EWB-Purdue Week 13 Lab PIGS

Hollie Irina Maccabee hmaccabe at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 8 15:48:35 EDT 2020

Hello Everyone,

Please find the links to lab PIGS and all meeting rooms for today attached below.

Week 13 PIGS <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vSGrWJFYpxXz2X1TJSQEHHQdGV1huX1ruxXmouyo0sg/edit#slide=id.g420176b2cd_0_0>
EWB Purdue Lab WebEx Links <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rXsiQQ4siA1y4YJ0a3_URtcVG0hly0M0wmAEyY8ayFM/edit>

See you all soon!

Best regards,

Hollie Maccabee
Chemical Engineering | Purdue University 2022
Engineers Without Borders | Vice President
hmaccabe at purdue.edu | (208) 280-8206

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