EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: IDA Visit Sign Ups

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 6 19:15:22 EDT 2022

Hi everyone!

Isaac and Emmanuel’s trip is coming up quickly! Their schedule is not completely finalized yet, but I would like to get you the current copy so you can mark things on your calendars.

Please use this excel sheet<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/EPICSF20-EWB/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3E6CED23-B81C-437C-B540-F4E2B6CEA551%7D&file=IDA_Purdue_visit_v2.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true&cid=24dd360f-1bd0-4c97-8ec2-3fe66f773eee> to sign up for meals and activities with IDA. If you are interested in having lunch or dinner with Isaac and Emmanuel, please add your name to the “Meal sign ups” tab. At this time, please limit yourself to two slots. We want everyone to get a fair chance to add their name. EPICS will provide passes to swipe into the dining halls for Isaac, Emmanuel, and students who do not have a meal plan.

If you are interested in any of the group activities, add your name in the “Activity sign ups” tab. The amount of people at these is unlimited, but I would like a rough number of who plans to attend so I know how many people to plan for / get food for.

Please do not edit the other tabs. This schedule is still being added to. If you have anything you would like to do with Isaac and Emmanuel, anyone you’d like to introduce them to, or any other ideas, please let me know. I’m excited for you all to meet them!

Lauren Sparber

Purdue University Civil Engineering 2023

Engineers Without Borders: Purdue  |  President
lsparber at purdue.edu  |  (630)360-7292

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