cannot
charge to order.', u'Puid': u'14918249', u'Covered': u'F'}, 'FundCenter':
u'8000057749', u'GrantNumber': u'00000000000000106760'}


      Student Name: verma4
  Allowed Accounts: 8000057749
  Replace Accounts: No

 Fabio H. Ribeiro
R. Norris and Eleanor Shreve Professor of Chemical Engineering
Editor, Journal of Catalysis

School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering, Room 2158
480 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100
Tel.: (765) 494-7799
Fax: (765) 494-0805

E-mail: fabio at purdue.edu
World Wide Web: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE/People/ptProfile?id=24918
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97bV3F6jaf0

Anuj Verma,
PhD Candidate,
Catalysis Group.
School of Chemical Engineering,
Purdue University.
Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering
480 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100
ph. - 765 - 714 - 8811

email: anujverma1188 at gmail.com
         verma4 at purdue.edu
Website : https://sites.google.com/site/anujvermapurdue/home
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