EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB Class Registration

Brooke Abigail Beliles bbeliles at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 9 21:21:02 EDT 2020

Hi all,

A couple of things, I know most people register beginning this week and continuing on through the next couple weeks so here’s some things to keep in mind, especially for those of you who it is your first or second time registering for EWB:

  *   Make sure you are registering!
     *   When you go into the scheduling assistant to register for your classes, pick our Wednesday 6-7:50 lab with professors S Khalifah and W Oakes
     *   You will have to request an override that will then have to be processed by Pam Brown, the one who does all the scheduling for EPICS
     *   I will be giving Pam a list in the next couple weeks with everyone’s name on it who says they will be returning
        *   This is why it is very important that you fill out the Returning Member Survey sent out by Hollie in the weekly email, if you have not already
        *   If you do not fill out the survey you will not receive the override
        *   You can find that survey here<https://purdue.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338&id=0770a825a7&e=e73f05fb40> as well
           *   New Members do NOT need to fill this out, Maggie will be doing her own internal survey and filling it out on your behalf, you will be able to register for the class however
  *   When registering, make sure you are registering for the correct course number
     *   This is when you initially get into the scheduling assistant and putting in your class numbers (ie CM 200)
     *   You will want to make sure you put in the EPCS (for the EPICS course) and then the corresponding number
        *   For the corresponding number you will want to put in what year you will be
           *   For sophomore: 2, junior: 3, senior: 4
        *   The number after will be 01 or 02 depending on the credit amount you want to take EPICS for
           *   01 corresponds to 1 credit hour, 02 corresponds to 2 credit hours
     *   For example, I am going to be a junior next fall taking EPICS for 1 credit hour so I would type EPCS 301 into the scheduling assistant for my correct course number
        *   From there you then will of course pick the EWB section
  *   New members that are planning on joining EWB next semester must register for EPICS as well

I know registering for EWB can be a confusing process, so please don’t hesitate to email with any questions or concerns, and make sure to CC Kaushik kmanchel at purdue.edu<mailto:kmanchel at purdue.edu> and Mike mmaclea at purdue.edu<mailto:mmaclea at purdue.edu> on those emails as well so we can help you with this!

Stay safe and healthy!

Brooke Beliles
Purdue University ’22 | Construction Management
EWB Purdue Chapter President
EPICS Ambassador
bbeliles at purdue.edu<mailto:bbeliles at purdue.edu> | 3177710527

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