EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Week 8

Reddy, Isha reddyi at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 11 20:26:02 EDT 2022


In-Person Design Review
Wednesday, October 12th, 6-7:50pm


Design Review Reminders
Design Review is tomorrow from 6:00-7:50 pm.
1. Everyone wear business casual whether you are presenting or not
2. Try to arrive earlier so we can start presenting at 6
3. DO NOT use your phones or laptops during Design Review

If you have any questions, please email me at reddyi at purdue.edu.
IDA Visit Sign Up Sheet
Here<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/EPICSF20-EWB/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3E6CED23-B81C-437C-B540-F4E2B6CEA551%7D&file=IDA_Purdue_visit_v2.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true&wdLOR=c3C7A405D-14A7-524D-8BBD-7A899F15BE19&cid=b96c22dd-90c7-4a56-a153-2803097c294e> is the sign up sheet for the upcoming IDA visit. You can sign up for as many meals and activities as you'd like!

Rwanda Fact!

60% of Rwanda's parliamentary seats are occupied by women, making it the first country to have the highest representation of women in power.

Our Sponsors

Special thanks to our current sponsors Lippert Components and Pratt & Whitney !


Click on their logos & check out their websites for more information about the companies, their causes, and career opportunities.

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